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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. So this is not new to me. I plateaued for months 8 and 9 and lost a bit in month 10, then I've been plateaued again for months 11 and 12. But I attend a support group and know a couple of RNY'ers and they have said "oh, go on a good old fashioned carb binge...it always works for me." LOL. I tried explaining to them that sleevers KEEP THEIR CALORIES, and therefore I don't know if it would work for me or just result in a gain. I haven't tried it yet, and as I said this is not new for me. I have tried plenty of things (more Water, more exercise, more intense exercise, less calories, more calories, etc.) and my body will drop when it's ready. Not my favorite time schedule, but hey at least the scale still moves down. I just wondered if anyone has heard this advice about having a carb day or a pig out day and if they have tried it since being sleeved. Thoughts and opinions welcome!
  2. Thanks Longer-Life, you are so sweet!
  3. I have had a few days of higher carbs (like 70g or so) but I mostly do the low carb staying around 30-50. Aaack...the science is baffling to me. I don't understand it all. There are too many theories and what works for one doesn't always for another. I think your workout schedule is more intense than mine. lol. I know it has served you well. You rock, and are still losing even after the pastics...that is awesome little lady!
  4. Ha Coops! Ya, let me know and we can do it together. I didn't notice any big difference between 800/1,000 cals a day vs. 1,200/1,400 a day, but I'm guessing my carbs were still around the 40-50 range. The only thing that makes me worry is that I feel like I'm eating to lose and yet I'm mostly maintaining. I just am NOT done yet!!! (I know you know what I mean!)
  5. I wouldn't dissuade anyone from getting a medical ID bracelet, but I polled a few EMT's/paramedics that I know and all of them said the same thing. They don't think there would be a problem with the blind NG tube...RNY = YES, but VSG, they all said no. I also asked them about the fancy or pretty ID bracelets becuase I have heard that sometimes they are overlooked and viewed as jewlery instead of medical information. They said it's helpful to be clearly medical ID but they wouldn't discount it immediately if it looked more like jewelry. However, one paramedic mentioned that he relies mostly on instinct and is going through things on a mental checklist. The ID bracelet/jewelry is just part of that list.
  6. M2G

    4lb this week

    I *saw* your ticker but did NOT realize it was -4lbs in one week. YOU are a fricken rock star and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! :Banane08: Now you do mind sprinkling some of your magic fairy dust my way...I'm going on almost 2 months with zero loss. Sigh. :violin:
  7. Congratulations on a new nephew (he's adorable!) reaching your mini goal (yay!) and I just have to say you look beautiful holding him! :wink_smile:
  8. Wow! You are stunning! Beautiful before and after, but you look just radiant in the new dress!
  9. Irene, is that the compression garment from the dr? Wow, your knees dont' look as bruised as I imagined. I'm sure they will keep looking better and better! Coops, I hear ya, going the slow route is sure a long process, but look how far we have come...we will get there someday, I SWEAR!!!
  10. Wow, you look amazing!!!! What a transformation! How long did it take you to lose the 55lbs pre-op and what plan did you follow? I really wish I could hit the rewind button and lose pre-op...sigh! Cest la vie... Please keep us posted on maintenance and how it goes for you. To me maintenance still seems so far off and still so scary. I'm sure you will do GREAT with it!!!
  11. Thank you for your honest opinion. Means a lot! Irene, that would be fantastic if you only have to have lipo and NOT skin removal...how incredible would that be???!!! If anyone can do it, I'm sure you can!!! Now on the 18th, more lipo, right...exactly what areas? And I guess you are just going to have to chalk up Nov. 2011 to being sore and a bit out of sorts. But man come May when you are rocking that swimsuit, all the pain will be a distant memory...
  12. KELLY, that is so so so AMAZING!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! I'm thrilled for you, congrats on this wonderful milestone. How about some before/after photos? :camera:
  13. -11...WOW!!! That is soooooo awesome! I know it will take time to see the results, but I am so excited for you. How painful was it (this was lipo to the legs/knees right?)...inquiring minds want to know! Rest up, heal well my friend!
  14. M2G

    Husbands losing weight

    Aaargh, yes it IS frustrating! My hubby is sleeved as well, although he is 5 months after me (due to insurance hoop jumping) and as I was getting wheeled into the OR my sugeon joked, "it's good that you are going first" and I was like "yeah, I'm the guinea pig" and he said "no because it is hard for women when the men lose faster than they do"...OMG, do you think he has seen this before? lol Thankfully my hubby and I both seem to be pretty slow losers overall and he has not passed me up. His ultimate goal was to lose -90lbs and he's down about -65. I need to lose over -100 to get close to my goal. Vent away sista, I hear ya!!
  15. I totally agree with Tiffany on this one...my personality didn't change. It has been more of an evolution that has made my outside match my inside. I notice that a LOT of people want to bring up my weight loss and discuss it and I just am very vague and change the subject. It's my own defense mechanism...I don't want to discuss the intimate details of my medical life with people in a casual way. If it is someone that I really know well and I feel that they are interested in hearing all the details, I will share in a one-on-one kind of setting. Otherwise I thank them for noticing, tell them it's a lot of hard work and change the subject. I think the fat is an insulator of sorts. People DO treat obese people differently, no matter how hard we try to overcome it. It's always right there in the front (and back and thighs, etc.) for everyone else to see and judge. Not everyone is equally judgemental but there is a lot of philosophy out there that obese individuals are lazy, and incompetent or they just don't care about themselves. I do think there is something to the self-sabotage that needs to be investigated further... Best of luck, you will find your way. :smile:
  16. M2G

    Am I losing weight too slowly?

    Um, WOW, is all I can say! Oh and while it is next to impossible NOT to do, please do not compare yourself to others. This is your journey and yours alone. Everyone starts at different weights, heights, body shapes, etc. so what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for someone else. I have learned this along the way. I'm 12 months post-op and have basically lost the same amount as you. I realize we may have different BMI's, etc. so that is why it's impossible to compare. Keep doing the plan your surgeon gave you and keep putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually you will make your goal!
  17. Oh my goodness I am just LOVING all the photos. They are so great, she is so precious and now your family is complete. I couldn't be happier for you! This has been one incredibly long road you have taken to get to this point in your life and I know you would do it all over again in a heartbeat to acheive these results. I am just thrilled for you and want to thank you for sharing your journey with us. Wishing you and your family all the best!!!
  18. Great topic of discussion! I have a box on the lower right hand corner of my blog with all the work I've done pre- and post-op I started with a phone call to my insurance in April 2010. I had my surgery in Oct. 2010 because I had to complete 6 months of required weigh-ins with a dr., nurse or registered dietican. I did all my weigh-ins with the NUT at my surgeon's office so they could provide detailed notes to my insurance case and nurse case manager. Here is what my timeline looked like (hope this helps!): Call Insurance - Check! -April 2010 Case Manager's Call - Check! Nurse's Call - Check! Meet Nutritionist for every month for 6 consecutive months - Check! Attend Seminar - Check! Meet with Surgeon - Check! Meet with PCP - Check! Blood Work/Labs - Check! Pulmonary Test - Check! Psych. Eval. - Check! Attend Nutrition Class - Check! All paperwork submitted to insurance - Check! Pre-Op Surgeon Meeting - Check! Pre-Admission Testing - Check! Surgery - 10/22/10 - Check! 1 Week Post-Op Nutrition - Check! 1 Week Surgeon - Check! 3 Week Post-Op Nutrition - Check! 3 Week Surgeon - Check! 6 Week Post-Op Nutrition - Check! 6 Week Surgeon - Check! 3 Month Surgeon - Check! 6 Month PCP Visit & Labs - Check! 6 Month Surgeon - Check! 9 Month Surgeon - Check! 1 Year Post-Op with Surgeon & Labs - Check! 12 Physical Support Groups - Check! Too Many Hours to Count at Online Support Groups!!
  19. M2G

    Halloween pic

    Woo hoo! You are a hot mamma! Great job on the loss so far!!!
  20. M2G

    Stomach Size

    I'm one year post-op and I still eat between 4-5oz per meal or less. I tend to measure my dense meat at around 3oz and then fill in with an ounce of veggies or "other" stuff. My advice to everyone is to always underfill, no need to get in MORE as long as you are meeting your protein requirements!
  21. M2G


    Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!
  22. Congrats on being SO close to goal, only 6 months out! WOW! You look fantastic, and it's wonderful about the diabetes being in remission!!! That is an awesome NSV!
  23. M2G

    B12 question

    Hubby and I just started doing the Vita Fusion Calcium gummies...I'm 1 year post-op and he is nearly 8 months post-op. I talked to our NUT who said that the tricalcium phosphate (that is how it's listed on the bottle) is similar to calcium carbonate...boo. :nonod: But she said it's okay if we take them but to take them WITH food. So we'll probably keep using them since we have 2 sleevers in the house trying to get all our vits in...makes for a very expensive Vitamin household! She also said that we can start doing non-chewable vits, so I may switch to Citrical petites (they are citrate) since they are small and easy to swallow. DH likes the gummies though and uses it as his "dessert." :biggrin5:
  24. Sophia, only YOU could wear a big red crayon and make it look absolutely adorable!!! SO CUTE!!! Even in your before photo you were beautiful (I know what you mean about feeling sad when looking at it...we are harshest on ourselves) but truly you are a beautiful woman!
  25. Well, since you asked. I think only YOU can answer the question. First you need to be comfortable with where you land. I know for me personally, even though people tell me that I look great right where I am, I'm just not done. I'm in-between sizes and I would like to be smaller. So I will continue the fight. But I think a lot of people need to "try on" a weight so to speak before committing 100% to it. I am thinking that you will *know* when it's right. You will get there and feel comfortable. I also think most women (maybe the men too, not sure) like to have a 'cushion' of weight fluctuations where if they go up 5-8 lbs their clothing isn't too tight and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. Think of it this way, you can always add 5 or 10lbs back on if you feel better that way, but for now I would keep going towards goal and see what happens. What an awesome place to be!!! Congrats again!

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