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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. YAY Coops! I *thought* your ticker was moving along, but I wasn't sure if my eyes were deceiving me or not. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, struggles and triumphs along the way. I am SO glad you are feeling more positive and sucessful. I too have had learn about patience...working my sleeve and still not getting that payoff of the scale, watching other race to goal in 6 or 9 months and wonder "am I doing something wrong?" even when I know that I am not. It is a harsh struggle indeed, but thankfully I've had you leading the way and sharing your insight. I'm approaching my one year soon and I hear so much about that "honeymoon period" and wonder if my honeymoon was over during the 4th month ...lol. :whatchutalkingabout But no matter, honeymoon or not, I have this tool for the rest of my life. Even if it takes me 2 years to get to goal, I am determined to get there. And the upside is that now the hardest work is done...meaning the bulk of most of the weight that I need to lose is gone. I get to shop in normal stores (plus size banished forever!!!), I get to like what I see looking back at me in the mirror, so even though I still have 45lbs to go, I'm going to enjoy this part of the journey much more, because I'm happy, healthier and more fit than I've ever been in my life. So keep that in mind, the worst is over for us and the best is yet to come!!! :present:
  2. M2G

    Oh So Close

    YAY! You are closer than I am, I have about -11lbs to get there, which at my rate will be almost eternity...lol. Congrats though, I hope you break through soon!!! P.S. - You and my hubby have the same sleeve date...but he's only down about 55-60lbs...did you have a pre-op diet? He didn't so that's all been since surgery.
  3. M2G

    8 month post op

    I am in complete shock as to how much you have lost in such a short amount of time. You have done an incredible job...congrats!
  4. M2G

    Face lift picture

    I totally agree with Coops!! Not even CLOSE to looking your age. You look radiant!!!
  5. WOW, Irene, you are looking GREAT and doing awesome. I still have my "girls" but I also still have a good -40lbs to get off. When that happens I will have to re-evaluate where I'm at. I'm just so happy that you are moving forward with the girls, the reshaping, etc. You have worked too hard and come too far to be happy with anything less that what you want!!
  6. Paul, I am sorry you are going through this. I can totally imagine how hard this must be on your wife, and how hard it is for you feeling as if you can't "share" your triumphs over the obesity battle with her for fear of upsetting her. I must say, however, that even if she did have 100lbs to lose and had the surgery and lost weight right along next to you, I am guessing YOU would still get all the AMAZING comments while she would get a couple of "you look good too" type of comments. I say this from personal experience. I was sleeved 5 months before my husband was sleeved and while I've lost nearly -80lbs, he is at the -55lb mark and I tell you what, people go crazy over how good HE looks and then they almost always toss in something about me (sort of after the fact, or after they have picked themselves up off the floor upon seeing him...lol.) So here is what I think. I think that in our society it is WAY more socially acceptable to comment on a MAN'S wieght-loss vs. a WOMAN'S weight-loss. I think the average person doesn't DARE comment on a woman's weight in front of them (behind their back is a whole different animal...) but as a society, there is a huge social stigma around commenting on a woman's weight. The whole "do I look fat" stuff has seeped into our culture and any person (man or woman) would have to be a fool to make some sort of OPEN COMMENT about a WOMAN'S weight. Follow me? And as for the support stuff and talking about WLS or any type of weight-loss, I hear you on that one. I joined this community about a year ago and have been a regular ever since. While my husband, though he is sleeved, doesn't have the inclination or time or feel that it is as necessary as I do. I too have gone to monthly support groups and enjoy going while it is more of a struggle to get my DH to go (he's been sleeved 6 months and has attended precisely 2 support groups, lol.) So I think that is just a personal preference. HOWEVER, it is a problem IF SHE sees it as a problem. I would try to see if she would enjoy going to a support group with you and if she is NOT interested, then that is fine, but she needs to let you have that support. It's not something to be jealous about...she needs to place it in the same category as if it were a hobby of yours that she herself has no interest in. It is definitely time for you guys to have some dialog wether by yourself or in front of a non-interested 3rd party like a counselor or pastor or something similar. She needs to have an outlet for dealing with the jealous feelings that she is having, but in my opinion, she needs to have her pity party, air her frustrations and then move on. She can't keep on being jealous over something that you have done to improve the quality of your life. Again, that is just my opinion.
  7. Over -52inches, and like you Irene, I didn't measure from my highest weight. Oh well, it is sure impressive to see the amount of inches we lose as we lose weight!
  8. Very cool NSV! I was a good yo-yo dieter and had everything in my closet from size 16-24. Now that I'm a 14 and a sometimes 12 I am finding good deals at Goodwill and other second-hand stores!
  9. Amazing results! You look wonderful, and BTW, cute top in the the second pic!
  10. M2G

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    B - 5 mini-egg bites (from Eggface) L - 1/2 c. ground beef topped with 5 tortilla chips and salsa S - 3/4 c. Fage yogurt, 2% D - Turkey sausage with mixed veggies, 3 bites of salmon Exercise - Curves 30 minutes
  11. M2G

    One Year Anniverary

    I just saw all of your pics in the Before/Afters over in General...and I'll say it again...WOW! I'm sorry about your complications, but it is a wonderful testament to the fact that you can overcome and continue to thrive! Well done!
  12. Okay, definitely on the slow train to goal, so I'm trying to be realistic. I've missed my last 2 goals by a couple of pounds, so we'll see what Halloween brings. I would actually do less but if I achieve this goal that I set for myself, then I will be officially "overweight" instead of "obese" !!! Here's hoping!:martini_shaken: SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal M2G.................196................196.............185................11lbs
  13. Chris, you don't even look like the same person. The goatee is about the only recognizable trait...WOW! Phenomenal job...congrats!!!
  14. WOW Sophia, you look amazing...so different!
  15. M2G


    Praying yours goes away soon! Mine was instantly gone, I haven't felt hunger since my surgery 10+ months ago.... I also didn't take a PPI before OR after surgery. I don't know if I'm just lucky or what, but my hubby is sleeved and in the exact same boat...no hunger, no PPI.
  16. YES!!! I think that is a big milestone. When you think about "weight limits" often times 250 is quite the barrier. Most rides, waterslides, etc. will post a weight limit warning "no one over 250", etc. So yes, you need to celebrate that you are below the 250 mark!! Woo hoo!
  17. M2G

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    You are sooooo close! I know how frustrating it is...I spent two+ months awaiting Onderland...it was so frustrating to be so close and NOT be THERE. I am positive YOU won't be waiting that long to get in to Twoterville (is that what it's called? lol) You will be there SOON Chicadee!
  18. All I can think is "WOW"!!! Um, I think it's safe to say you can photo ***** yourself here anytime! You look amazing!
  19. Wise words indeed. I used to think if I could wear a 14 and be under -200lbs then that would be enough for me. But now, here I am having acheived those goals but I know I'm NOT done yet. I don't say that in a negative way but rather I didn't go through everything I did, have surgery only to get to "here", I'm going all the way, no matter how long it takes me. So much of this process is mental, and our perceptions change as our bodies change. But I am with you all, this time there is much celebrating to do, and I try to live my life with no regrets, so here's to the future!
  20. Oh my gosh, that does sound like a mess. Here is what I would do (if I were in your shoes) I would not CANCEL my surgery, but rather postpone it. I'm guessing that maybe you need a 10 day (or so) antibiotic, (you didn't say if your OB prescribed one or not) but I would talk to your surgeon. If he is going to cancel it, then just reschedule it rather than leaving it off the table completely. And, BTW, -14 is awesome...but I totally know what you are saying. I know in my heart of hearts that I could not accomplish the weight loss AND keep it off without the sleeve. I have hopes for the future that for once in my life I will be able to keep the weight off. At least you gave it one more try, and you will never again question "what if." Good luck with everything and I hope your leg is feeling 100% again soon!
  21. You made him stop and THINK about his careless words. AND he admitted that it was a _____________(stupid, foolish, rude, fill-in-the-blank) comment. WOW! That is awesome!
  22. M2G

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    WOW! Looking great!! I love how your hair color fades into the dress color...I had to study the photo for a minute before I realized how long your hair is!:thumbs_up:
  23. M2G

    Two months out with PICS

    WOW! You look great and have lost SO FAST! Congrats!
  24. Love.This.Picture. And everything it stands for.:cheer2: If I hadn't already seen pictures of you in your 3rd trimester I would say you are lying and there is NO way you have a baby bump in there. lol. You look fantastic and I'm sooooooo happy for you. Thanks for sharing!
  25. M2G

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Still getting closer, but don't think I'm gonna make it. Oh well, I'm CLOSE! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal M2G...............204..................196...............194.............2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
