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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Alexis, you look beautiful!!! Congratulations on your surgiversary!!!
  2. WOW, congratulations for rocking that sleeve! You look amazing!
  3. I wonder how much obesity can be related to the "Clean Your Plate Club"? I am no longer a member and my children aren't either. It is so liberating! (Not to say we waste food, but our plates and the amount we dish ourselves is much much smaller....restaurant portions are so far out of control it's crazy!) Congratulations to you (and your wife) for taking control and doing whatever you need to do to get healthy. My husband is sleeved also and I think it's great that we can do this together!!!
  4. Happy One Year and Happy Goal to you! What a great transformation, you look amazing!!!
  5. You look absolutely stunning, my friend! I am so happy for you and can't wait to follow your journey into maintenance in 2012!
  6. That is great that your head is finally catching up. I still struggle with this but hoping to get there and STAY there one day (that place where you are HAPPY with what you see in the mirror and happy with what you have accomplished, etc.) Thanks as always for sharing your journey with us...you are such a huge inspiration to me...thank you! And J-Lo has nothing on you...that sweater dress is CUTE!!! WOO HOO! You look amazing!
  7. Well, I wish I had magic words of wisdom for you. But honestly it sounds like you have pinpointed your own demons. Now it's time to start chipping away at them. Look, I know that feeling of "there is nothing I can do" and that is a slippery slope. Because once you start with the negative talk, along comes the negative self-image, and we start that awful cycle all over again. Start with one thing at a time. CUT out the extra calories. IF you want a treat, give yourself a 48 hour "chill out" time. Face the fact that you want a treat, but give yourself a time out. If you want a cake or brownie on Mon....make yourself wait until Wed. and make sure that the "treat" is absolutely worth it. Don't go for a treat that isn't out of this world amazing because it just isn't worth the extra calories. Once you have started to detox from the little extra treats here and there, then start working on the fitness part. I personally think you NEED BOTH. The weights AND the cardio. If you are lacking in one area, then try pumping that area up a little. If you are only doing weights, then pick a day to skip weights and hit the treadmill. I was lacking a bit on the cardio side so 2 months ago I started to run on my treadmill (whereas before I was just fast walking) and while I do NOT enjoy running, I do enjoy the way I feel after running. So that has been my motivation because I like that exercise "high" that I get. The whole maintenance thing is always the big mystery. Because we have all lost weight and gained it right back. But keep trying to figure out what works for you and most importantly DO NOT GIVE UP. Just take that off the table. Giving up is not an option. Hang in there!
  8. Sharon you and me BOTH lost weight AND our gallbladders on Med-i-fast! I lost mine 13 years ago after doing an all liquid diet for 6 months through a bariatric dr. I too, was in the early maintenance phase and started having the worst pain imaginable. I had not yet had kids but now that I have 2 I can safely say the pain was as bad as labor. The pain is related to "passing" a stone or stones through your system. Nothing aleveiates the pain. NOTHING. Until the stone is passed. To me it felt like someone had taken hold of my insides and squeezed as hard as they could for hours on end. Once the stone passes, then you can resume normal life. Until the next 'attack'. I was also told eating high fat content foods could help trigger an attack, but that isn't the ONLY trigger. You definitely do not have to lose weight through surgery to be at risk, but since the risk is rapid weight loss (your gall bladder tends to form a sludge during the rapid weight loss phase that then can turn to stones) those who undergo WLS are at a pretty high risk for developing gall stones. Sorry! Although my hubby is sleeved (he is 9 months post-op and so far no issues) but I keep a pretty close eye on him and will definitely be able to help spot an attack should it occur.
  9. M2G

    Body Shape After Weight Loss

    Well, let's see, back in the day 13 years ago I lost a lot of weight and am close in weight and size to what I am right now. HOWEVER back then I did actually shrink to a C cup. This time even though I'm basically back to that same size/weight, I am still a D or DD. BUT...I have two children since that time 13 years ago (I have 11yo and 9yo daughters) and so I'm guessing that I didn't "shrink" as much this time because having/nursing kiddos. Who knows. But I will say I'm not sad that I didn't lose in the cup area because the band area is doing GREAT! I'm sure hubby is happy that they are still DD's also. With the right bra on I still have a nice silouette when it comes to the "girls"!
  10. I cannot stress enough how much those of you who are newly sleeved and starting back to real food, need to measure your food! It is SO important. It is easy to overfill because we are not used to having such small portions. Measure measure measure! Even being almost 14 months post-op I find that I still measure my food about 65% of the time! You don't want to be uncomfortably full, so you need to stop before you get that full signal.
  11. Congrats on your loss so far! You are doing a tremendous job...keep up the good work FM!
  12. I know what you mean about the cold...this winter will be much colder due to the loss of my winter "padding" but I will freeze my a$$ off before wanting that padding back!! I haven't tried beer yet, but I was a complete oddball and waited until I was one year post-op to drink any alcohol, and I've so far only tried wine. It definitely hits me harder now, so I have to be careful! Cheers to your new healthy life!
  13. I absolutely *loved* your video!!! Congrats on -100 being gone, SUCH an accomplishment! Way to go!!! And I'm your newest blog follower...I added your blog to my list of "blogs I read" and look forward to watching your progress!
  14. WOW! Amazing transformation! You look like the younger brother of the "before" photo! CONGRATS! Oh and see you are from Denver...what part? We are out in Centennial, I do love living in CO!
  15. I'm not sure how to handle your dilemna as everyone DOES heal differently (quicker, slower, easy, tough, etc.) but I know I proabably felt close to normal about 10 days post-op. Just wanted to chime in and say congrats to your hubby for wanting to do this also. My hubby and I are both sleeved and it ranks right up there with graduating college, getting married and starting our family...one of the BEST things we have ever done for ourselves!!!
  16. Mints, gum (only if you never swallow it!!), lots of teeth brushing (and tongue too) were my friend during this stage. It is normal, and it will eventually go away. I don't know about the blackish stuff on your tongue...I do know that some people get thrush after surgery but I believe that is usually a whitish coating. The black stuff might be worth mentioning to your surgeon just in case! Hang in there, this too shall pass.
  17. Absolutely amazing job. Congrats on a job well done!
  18. The incredible shrinking woman! What an amazing difference...CONGRATS! You look great!
  19. Um, you "felt" skinny because you ARE!
  20. M2G

    Channel Ring Sizing Question...

    Ugh, I dread this because I need to have my wedding ring re-sized. I don't have channel setting, but I have 3 rings soldered together, 2 gold bands that are custom made to go around my platinum wedding ring. To size them properly, I took them to a jewler that I trust and had him give me an estimate. To do the job right, he needs to take all 3 rings apart, size them and then solder them back together. Total cost...around $270. OUCH. But I'm waiting until I get closer to goal. I just keep wearing my $8 Wal-mart imposter ring. Size 5, and it's a smidge too big. lol. Good luck, definitely find a reputable jeweler who KNOWS what they are doing and is part of the BBB, etc. You don't want to take chances by cheaping out on this.
  21. M2G

    Body Shape After Weight Loss

    I also have the same basic shape that I did before. I used to think that I had "broad" shoulders and while I do to some degree, I've noticed that it's not much of a problem anymore, as I am wearing size L in most everything (even a few select M!!) I was a D to DD before and I still am, just a much smaller band size (like 44 to 36 right now). They certainly don't point the right direction but then again they didn't when I was at my heaviest either. I used to *hate* wearing underwire because I thought they were torture, but after losing almost 100lbs I realize it had NOTHING to do with the wire, and everything to do with me stuffing myself in there. Now I wear the underwire without a second thought because nothing is digging into me and the underwire helps improve the 'appearance" so to speak. Yes, the lady station improves quite a bit...no worries!
  22. M2G

    Operating Table

    I had to scoot myself ON to the OR table and then back OFF the OR table onto a wheeling bed. I remember it all the scooting even though after I was pretty out of it. Good luck with your surgery..you will do fine no matter what they need you to do.
  23. M2G

    Fat Pant Photos...

    OMG these aren't your "biggest" pants!! LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on all your success!
  24. Oooooh, Linda today is BETTER than Christmas for you! I am soooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
