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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Oh Yeah Protein Bars

    I think you can order some of the flavors from BariatricChoice.com! Good luck in finding them. We use Pure Protein bars here b/c hubby is also sleeved and we buy them at Costco. It's expensive having 2 sleevers in the house!
  2. WOW! Are you sure it's the SAME person wearing that shirt? You look AMAZING!!!!!!!!
  3. Wow, Sarah!!! Sorry you had to endure the GB pain so long. I had mine out about 13 years ago and the pain while passing a stone is the WORST pain ever. Nothing helps. I was so happy to see my GB go! At the time I had lost close to 80lbs doing a liquid diet called Medifast...and then lost my GB after I had been in maintenance for about 6 months. For me I didn't have to change much of what I ate, but back then I still had the 'normal' stomach anatomy. I can honestly say for me life before losing my GB and after were the same, I didn't have any food intolerances at all. Hugs, rest up and heal...hopefully the kiddos will be good to you come Mon!
  4. Oh my goodness, I am so happy you both survived this accident, and with no major injuries. My husband was in a similar accident many years ago and the person was a hit and run, they never found the person who totalled his car. Thankfully he was bruised but not broken as well and didn't suffer any lengthy injuries. Best wishes for speedy healing and good luck with the new car shopping.
  5. WOW! Congrats on your loss! I wouldn't even guess that the two photos are of the same person!
  6. Absolutely amazing! You already know that I think you are such a phenomenal success story....I guess I didn't realize you are so close to goal. WOW WOW WOW! Are you going to change your goal and go lower or do you have a plan in place to slow down the loss? Just wondering, you seem to be one of those sleevers who are actually going to have to work at stopping the loss. Pretty cool place to be! Congrats on all of your success!!! How about some goal pictures pretty soon?
  7. M2G

    Update on Husband Drama and lots more!!!

    WOW you look like the little sister of the "before" picture! Congrats on your loss (WOW!!!!) and I'm sorry about the end of your marriage. That has to be incredibly difficult, and I'm always a hopeless romantic hoping things work out between couples who are having trouble, but it sounds like you will end up in a much better place WITHOUT him!
  8. Well, it's been a year. I can't believe it's been a year. I will say that the year AFTER being sleeved went SO MUCH FASTER than the 7 months that I had wait while, jumping through insurance requirements to HAVE the sleeve. All that time waiting and dreaming and hoping that this would finally be the tool that I need to lose weight AND keep it off. If you are pre-surgery, know this: The sleeve has been everything that it promises. I never in my LIFE would have been satisfied with eating such small portions. To try and diet like this without the reinforcement of a surgically-induced smaller stomach would just be pure torture. I'm also a lucky sleever who never experiences true hunger. I never had to take a PPI and that did not change after surgery. I have never once vomitted my food back up (my advice is to always underfill your sleeve!) not even when I was still recovering from anethesia. I generally do not have any food that disagrees with me, but I do eat a pretty clean diet. I can tolerate bread, Pasta, rice & potatoes but really limit these foods because more carbs for me = less weight lost. By eating about 5-6 small meals a day consisting mainly of Protein, I can easily accomplish 90-100g of protein daily (no shakes and no bars...I do have them on occassion but then it usually bumps me to 120+g of protein). I drink about 80-100oz of Water daily and take all my recommended Vitamins. I follow the rule of protein first, anything else will have to fit after I've had my protein. Most of my meal sizes are still between 3-5oz. I rarely go over 5oz at one meal. I also exercise almost every single day and sometimes twice a day. YEP! I do Cuves 5x a week, my treadmill/weight workout 3 times a week, exercise classes at my local rec center that are 1 hour long and range from high intensity classes where I'm sore the next day to low impact classes like water aerobics. I also ride my bike on occassion and walk whenever I get a chance. I feel 10 years younger and my only regret is that I didn't do this surgery sooner. But I choose to live my life with no regrets, so honestly I can say that if I had this surgery 20 years ago, I'm not sure that I would have appreciated how good it feels to finally be free from the obesity monster. I'm done having kids (and have the stretch marks to prove it) and I can truly say that having this surgery was at the right time/place in my life for such a monumental change. Also my husband decided to be sleeved and he is 7 months post-op, and has lost over -60lbs. We are both committed to a longer, healthier, and happier life. All I have left of the years of being morbidly obese are the photos. So with that, enjoy my comparisons...don't forget I'm not done or at goal yet...I plan to be here in another year saying that I'm AT GOAL and living life to the fullest in my new body!
  9. Ooooh this is one of those frustrating NSV's that I can so totally relate to!!!! My normal size wedding ring was about a 5.5. About 6 months ago I had to stop wearing it, because it was too loose. I went and bought a "fake" ring in a size 5. Do you know how hard it is to find a piece of costume jewlery in size 5? Well now it spins around on my hand and is practically falling off as well. I'm guessing I'm about a size 4.5 now? But I've just been waiting to get closer to goal to have my wedding ring sized. But I miss it and I want to wear it. I say size it again...you DO NOT want to lose your ring again! Aaaargh...frustrating!
  10. Thank you all for the VERY kind words, it's SO nice to come here and have everyone "get it." Of course I *wish* I was at goal, but it just going to take some time getting there. As long as the scale keeps going down in the right direction, then I'm okay with that!
  11. I have not had any plastics. My surgeon is encouraging me too, he thinks my arms/legs look great but that I should have the tummy done. Sigh. I'm just soooooo not ready for that yet. After I get closer to goal and stay there for a good long time, maybe I will consider it. But for now, I'm not planning on plastics...yet!
  12. Congrats on the 3 year surgiversary! Congrats on the trip of a lifetime! Congrats on being able to enjoy your food (in smaller quantities) and not gain...that is what maintenance is ALL about! HOORAY!!!
  13. M2G

    Tylenol or Advil?

    I believe Advil is a no-no for a while post-op. My surgeon said the best bet is Rapid-Release Tylenol! Do NOT use extended release on anything!
  14. YEP! Time for smaller workout clothes!!!
  15. M2G

    Hey you guys...

    Wow, you look as if you've never spent a day in your life being overweight! And riding the rides, ooooh, that is a big one...such a huge victory!!! Congrats!!!
  16. M2G

    new pic updates :)

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm close but everything is moving so S L O W...I will be there someday too! :cheer2:
  18. M2G

    101 Pounds Down

    Beautiful video!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THE CENTURY CLUB!!! That totally rocks and you are totally rocking your sleeve!
  19. Ok, well my surgeon says to wait one year. I'm clearly in the minority here but my one year will be Sat. Oct. 22nd...and I have YET to have even one sip of alcohol (or soda for that matter!) but that's just me. I'm a rule follower and I'm not a big drinker so it was no big deal for me to give up alcohol for a year. I'm a bit curious to see the effect of alcohol on my sleeve but not curious enough to try it yet. Maybe someday soon! Glad you had second thoughts about it...let that tummy heal first!
  20. M2G

    Hey you guys...

    Looking great!!!!!!
  21. You posted this in the right place...because YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL AT THIS!!!!!!!!! Great job on day 2!!!:smokin: :smash: {wish I could put the smoking guy under the hammer...lol}
  22. M2G

    I almost blew away!

    :Banane25: CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING OFF MEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I am not a runner by nature, but I CAN run ...I chose a treadmill setting that has varying speeds and inclines and some of the higher speeds force me to run-jog. I get most of my exercise from my treadmill, rec center classes, Water aerobics, bike riding and my 5x a week habit of Curves. Now the heels, I was never much for them either because it's hard enough to carry around an extra 100+ lbs let alone stick those extra lbs up on heels. But I have a few pairs that I'm wearing a LOT lately. One pair I found for $6 at Goodwill and they were hardly used at all. They make me very tall (I'm alreay 5'6" so when I add 3 inch heels look out!) but anytime I EVER wear them people comment on how great I look...hard to disagree that the heels help your overall shape...tall and slender!
  24. M2G

    My stricture story

    Oh my goodness....that sounds like a very scary complication, but I am SO glad you have a caring medical team looking out for you. I am also so glad that you are able to keep shakes and some mushies down. I know strictures are much more common with bypass than sleeve and you are SO right when you say if you happen to be in that 1% you feel it 100%. Despite all you've been though I am hoping you can heal normally without any further operations and continue to eat normally and lose weight. Thanks for sharing your story and know that I'm thinking of you as you heal and recover.
  25. WOW! Amazing tranformation in such a short time period! Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
