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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Greek Yogurt with Crystal lIght

    I love to add a sprinkle or two of Sugar Free Jello pudding mix (any flavor) to my plain greek yogurt. It turns it into a thicker consistency and makes it like a dessert yum! <BR><BR>I had not thought of crystal lite...will have to try it soon.
  2. M2G


    I did a blog post about this (and took pictures of how mine turned out) http://thisonebody.blogspot.com/2011/02/califlower-pizza-kitchen.html I have only made it one time because it is almost too veggie heavy for me, I do more Protein less veggies, but it really does help when you are craving pizza!
  3. M2G


    SO glad to hear that you are moving towards mushies, purees, etc. and it is wonderful that there is a possibility that you can go home and continue to rest and recover!! I keeping thinking about you and have been hoping that you will be released soon. I'm sure this has been horribly traumatic for you and your family. Hang in there and hopefully soon this will all be a distant memory.
  4. Our plan states at 6 weeks is when you can attempt protein bars. And they are to be more of the soft nature...not the hard crunchy kind. You probably didn't do any damage (unless you were uncomfortable, vomiting with blood, in pain, etc.) but I think I would wait before doing it again. Remember that the staple line needs time to heal properly.
  5. This is an interesting thread! I was headed down the band path when I first decided on WLS, and when I started learning about all the sliming, and PBing (productive burping...the band catch phrase for vomiting b/c they say it's not like 'normal' vomiting) I decided that the band was not for me. I *hate* to have food come up the wrong direction...I always have. So after researching and learning about the sleeve I decided there was less of a chance for food coming back up. I personally have not thrown up in any way at all since being sleeved (that includes the normally-vomit-inducing anethesia...I was given a patch behind my ear to reduce the risk...yay.) I did have one incident involving homemade mini-turkey meatballs when I planned on eating 4 and actually ate 5 and I *thought* I was going to have them all come back up but the feeling passed after about 20 minutes. It was uncomfortable, but I was relieved that my sleeve kept everything down. I think I was about 8 weeks out at that point. I just wanted to say that everyone is different and I'm glad we can all come here and share our experiences. I guess no one really knows how their new sleeve will handle a variety of food until you try it. If I was personally having an issue with vomiting often, I think I would probably make a chart of the type of food, how much, and when and also the drink is an interesting angle too, so I would probably chart that in there too, how much liquid, and how close to food I'm drinking, etc. and try to figure out ways to eliminate the vomit. But that is just me, because I *hate* to have things come back up. So I'm sure I would get anal about making sure it doesn't happen.
  6. M2G

    Please help me friends

    Personally the only thing I would take is rapid release tylenol, everything else should be cleared by your dr. first. Plus REST, and push the fluids ...I know that is so hard, but since you are only 12 days post-op, AND sick, you need to do whatever it takes to keep the fluids going all the time. You just don't want to be dehydrated. I just came down with a cold yesterday too. My girls have each had a turn so now I guess it's mine (I'm almost 6 months out though) and I honestly haven't taken anything either. We'll see how bad things get today/this weekend but so far no meds. Just suffering along...
  7. WOW!!! You look terrific, congratulations on your loss so far. You look great in a bikini...way to go!
  8. M2G

    7 Months Progress Photos

    WOW!!! Irene, congratulations on your success! Amazing how the face can change so much with wieght! You are doing awesome and inspire so many of us each day! Thanks for posting this. I know this is said a lot but there is SO much truth to it. You look years younger...woo hoo!
  9. M2G

    The big 1-0-0

    Congrats on the -100! That is a great milestone! And in less than one year...woo hoo!
  10. M2G

    NSV and Struggles

    I am SOOOO proud of you for picking up, dusting off, and moving on. You rock little lady! Now as soon as I hit send, I promise to email you so we can figure out a time to get together!!!
  11. I do not track religiously, but I try to do it fairly often. I also still measure my food (again, not always) but I try. I'll be 6 months on the 22nd of this month, and I don't always trust my eyes (measuring) or my memory (tracking!) This is a good reminder...thanks for the PSA!
  12. M2G

    Tips for Success

    Oh and I also have a blog if you want to check it out, the link is in my signature line.
  13. M2G

    Tips for Success

    The most simple advice of everything I have read and learned came from my Nutritional Counselor: Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. I keep this in the back of my mind because for me, they are words to live by. We still CHOOSE the TYPE , AMOUNT, and WHEN in regards to food and drink.
  14. WOW!! Huge difference. I *love* before and after pics! SO INSPIRING!!! Way to go!
  15. M2G

    Lose Weight before surgery

    My personal bariatric plan was through UHC and I had to do a 6 month supervised "diet" (b/c I didn't have to diet per my surgeon's NUTs) HOWEVER, I was told by my bariatric case manager that my WEIGHT at my final 6 month weigh-in would be used. My BMI HAD to be above 40 because I had no co-morbidities. Basically, ASK FOR YOUR SPECIFIC plan rules...don't go by what others say was part of their plan. You need to know exactly how you are affected. Good luck.
  16. M2G

    Portable Snacks

    I don't know exactly what your surgeon's plan for soft stage calls for, but for me at 3 weeks out, I could eat a cheese stick (no Protein bars yet). Be careful with nuts, etc. too, they weren't on my plan that early either. My 2 fav. portable cheese are Precious Sticksters (pure cheddar) and Babybel Original. Perfect size and texture. You can also try premier Protein shakes (or any of your favs) to pack along with you. I hope that helps.
  17. M2G

    The doctor approves!

    Over the years, I had asked my dr. about WLS and he would always say to try XYZ, and I would and lose some but then gain it back. So when I finally decided NO MORE, I actually didn't tell him. But then I needed a letter from him. I sucked it up, made an appt (this was last June) and lo and behold, he was extremely supportive. Who knew? I think it was because it was *my* idea and not him saying, 'go do this!' He was happy to write the letter of medical necessity that my insurance required. I just saw him last week for my blood work and he was very happy that things were going well, told me I looked great, etc. It's nice to hear that there ARE indeed supportive PCPs out there!
  18. M2G

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Here is my update: SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls............229..............215............210................5
  19. M2G

    My Nsv

    Congrats!! It is amazing how many obese people there are in the world and how FEW clothing choices there are! Enjoy those new clothes, and be ready to buy some more soon!
  20. Sarah!!! I LOVE this post! You do not look like a dork you look like someone who is out having FUN and enjoying themselves!!! What a great accomplishment, I am soooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!
  21. M2G


    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing accomplishment! Well done!
  22. Wow, 2 funerals in one weekend. I'm so sorry. And what a great victory to be able to eat a few bites from the calorie-laden plate and be DONE! Gotta love that sleeve! We had my father-in-law's 70th birthday party at Red Lobster this weekend with about 25 of his closest friends and family and no one noticed that my hubby (who was sleeved Mar. 7) and I barely ate any of the food in front of us. A lot of people had boxes of the extra food because they give you SO dang much. I did eat 3 bites of birthday cake and enjoyed each and every bite! Now I have steak, salmon and broccoli that will last me at least 3 more meals!
  23. M2G

    1 year 4 months!!

    Congrats on being 100 down and in maintenance mode!!!
  24. M2G

    6 months post

    Congrats! I love that...out living life instead of just existing...woo hoo!
  25. I think I was number 14 or 15 for my surgeon who has done thousands (!!) of bands and bypasses. He is an extremely skilled laproscopic surgeon and I had 100% faith that he would do an excellent job. He did say the sleeve was much much easier than a bypass, not sure about the band (easier or not?) He has now sleeved both myself and my husband, so yeah, we went based on his knowledge, years of experience and that fact that he let us choose which WLS was best for us and never pushed us one direction or another.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
