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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Well, one of my mini-goals was to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight...my oldest daughter is 10 years old. So for the last 10 years I have been playing with about 60lbs, I would lose some, gain back more (you all know the cycle I'm talking about!) Now that I'm down -65lbs, I weigh less than I did when I first got pregnant with her. YAY!
  2. Welcome back and congrats on being so close to goal! I have struggled mostly with lots of stalls. I will lose a few pounds and then be stuck for 3 or more weeks. Then lose another lb or two and be stuck again. So it feels frustratingly slow, but I am thrilled to not be gaining. I just this week started back measuring and logging my food as I had done it sporadically in Mar./Apri/May and I think it is helping me be accountable. It doesn't sound like you have fallen off the wagon, just need to refocus and make your weight loss a priority again. YOU CAN DO IT!
  3. WOW! That is incredible! Congratulations on not only losing but no longer being pre-diabetic...awesome news!
  4. M2G


    I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be on cloud 9 today...what a huge accomplishment, I am so proud of you. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give here. Today is a wonderful day for you, enjoy your GOAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bananahuge:
  5. Thank you so much!!! You are so sweet. I have always been the kind of gal to try and dress nice, jewelery, makeup, etc. and you are so kind to notice. And you are probably right about the shirt, I think it is a 1X but I have been wearing some XLs now and that one probably is getting too big. :wink_smile: I do exercise regularly. I have been a member of Curves for 7+ years now (it was 7 years in April) and I go religiously 5x a week. Since being sleeved I have added on top of my regular Curves workouts, time on the treadmill (walking NOT running, lol) and Water aerobics and the occassional cardio/strength training class. Last week my exercise was 5 days at Curves, 1 water aerobics class (1 hour long), 2 outdoor walks, and one 40 minute bike ride with my family. That doesn't happen every week, but the Curves does. Anything after my 5 there is just whatever I can fit in.
  6. Tracy, THANK YOU!!! I am so happy your hubby is joining you too. I am so thrilled that we are both regaining our health together, it has really brought us even closer being on this journey together !!! My husband is doing really well, not quite 3 months post-op, he is down -40lbs and looks 10 years younger. He has been working out more (YAY!!!!!!!) and is going to need to go shopping soon. Everything is baggy on him. He really struggled at first, with the liquid diet and has definitely had to adjust. Never before has the phrase "my eyes were bigger than my tummy" hit so close to home. He has luckily lost his hunger and is getting better about the portions, and is starting to be able to eyeball the correct amount. My standby advice is to follow your surgeon's guidelines and work your sleeve as much as possible. And for couples, my surgeon said "ALWAYS let the ladies go first" and I thought it meant because we are good guinea pigs, but he meant that way when the guys lose it faster, we have a headstart. I thought that was pretty funny, and also pretty true. We are not in competition with each other, and truly support each other with our goals. Congrats on you both making such a big life changing decision together! GOOD LUCK with everything and keep in touch!
  7. Oh wow, what can I say? I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! You guys are all so wonderful and sweet with the compliments! Thank you all so very much!!! Yes, you are all right, it doesn't matter how fast or slow we lose, the important thing is that we are losing, regaining the quaility of life we all used to have and if we happen to be looking better in the process, all the better. Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to leave a comment with your wonderful words. It is so uplifting to be able to come here and share and know that the members of my "VST FAMILY" get it. You all know the struggles, the ups, the downs, and we all pull each other along, cheering, giving advice, and most of all listening. So thank you!!!:heart:
  8. Since I hear lots of raving about Click Protein powder I decided to order some from Amazon. I am sadly not in love with it. I think I ordered Espresso Mocha and vanilla Latte, and they both are dissapointing. I have made them into Protein shakes using plain milk, plain Water and I've also tried almond milk. They are passable, just not wow. And I am also not happy with carb count or caffeine content. (That is strictly my fault, as I didn't research them very much!) I've been drinking decaf coffee and gave up plain (unsweet tea) due to caffeine content, so why the heck did I order Protein Powder with caffeine. Ugh. I tried mixing some in my Fage yogurt and it was just awful. I choked it down because I didn't want to waste my precious yogurt. Other than making a shake, does anyone have any ideas? I'm going to check out Eggface for some recipe ideas. If you love Click, please share with me what you do with it. Thanks!
  9. That sounds like something MY mom would say. We just did a summer clothing exchange...she gave me all her old 14's and I gave her all my 16's and 18's. I know it was hard on her. She is a diabetic and won't ever, EVER talk about it. She even sneaks her meds and pretends they are mints. One of the reasons I had surgery is so I don't end up diabetic too. Sheesh. And Shanny you aren't going to please everyone all the time, so don't even try. I like how everyone is all up your business now, lol "eveyone's a trainer" omg...you are so right. Just keep rocking your sleeve, and don't worry about the haters!
  10. That is AWESOME! CONGRATS!
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such a wonderful accomplishment!
  12. M2G

    6 months post op

    Congratulations!! That is amazing!!! Great job!
  13. Okay, I'm 7 months today, can I play? lol Still taking. Although my last labs were near perfect, I'm slightly on the low side of normal for my Iron and my B12 was actually high, so they said cut the dose in half, so I take the B12 every other day.
  14. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. I know it has been about 12 years since I've seen "Onederland" and hoping to get back there in about 10lbs. So close, but I'm a slow loser, so it could still be a while. I'm waiting patiently to join you!
  15. Oh I remember the WAIT very well. I had to do 6 months worth of required nutritional visits (weigh-in, speak with a NUT, go over plans for post-surgery, etc.) plus all of the other pre-op requirements, PCP, seminar, surgeon, blood/labs, pulmonary, physch, etc. and then once everything was turned over to insurance the WAIT was killing me. UGH! Now I'm almost 7 months post-op and I still remember the horrible wait. Your turn will come and soon you will on your way to a healthier life, it can and will happen! GOOD LUCK!
  16. I never had a band (was headed towards the band though, when my hubby decided he wanted WLS too and begged me to research the sleeve, we are now both sleeved) but judging from the people on this board who had revised to the sleeve you will be so happy to be able to eat and not PB your food back up (and healthy foods too.) I have never once had anything come back up in the last almost 7 months! Since you have so little to get to goal I'm guessing that you will probably achieve it shortly after your revision surgery. WOW! Best of luck with your revision, this is definitely the place to learn everything about the sleeve!
  17. M2G

    List of High Protein Foods

    Great list thanks!
  18. Congratulations! That is so exciting! A watch is a perfect gift to yourself, love it.
  19. Glad things are better for you, sorry you have had to deal with the complications. I'm sure if I had run into any complications I would be questioning myself and why did I do this to myself. In fact, that was one of my fears pre-op that I was going in and messing with a perfectly good organ. Ugh. It is scary to think about and I'm truly sorry that you had complications. So glad you found a dr. who was willing to listen to you and is working with you to get you back on the road to reclaiming your health!
  20. I did not use Medifast to pre-op (wasn't required by my dr. or insurance) BUT I am however a long-time user of Medifast. I've lost a LOT of weight using Medifast products (of course I always gained it back too!) but since you having surgery, that will hopefully eliminate the regain. :thumb: Here is a message board that has as a sub-category a whole bunch of Medifast-legal recipes(meaning it won't mess up the way Medifast is designed to help you lose weight.) I personally used the Medifast Cookies (made from the oatmeal packets) almost every day. Delish! Best of luck to you with your surgery! http://www.makemethinner.com/support-forum/lean-cuisine.html
  21. M2G

    Eight Months Out!

    Congratulations on the 8 months, the loss and the upcoming wedding. How nice to be at such a healthier place to join your life with someone else's! :rose:
  22. M2G

    Greek Yogurt

    Try the Fage Brand (get 2%) and buy the plain. Then mix in a little sugar-free pudding mix (the little blue boxes of dry jello powder, any flavor you like) and sprinkle a little in. YUM!
  23. M2G

    A visual NSV finally!

    You look great, what a difference! Funny how we thought that hiding behind a huge tent of clothing was flattering...I used to hate it if anything 'clingy' and would opt for bigger and looser...just trying to hide the flab. Ugh!
  24. Yep, I love this place for that reason also. I regularly attend support groups offered through my surgeon but have only met ONE other sleever. There are lots of RNY's and bands but the sleeve is too new. This place has been BETTER than a real support group because we are all sleevers. I also didn't want to talk to my family and friends ALL the time and BORE them to tears with all of my surgery stuff so I started a blog and have met a whole entire group of wonderful people on a similar journey. I love it. (My blog link is in my signature line.)
  25. M2G

    No official Pre-op diet?

    I didn't have a pre-op diet. Just clears 24 hours before surgery. It was totally fine no liver-shrinking stuff, etc. Now of course I wished I had done a pre-op diet just because I would be THAT much farther along in the game. But since it wasn't required I didn't bother. I had enough of liquids post-op, lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
