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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. [Thought I would post a nice comment that I heard the other day. One of my friends knows about my WLS (she asked lots of questions because she and her hubby are both MO) and I told her all about what I eat, how much I exercise, etc. So I ran into her the other day and she said she and her hubby were talking about me and she said something to the effect of, "she has had to completely reorient her thinking about food and change her life and she works harder than anyone else I know to lose this weight!!!" I was like FINALLY someone gets it and doesn't think I'm taking the easy way out or 'cheating"!:lightbulb:
  2. M2G

    50 pounds gone..PICS

    WOW, congrats you look terrific!!
  3. I LOVE THIS!!!! Pardon me being nosy, but how did you get off all of your meds without seeing your PCP? Did your surgeon guide you on what to take and what not to take?
  4. M2G

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Labor Day is my vote!!! Inching closer... SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls.....215.................204............197............7
  5. Hum, that is pretty rude. I guess I can see someone "thinking" that but to actually say it outloud. Wow. Since she is your BFF, I guess maybe it would be worth talking about/exploring the underlying feelings there. If it was me (and I KNEW someone was going to say something like that to me) I would have responded with "did you just hear yourself? Are you that shallow?" but of course hindsight is 20/20 and you probably won't get the opportunity to go back and say that.
  6. M2G

    Success by the dozens

    Girl, you look FANTASTIC!!! You are such an inspiration here to me and many others as well. You are most definitely rocking that sleeve!!! (Even if you have to 'baby' it for a few days, glad to hear things are settling better now...) Oh and you are right, taking pictures is SO much fun now...NO MORE HIDING!:camera: :behindsofa:
  7. Oh my gosh that is a funny story! I agree, go buy some new things and maybe you can still mix and match so you don't scream 1989 with your clothing.
  8. Hoping you are in recovery now, and sending you good thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery!
  9. Welcome! You will find a ton of information here! Good luck with your upcoming surgery... it is a big change but so worth the effort. My hubby and I are both sleeved...so glad to be on this journey together.
  10. M2G


    I had a 6 month required wait time before my insurance would approve my surgery. That being said, once it was approved I had surgery about 10 days later. :star: But I had done each and every single requirement from my insurance AND from my surgeon. So there was nothing left on the list to cross off AND he happened to have time. He did my surg. on a Fri which he normally doesn't like to do because you are in the hospital for a weekend and he typically takes the weekends off. But I only had to stay overnight and my nurse kept him updated. I was discharged by 11am on the Sat. after my Fri. am surgery.
  11. Well, I had a great PCP, (who even though I had asked about bypass for a couple of years and he would always steer me in a diff. direction), who was 100% supportive when I went to him and said "I am having WLS, I need your approval, and BTW, here is a list of every single diet I have EVER been on and how much I weighed at the start, how much I lost during the diet, and how much I gained back after it was over." I think drs. like it when it shows that we have done our research and make our 'case.' He was more than happy to help me. That being said, I got sort of a 'surprised' when my OBGYN didn't make a fuss about me losing weight. SIde note here: Anyone who thinks that they can tell their various drs. about their surgery on their own terms, is mistaken. Any surgeon worth his/her salt will 'notify' each and every dr. that you see. So when I sat down with my OB he was looking at his notes in my chart and was like "what's this, did you have bariatric surgery?" Heh. No breaking it to him gently he had a big form that was faxed over from my surgeon. But it was all good. He had never heard of the VSG, but asked how much I had lost (at the time it was 60lbs) and he basically said "gee I never know what to say to people who have WLS...I think our society places too much emphasis on 'looks' anyway." I explained that it was more than that, it was about health and he did seem to acknowledge that. And then I got a half-hearted congrats. He certainly didn't gush over the fact that I had WLS...interesting since he had tried to push me to have my tubes tied when I was done having kids. I pushed DH to get snipped instead. Anyway, that is just my story. If you are finding that your PCP isn't willing to be your partner in this, you can do a couple of things. You can continue to see him/her and hope that they change their mind. If you don't need their medical okay and like the person, maybe you can see them after you are post op for a couple of months...it's hard to argue with the truth about lower BP, cholesterol, and a healthier weight, etc. Or you can find another dr. one that supports you in your decision to better your health.
  12. WOW! I wondered what ever happened after your insurance wouldn't pay. That is GREAT that you are doing so well!!! Congrats on losing 91lbs in 6 months, that totally rocks! And it's also great that you haven't had any problems...sounds like everything worked out well. Nice to hear an update.
  13. WOW! I can see a big difference in your smile. It was nice before but now it is just radiant! You look wonderful!
  14. M2G

    feeling down-pictures

    Oh I don't think you are wasting your tool, girl you have USED it and WORKED it, and I know you will continue to do so. I don't think I have ever seen your before pics...wow! You look amazing now! Remember this is a journey not a race (I have to repeat that to myself all the time. I get down about losing so slow, but I know I am doing everything right, I just happen to be a slow loser!) I agree it is easy to get down, but pull yourself up, and re-dedicate yourself to getting to goal. Yes, it might take a while, but slow and steady and you can do this! I'm not even that close to goal and I have already resigned myself to it taking a while, but that's okay. One step at a time, one bite at a time, one day at a time. Hugs.
  15. You look wonderful, that blue dress is stunning on you! AND it also looks like you can join the Century Club...wow, that is an amazing accomplishment!!! Congratulations!
  16. Okay, have a new comment! I saw another parent who I just know casually, she has kids that are different ages than mine and are different tracks (we go to school year-round so all the kids are assigned different "tracks" and we track on and track off throughout the year) but anyway, I don't know her well, and hadn't seen her for a long time. I think she meant this as a compliment: Her: "What kind of crack are you smoking?" Me: "What?" (Thoroughly confused!) Her: "What kind of crack are you smoking that has made you so skinny?" Me: "Aaaah, I wish it was THAT easy. It would easier than what I've been doing!" I smiled and kept on walking.
  17. Congratulations! So if bad things always happen in 3's does that mean that good things do to? Maybe time to go buy a lottery ticket.
  18. I think someone here at VST brought up a good point on this subject once. They said if the same person (who said you didn't need to lose anymore) saw you walking down the street at goal they would think NOTHING of it. They would probably consider you healthy. But since they have seen you and knew you when you were bigger, they are having a hard time reconciling the images of you in your past with what you are today. Don't worry about what other people think and do what YOU know is best for you. And come here to vent anytime you need.
  19. M2G

    Celebrating Your Birthday Post VSG

    If you want a healthy treat check out something from Eggface. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/06/protein-ice-cream-birthday-cake.html <BR><BR>For me personally, I had a super small piece of cake on my birthday, and enjoyed it very much! Definitely make it about the birthday and NOT the food. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  20. Such a great feeling!!! Funny that even your hubby thought they would be too small. What a great NSV!!!
  21. WOW! Congratulations, that is fantastic!
  22. M2G

    Man I love surprises

    WOW! That is awesome Paul! That is about the same amount of weight that I have lost in the last 6 weeks. :ohwell: Sounds like you got lucky this week, so next week, make sure you get everything in ok?
  23. Congrats on your 2 year surgiversary, and CONGRATS on having a happy, healthy sprout growing inside of you. Thank you as always for being such a big inspiration around here and not 'ditching' us once you were onto maintenance. Thank you for always being honest and sharing your opinions and thoughts with everyone here. I think you have an adorable baby bump and I'm sure it is messing with you mentally to have to gain weight again... It will all be worth it though when you hold that precious baby for the first time. You are looking fantastic!!!
  24. M2G

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Getting closer...chipping slowly away...exciting that I have less than -10 to go! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal M2G................215.....................206...........197............9
  25. M2G

    75 pounds!

    WOW, congrats on -75lbs ... you are right that is NO SMALL FEAT! So enjoy that those lbs are gone forever and keep working that sleeve! As for the pictures, oh wow, you NEED to take some new pictures and just sit at the computer and do a side by side of the pre-surgery photos and the new ones...you will be amazed at what you see. Then come here and share with us so WE can all fawn over you and how much you have changed. Definitely a must do!

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