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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Yep, my hubby was sleeved Mar. 7th and he was shaved in the OR...just don't do it yourself. ANd be prepared to itch after...
  2. Hopefully it is nothing serious! Keep us posted...thinking of you!
  3. I'm glad you insisted on immediate medical attention!! I hope whatever is causing the issue is cleared up and soon so that you can continue to recover and get better! Hopefully this will all be a distant memory soon!
  4. Yes I indulged in 3 pieces (small hershey's kisses) of chocolate and a another good handful (all of this was spread out over the holiday weekend) of jelly Beans and malted milk eggs. If I am comparing Halloween (the month I was sleeved) to Easter (6 months post-op) then YES... I did STELLAR back in Oct. when nary a single piece of candy crossed my lips for the entire MONTH! I totally agree with the philosophy that this is for life and not a "diet" and sometimes you need to indulge. I truly am better off with NOT eating junk/sugar/carbs because usually when I START I want MORE. But this weekend, over the course of 2 days (Fri & Sat.) I enjoyed the candy that I listed above. And when I was tempted to reach my hand back into that bowl for more, I told myself NO. "You had your fun it's time to move on." We actually celebrated on Sat. due to family being in town and having to leave on Sun. so by Sun I was back to my normal routine that does NOT include SUGAR. So I'm counting this a victory because I really COULD have eaten more junk, but I had my fun and enjoyed it and I'm back to my regular plan.
  5. M2G

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Well, I didn't reach my Easter challenge goal of losing -19lbs. But I started in a major stall that netted me a -2lb loss for the ENTIRE month of Feb. so I hate to complain at a -15lbs loss considering Feb. was an awful month for me. This time frame challenge (if my thinking is correct) is about the same amount of time for the last challenge...a little over 2 months. So if in that time frame I lost about -15lbs, I have been wondering what I should put for a goal for this challenge. Hummmm. -15 will bring me exactly to ONEDERLAND, but I would like to have some wiggle room and be past the 200's by then. Sorry for thinking out loud here...let's try this. SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls.....215.................215............197............18
  6. M2G

    Finally !!!!

    That is GREAT news. YOU ARE ON THE HOMESTRETCH!!! So wonderful..congrats!!
  7. M2G


    Irene, that is AWESOME!!! Congratulations chickee!!! I still remember that post you started... "I'm on the road to ONEDERLAND, who's with me???" YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
  8. M2G

    < 200

    :welldone2: :Dancing_biggrin:
  9. M2G

    Hair Loss

    From what I understand there isn't much you can do to prevent it (other than the usual...vitamins, protein, biotin, water, etc.) I believe it just has to run it's course. Mine started just about 4 months post-op and I'm 6 months today, so I've had 2 good months of solid shedding. It is frustrating for sure. I might have to cut my hair short for the summer. I grew it long for surgery knowing that I would probably lose a LOT of volume. I think you just have to soldier on and hope for the best. Sorry. Wish I had better news.
  10. M2G

    Special K20 Drink Mixes

    I use them (only tried the Kiwi-Strawberry flavor) and the one reason that I do like them is they have 5g of fiber. So that helps keep things moving if you KWIM. My adivce is to put a small amount of lukewarm water in a 24 ounce cup (that is the only amount of water that I can tolerate them in otherwise they are way too sweet) and mix well. Then add your colder water and ice etc. They don't mix well in ice water so you have to dissolve the powder first or you get glopy lumps.
  11. M2G

    Where are my Flirty Thirties?

    Funny! (I just now saw this, little late to the party, but hey, better late than never!)
  12. M2G

    Anyone tried Mio?

    I have only tried the fruit punch, but it is just ok. I probably won't be trying the other flavors. My favorite way to add something to my Water is this: (the lemonade is okay, but the raspberry lemonade...omg!) http://www.truelemonstore.com/?trk_src_ss=TLMPAYPCWEBMACSS&gclid=CPf985rCsKgCFRJ1gwodsUStWg
  13. M2G

    Shrinking tattoo

    Awww, Sarah, it's beautiful! I love it. Yep, looks like your neck is shrinking!!! You definitely need to write down the whole story maybe not to share, but just to have.
  14. M2G

    6months out down 75lbs

    WOW! You look amazing!! The incredible shrinking woman. I'm still stuck at -60...always wish it was more, but I will take what I get!! Our start weights and BMI's are nearly identical (not sure on height, I'm 5'6") so I can't wait to say I'm 75 down...hopefully in the next few months! Love the pictures, they tell such a story. Keep rocking that sleeve!!!
  15. M2G

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I vote for the first day of summer since not everyone on this board will celebrate the 4th of July. Just a thought!
  16. There is just SHEER joy with being able to walk into ANYWHERE and find something that fits that isn't a PLUS or an XXL, or a 3X...truly amazing! I LOVE IT!
  17. Congratulations! My biggest fear about the band was things coming back the wrong way...I'm sure after dealing with that for so many years the sleeve must feel like a new lease on life! I am happy for you.
  18. M2G

    Well HELLO Sprout

    Cute cute cute baby bump! You look radiant and I'm happy that things are going so well, especially in the first trimester...YAY!
  19. M2G

    A few NSV's

    Sarah, you are looking awesome! YAY I'm so happy you broke the stall. ONWARD and DOWNWARD. Love the slide show and loved seeing your happy dance and your happy SMILE. Great job lady!
  20. WOW! Amazing transformation! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  21. M2G

    Diet Coke

    LOL, I read your title "Diet Coke When?" and thought to myself NEVER AGAIN!!! Well, I probably should never say never, but I gave up diet soda 7 months ago (a month before being sleeved) and I just don't miss it all. I also haven't had an (alcoholic) drink in just as long, and so far I haven't missed that yet either. But my surgeon's NUT said the same thing, let it go flat (but then I've heard people say what the point?...why drink flat soda ...sorta takes the fun out of it, IMO!) But hopefully you can find a way to get rid of the craving.
  22. M2G

    One month difference

    You are definitely shrinking! Congrats!!!
  23. Wow, I didn't realize you were in the hospital and diagnosed with a rare blood disorder! Gosh you have been through quite the struggle, I hope things just continue to get better and better. CONGRATS on -70lbs....that is fantastic, and you look wonderful! Thanks for sharing your pics.
  24. My husband was sleeved March 7, 2011...and they told him to keep taking his BP meds. Well, 10 days post-op he blacked out. Went to the dr. that same day and they immediately took him off all BP meds. HAPPY DANCE. He has been monitoring his at home and getting really terrific readings. He is shocked out how low it is without meds. It was one the big reasons he wanted to have the sleeve...get off those meds. I hope this is the case with you too!

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