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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. LOL @the ancient limb stretchers. The funny thing is since he has lost weight all of the sudden he looks taller! People keep tellling him that and it is true, he does look taller! YAY! So I went back and looked at your photos again and the same thing is happening to you...both photos are full length photos and in your 2nd one you look WAY taller than in your 1st one. Funny how that happens. I think most people need to "try" on a weight to see what is comfortable for them, regardless of the BMI, sounds like you are doing an excellent job at figuring out what weight you will feel your best at. Congrats!
  2. M2G


  3. Oooh, put me in the Slower Loser Camp...I'm almost 1 year post-op and only down 80+ lbs. I stalled completely out at months 8 & 9 and since the stall broke it's taken me 3 months to lose -10lbs. So I'm clearly not in the running for the Fastest Loser title around here. But, that is okay. I am going to finish this race. Clearly not tomorrow and it may take me another year to lose the extra 40 hanging around, but I'm going to get this done! Of course we all want to wake up and be at GOAL, but some of us it may just take longer. And I'm here to enjoy the ride. I figure that the worst of it is over. The surgery, recovery pain, learning a new relationship with food...that is all hard work and I've come to far to feel badly about losing slow. Plus, I look and feel better than ever, I will never again shop in a plus size clothing store and my weight will never again start with the number "2". So now I get to keep losing weight while feeling great about my new body and how far I've come, sounds pretty good to me! Coops...I hear ya! I just talked to my bariatric life coach and she told me to up my cals to 1200...today is day one of giving it a try. I hover around 800-1000 daily but with the amount of exercise I'm doing she wanted me to up the calories. I will keep you posted on how it works and you do the same, K? Great post Pasquini...and lol@ the single comment, there are a LOT more women than men on these boards, I think you've come to the right place.
  4. Here is a slightly different version of a PB ball from Eggface....OMG I keep these in the freezer and when I just am REALLY craving something sweet, these hit the spot! http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2008/12/snack-for-santa.html
  5. WOW! You look GREAT!!! Even at the weight you currently are at. I showed my hubby your photos (he is sleeved as well, March 7, 2011) and told him all your stats. We have had interesting conversations because his goal weight is 185-190 (he's 5'9") and at some point he realized "hey I still won't have a 'healthy' BMI" but he really has no desire to weigh 160lbs as he feels that it is too small for his frame, etc. (and I agree!) So anyway he has done great and still has about 25lbs to get to goal, but we both thought that you looked fine at the weight you currently are at. He jokingly said "I always wanted to be 6 feet tall and weigh 200lbs" I was like you are doing something about the weight but I can't help with the height honey. lol.
  6. Wow! Congratulations, you look amazing! Your sleeve surgery day is the same as my husbands (it also happens to be his birthday...hey he knew what he was doing when he picked his day...his gift to himself!) but anyway, I wanted to say he has lost the same amount of weight as you have! And they say men lose faster...ha! Great job...keep up the good work!
  7. M2G

    Hit goal!

    Absolutely amazing! You look beautiful. CONGRATUALTIONS...HAPPY GOAL DAY TO YOU!!!! :whoo:
  8. M2G

    1 YEAR post op

    Sarah, congratulations on your 1 year surgiversary! You have done an amazing job (although I do share the feeling of wanting my loss to be more...I joke with people, 'who doesn't want to wake up and be at GOAL') but I think you have done a tremendous job and that is worth celebrating. Congratulations, you look beautiful, healthy and strong...I'm SO happy for you!:bounce:
  9. Thank you Tracy! HOW are you and your hubby both doing? How much are you down? How are the girls taking everything?? Sorry for the 20 questions...you may have updated along the way...I miss a ton around here.
  10. ...Omg Ren, you are my NEW best friend! I'm 39 years old. Thank you everyone for the sweet comments...I was so used to seeing my face puffed up by fat, I wasn't sure what was underneath. :confused_smile:
  11. I didn't know about your hubby...that is awful. I'm so glad that he is better and now it's his turn to take care of you. You guys need to both be 100% and have a nice relaxing weekend getaway, or at least dinner out!!! Yay for reduced pain...get some rest chica...hoping the worst is over now. Hugs!
  12. WOW, Irene, your tata's are beautiful!!!! They look very natural and of course now look how tiny your waist is...and it's only going to get smaller...SO happy for you! :biggrin5:
  13. M2G

    3 Months out!

    WOW you look amazing, what a transformation! Did you lose all -62lbs in 3 months??? Holy Fast!
  14. Hi Baby Tatum!!! :preggers: :wave: You are such a cutie preggo lady...love it!
  15. Awwww dangit Coops, I have to be 100% honest I would have been CRYING too! For pete's sake...that amount of gain is ridiculous...it HAS to be water/medicine/body reactionary because it's not what you are eating. I am just sending you big hugs ...I can TOTALLY understand how you feel because I would be feeling the exact same way if it was me. On a little side note, my mom was helping at a friends wedding in June of this year, someone left the dishwasher lid down and she scraped her leg against it. Went home, put on some neosporin, and a bandaid and continued with life. Then a few days later went to her Water aerobics class as usual and then the major trouble started. She ended up with a badly infected leg...the tiny scrape which actually healed nicely had allowed some sort of infection into her body and her whole leg was basically useless for 2 months. She went through 3 rounds of antibiotics, 2 ultrasounds to rule out clots, and basically was mostly immoble for a good chunk of her summer. It was awful for her. I'm not saying this to scare you or to insinuate that your leg deal is anything like hers, but she basically came out of the experience saying she would never again take for granted that she could WALK. It was heartbreaking. She is 100% better now but came out feeling like she had lost -2 months of her life, laying on the couch. I am sending a little prayer out for you that the worst of your ordeal is over and that when your leg is healed, and the pain is gone the weight will be too. Hugs! :heart:
  16. I also stayed away from any type of coffee during the first 4 weeks of healing. And then when I did go back I went for decaf. I know the link between ulcers and caffeine are very weak at best, but I don't want to take chances with my new tummy...I really don't want an ulcer in 10, 20, 30 years. I still do have caffeine occassionally but I usually drink a cup of decaf a day.
  17. M2G

    Weight Loss Competition

    Since there is money involved, I'm guessing the other particpates would cry foul. I don't think WLS is cheating, but this I would consider cheating. Sorry! You'll be the winner in the end anyway because you will be healthier and your chances of keeping off what you lose will be higher.
  18. My surgeon made my goal weight, and I know he based it on being in the "healthy" range on the BMI charts. Then at my 6 month appointment, he looked me up and down and tried to add +15lbs to that original goal!!! I kept it at the original goal because it is what I would like to shoot for. I plan on re-evaluating my goal here after I lose about 30 more lbs. I will see how much skin I have, what size I am wearing and most of all how COMFORTABLE I am at that weight, and then I will decide to stop or continue down further. It's all very personal and really in the end it is YOUR body YOUR life and YOUR goal...do what is best for YOU!
  19. Congrats on the half-way mark...and SO SOON too! YAY!
  20. Congratulations! You are doing an incredible job. Eating while traveling IS hard, and I think even skinny people have a slice of pizza or some fries once in a while. Just not daily. Thank you sleeve!
  21. Congrats on the -120! That is incredible! I'm in the other camp...in about 30 more lbs I plan to revisit my original goal...and see if it still fits/is attainable, etc. My surgeon tried to bump my goal (actually it was HIS goal to begin with) up +15lbs just by looking at me at my 6 month visit. I will see what he says at my one year next month...and eventually I will figure out what is right for me. Sounds like you are 'trying it on' in regards to weight and you will eventually know what weight feels right for you. Best of luck!
  22. M2G

    Down nearly 80lbs

    Wow, 80lbs since May!!! Incredible! You look fantastic congratulations on the start of your new life!
  23. OHMYGOSH!!! That is amazing! You have done a terrific job...CONGRATS!!! You deserve a happy dance loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood!
  24. M2G

    BMI is falling!!!!!!

    That is incredible! Great job, and congrats on having a BMI under 40!
  25. I can completely relate, except I've given up on being "stressed" about it. Would I love to be at goal? SURE! Heck would I love to be 'further' along? You bet! But this is a process, and our tool is our forever tool, so even if it takes us longer (I'm only ONE month away from my 1 year anniversary) I still plan on getting to goal. I know it's hard when people on here race to goal in 6, 9, 12 months, but that isn't my story...it's theirs. And I'm finally at a point where I am HAPPY with what I see in the mirror! Yes, of course I stil have weight to lose, but I'm not ever going to shop in the plus sizes again, my weight begins with the number ONE, my loose skin is not an issue at this point, so I've decided to relax and enjoy the ride. I am shopping at thrift stores and Goodwill right now because in one more year I do plan on reaching goal, so I can still shop and not feel guilty about buying something that probably won't fit me this time next year. This is our forever tool. There is no expiration date, no end of the line just because we have a 1 year surgiversary. I know everyone talks about the honeymoon period and honestly I think my honeymoon period was 3 months long...my 4th month post-op I lost exactly 2 lbs. And in months 8 and 9 I lost nothing. And I didn't do anything different during those slow or non-existent loss periods than I did when I was losing a few lbs a week. So my body just isn't going to put up big numbers each week and I'm finally okay with that. You are doing fine, keep working your sleeve and eventually the weight will keep coming off!

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