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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. That is really cool Sarah! And you look fab in pink...love it! Your doggies are pretty darn cute too. Can you imagine picking up BOTH of them and carrying them around with you ...it would be exhuasting!
  2. M2G

    my journey continues

    That is wonderful news! I'm sorry you have had such a horrible time, I can only imagine how hard this has been. I'm glad things are looking better and better for you and hopefully soon this will all be a hazy memory because you will be out living life to the fullest!
  3. WOW! You look amazing!! I'm sure it was a tough decision to go from band to sleeve, but I have never heard anyone who has done it say anything bad about the sleeve!
  4. Congratulations!!! She is absolutely beautiful, I am so happy for you!
  5. M2G

    Where are my Flirty Thirties?

    That was the ONLY way that I could see new videos was Friday Night Videos...lol. We lived in a very rural area and my parents were not keen on getting a satelite dish in their yard (cable was not an option) and so we had about 4 channels and sadly MTV was not one of them. Hey no fair that you got color yearbooks. I guess that probably goes back to the rural living in a small town...no extra $$ to pay for color printing!
  6. Welcome! You sound like you have done your research and the pre-op stuff will really help get your mind and body in the right frame of mind. I didn't have to do a pre-op and wish that I had because I would be that much farther in the game. But I did have to complete 6 months of nutritional visits which were incredibly helpful. Like someone else said I was devastated when I found out that I couldn't have surgery "immediately" but now after having gone through the whole process, I am SO thankful that I had that time to get my head in the right place and I really get why the insurance companies require so much from us. Best of luck to you! This is definitely the right place to get all your questions answered and to find that support that we all need!
  7. M2G

    glorious overweight!

    Woo hoo! THAT is so exciting! And 3 from Onederland to boot...that is all worth celebrating!!
  8. M2G

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Lowest weight I have been in at least 11 years!!! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls.....215.................210............197............13
  9. WOW! Fantastic pictures and I hope it helped raise your spirits. As I get closer and closer to a normal BMI and start looking better and better, I need to remember how far I've come. Photos do that for me...remind me of where I have been and where I want to be. Thanks for sharing with us!
  10. That is really really really cool and so amazing!!! I'm SO happy for you!!!
  11. Hubby and I are both sleeved, although not at the same time. It worked out well for us but it was more due to insurance hoop jumping and a couple of other factors that were out of our control as to why we weren't sleeved together. (Me Oct. 2010 - Him Mar. 2011) I say it worked well because I was the research hound, although HE was the driving force behind me researching the sleeve, but I learned as much as possible, did all the pre-op stuff learned about the post-op diet, etc. and at the time when I had my sleeve he was working a VERY time consuming project for work (in fact he had a total of 5 days off in about a 6 month time span, I joked that it was too bad he had to have surgery to get a week off from work) and he had very LITTLE time to commit to research and learning about the sleeve. So I did all the research, hopped on the table first and then when it was his turn I was sort of the old pro (so to speak) so it really worked well for us. Now that he is a few months sleeved and doing well, we are getting better about sharing meals and eating the same foods. I highly recommend spouses who BOTH need to lose a significant amount of weight to do this journey together, just not exactly at the same time. I think even 2 or 3 weeks separation would be about enough time.
  12. Okay I have never had pork rinds in my life...what part of the pig are they exactly? Just curious...I've always steered clear because they just (to me!) sound gross. lol.
  13. M2G

    I am officially freaking out!

    Oooh best of luck with your travel, surgery and healing. Please keep us posted!
  14. WOW! Amazing transformation!!! Thanks for the warning about the "naked man boobs" ha! That gave me a much needed laugh tonight. And can I just say that while I have no desire to be a man at any point in my life, but that I am just a teensy bit jealous that the men get to have hair to COVER their scars! NO FAIR!
  15. M2G

    4 months post-op

    Awesome!! You look great! Thanks for sharing...
  16. You look radiant Sarah! I am so happy that you had a trip of a lifetime and weren't limited by the size of your body. You look fantastic and yay to moving down on the scale. I just got back from a week long vacation and weighed the same as I did before I left and the same as the last 3 freaking weeks! Aaargh! Could you send some magic-break-the-stall-fairy-dust my way? Thanks!
  17. Stall suck!!! They happen all the time to most everyone at some point. There is no point at getting furious about it, just keep doing what your surgeon's plan is for you and eventually your weight will drop.
  18. I was told I could have it "flat" if I wanted to, but there is really not much fun or joy in that (to me anyway!) So I quit cold turkey last Sept. and haven't touched the stuff since. For me it wasn't hard to do so I guess I wasn't a die hard addict to diet soda, I was a once a day type of diet soda drinker. Speaking of drinking, I also haven't touched alcohol since being sleeved and I have found that wasn't hard to do either. I guess it just depends on what works for you within your surgeon's guidelines. Good luck!
  19. Absolutely amazing! You are doing SO WELL! And looking fantastic...I am SO happy for you!
  20. Wow, that is quite a story and I'm so thankful that you are here (alive) to tell it. I'm sorry that things went wrong and you are so right when you say that even knowing all the risks, no one wants to be that 1 or 2% of people who have complications or problems. So glad that you found a surgeon with some compassion AND the ability to explain what happened so that you could have some closure and some clarity. I hope you continue to heal and feel better!!!
  21. Best of luck with your surgery! You will find a ton of supportive people and great information here...WELCOME!
  22. You got a good deal, I happened to see this at Beauty Brands today for $45! Let us know if helps or not!
  23. Congratulations ...you look great!
  24. Congratulations! Looking wonderful!
  25. THAT is the million dollar question! :confused2: Everyone here is so different. We have different start weights, different heights, different metabolism, different eating habits, different surgeon's rules, I think you could poll 100 sleevers and get about 80 different answers. lol. I feel like a million bucks having lost -60lbs in 6 months, but then I come here and see that someone has lost -100lbs in 3 months. Does it make my loss less significant? NO WAY! Congratulations on your loss! May your scale continue down on your journey! :biggrin:

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