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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Breast Loss

    Okay this I didn't want to hear!!! I am still a DD right now, but still have -20lbs to lose. YIKES DIVA!!! Oh well, I wouldn't wish for the fat back and right now they still look pretty good in a bra at least!
  2. M2G

    I Still Want My "beyonce"

    I have always been a relatively curvy girl, but my butt did get flatter with weight loss. I have NOT lost any in my bra cup size (band size YES, cup size is still a DD!!) Having a good bra really helps, but I feel like I'm still fairly curvy. Also I'm not at goal yet, still have another -20lbs or so to go and not sure what the boobs and butt will look like in another -20! I can, however, tell you that absolutely I will take a loss in curves to lose the weight!!! I do NOT want the weight back for anything!! Send me a PM if you want some photos (NOT racy, but you can see my curves, etc.)
  3. M2G

    Another Hair Loss Question...weird?

    Sorry this is a myth. I absolutely got all my protein in and still lost hair. I think for most people it is unavoidable, HOWEVER, it was mostly only noticable to me (um, and my family and my vaccuum!) Tracey, I wish there was a magic number that when you reach ______XXX time the loss stops. I noticed when I hit a major stall at months 8, 9 and 10, that my hair loss slowed down considerably. But then to my dismay, I did still continue to lose more hair (at a MUCH slower rate, more like a few stray hairs here and there than what I had previously been losing in my brush, down the shower drain, etc.) I have been taking Biotin since Sept. 2010 and continue to take it today. It definitely has helped with new growth. When I pull my hair back into a pony tail (usually just for working out not for an everyday look) I can see all these baby hair sprouts growing and sticking out (so lovely!) But that is what Biotin does, it helps you create new growth, it won't prevent hair loss. Just keep working your plan and I can almost promise you that you won't go 100% bald! You are doing a fabulous job, BTW, CONGRATS!!!
  4. Just thought I would share a photo update. There is not much to report in the way of big weight-loss news for me. Although I did manage to maintain through the holidays and I am super-happy about that! Of course I need to have the before photo so that is first, then the second is at 14 months post-op. Still love my sleeve!!!
  5. Thanks for getting us back up and running. I lost a PM to someone...and you guys are right about how much we depend on this site. I felt "lost" yesterday without it!!
  6. I missed this before as well, but want to wish all of you who have had severe complications better days ahead. I am so sorry that (all 3 of you) have had such complications resulting from surgery. Libbe, I am so glad the leak is finally healed and hope that the fistula can easily be resolved. What a time you've had. Thank you for coming and sharing your story and allowing us to at least give you a shoulder to cry on. Hugs. I'm sure this has been very difficult and I really hope better days are right around the corner for you!
  7. You look amazing, I just love the slide show! I am thankful for the picture part of the journey because without it I might not "see" what others see. Because in my head, I always looked this good. But yeah, the pictures don't lie. Now that I'm closing in on -100lbs I am really noticing a huge physical difference. I have photos on here and more on my blog if you want to check it out...my link is in my signature. I will def. check out your blog as well!
  8. You already know that I think you have done a fantastic job! I am so happy for you and all that you have acheived. I think we need some photos!
  9. Thank you all for the nice compliments. I know for me personally, before having surgery the photos were encouraging. I know we are all doing this for our heatlh, but I have YET to see someone who hasn't improved their physical appearance simply by losing weight. Somehow we all look like younger, better versions of ourselves! And thanks for the necklace compliments, I didn't realize how bright it is shining in the picture, I think the flash just picked up on the metal and wow, it looks like it is glowing.
  10. M2G

    It's Official!

    How wonderful!! Congratulations! Can't wait for the wedding photos as the ring photo is beautiful!
  11. Put me in the freezing category! I think hubby and I need to invest in a electric blanket. Or maybe the heated mattress pad...all of it sounds really good right now!
  12. M2G

    M2G's Ramblings

    Aaaah, Coops and Sharon, I agree with you both. (Setting a realistic goal, what about the extra skin, etc. etc. etc.) and I know that the last time my sugeon and I chatted, he basically told me "I'm HAPPY when YOU are HAPPY!" You do have to love a man like that. Esp. a man who adores his stats and numbers, etc. (He is a bit OCD, which is a GOOD thing for a surgeon.) Sharon I've seen your posts about how to choose a goal weight and originally when I went into this my surgeon set my goal STRICTLY based on a healthy BMI. I told him I would be thrilled to death to weigh under 200lbs and a size 14. THRILLED TO DEATH! Well, now I'm under 200lbs and a size 12. And yet I find that I am NOT done. My surgeon ran his hands over my wrinkly belly and declared that he would do plastics (if he were me....now if he were ME maybe I could AFFORD plastics...ha ha ha!) Anyway, he asked what size I was wearing and when I said 12 he said, "Oh I think you were meant to be an 8" And in my mind maybe that could come true if I lose another 20lbs AND do the plastics. Anyway, it is all relative becuase in the end we all need to be happy with ourselves. So yeah, Coops, I think we will know when we get there. And yes we are going to give our freaking all to GET THERE! WE WILL!!!!
  13. There is a member here named Jax who was a band to sleeve revision who only had about 15lbs or so to lose. I know she lost the 15 plus a few more so I'm sure she had a relatively low BMI when she was sleeved. And she has been easily maintaining.
  14. I am also not a revision, but I'm 14 months post-op and my hubby is 10 months post-op and neither of us ever experience true hunger. But I want to say that there is no 100% guarantee that YOU will lose your hunger. I know of a couple (in real life) sleevers who have not lost their hunger and I'm sure there are some on this board. I don't know what the percentage is but be aware that you may not lose your hunger. That being said, I think that having no hunger is the best gift of my sleeve. I wish I could "gift" it to anyone who wanted to experience life with no hunger. It is simply amazing!!!
  15. I have lost band sizes from 42/44 to 36 but I'm still a DD and sometimes a DDD depending on the bra. I just think everyone is different, I am pretty sure even in another 20lbs I will still need a D at least.
  16. I do not have nor have never had a band (although I was headed for one, till I learned about the sleeve, the rest is history!) but I do have UnitedHealthCare and yes they did cover not only my sleeve but that of my husbands as well. We had a high-ded. plan and we had our surgeries in two diff. years (me 2010, him 2011) and so we had to hit our $5K ded. each calendar year then they paid 90% and we paid 10% on any remainder after we paid the $5K. BUT every plan is different, so definitely call and find out exactly what YOUR requirements are. We each had to do supervised "check-ins" (not necessarily a diet) for 6 months prior to submitting to be approved. Our surgeon is primarily a band/bypass dr. but his number of sleeves is increasing and I'm shocked to find him actually steer people away from the band. (happily shocked!) My personal opinion is that the band should be marketed as TEMPORARY. That is how I view the band. The VSG is permanent. Isn't that what we all want? Something that will permanently help us lose weight and keep it off? Best of luck to you in your journey, I am hoping you can revise soon!
  17. M2G

    M2G's Ramblings

    Okay, today is day one of 2012. I am working towards goal. I am currently 14 months post-op and the "honeymoon" is definitely over. I personally believe it was over at 4 months post-op, someone may beg to differ but I have given this lots of thought and that is my own personal timeline. At the time, I was, of course, in denial that it could be over, but the reality of the matter is I hit my first major stall at 4 months (I only lost -2lbs) and of course I still moved on and continued to lose weight, but the quick drops were over and the process of losing slowly begin to set in. This sort of tells the story right here: Pre-surgery: -8lbs (from the highest weight I've ever seen on my scale.) After surgery in 2010: -36lbs (from Oct. 22nd to Dec. 31st) After surgery in 2011: -48lbs (from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st) So as you can see, it took me nearly a year to lose what I lost in the first few months post-op. Crazy when you look at the numbers!!! But I refuse to live in the past or live with regret, so moving foward I would like to finish the job. Or at least give a really good hard effort at losing the last 20lbs or so. Stay tuned!!!
  18. I am with you my friend!!!! SO WITH YOU! I am much like you in the slow loser boat and the final stretch to goal has at times seemed impossible. And if I am going to go all out and be truthful here it may just be impossible for me. But that WILL NOT discourage me from trying. I will not go down without a fight and I will continue on my journey no matter how long it takes to get to goal. Here's to 2012...we are on our way!!!
  19. I remember feeling almost "normal" 10 days post-op. The first week is truly harsh. Keep walking, sipping (water and protein) and remember that you have been through major surgery and LISTEN to your body. Rest as much as you can, soon this will all be a distant fuzzy memory. I think returning to work on the 9th is do-able, but remember this is your journey. You know yourself best and if you aren't ready then by all means take more time to heal. Be your own best advocate. Hugs!
  20. It's a pity at the movie theater when I can cross my legs and not have them touch the seat in front of me with the person leaning waaaaay back. Guess I don't get to kick the people in front of me anymore.
  21. M2G

    Revision Of My Sleeve Plication To Vsg

    Hello there. I just saw this pop up under recent entries and I do not want to scare you but is this the same Dr. that you are speaking about? http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/27486-warning-gastric-sleeve-surgery-failure-dr-rod/ I am not sharing this to stir the pot or cause you undue stress. I'm sorry that you are facing a revision. I'm sure there has to be some people who have revised from plication to sleeve, as the plications are still "new" but have been around for at least two years or so. Please do your research and decide what is best for you and find a dr. that you trust completely to do your revision. As I understand it no matter WHAT type of revision you are doing, you absolutely need to find someone experienced with revisions as it is much trickier than a virgin WLS procedure. I wish you all the best, and even though I wasn't a revision, I am 14 months post op and still very happy with my VSG. All the best to you!
  22. I am thinking you might want to see what your surgeon offers in the way of support. I have been religious about attending all the support groups that my surgeon offers. He offers classes, plateau busting programs, back to basics classes, shopping and dining classes, etc. So I think that might be a good place to start. Also I have to agree with Diva about exercise. It is an absolute must. No excuses, it is something that I need to do in order to have the kind of body that I want. At first when I started it was like on my "to do list" you know the things that you HAVE to do every day. Laundry, dishes, etc.? Well, now it is my ME time and I'll be darned if I if am going to cheat myself out of something that I'm doing that is good for ME. It is good for me mentally, physically, and in every other aspect of my life. Lastly, I think you need to work on choices. We have to eat. What we choose to eat can help our weight loss goals. My mantra is just because I CAN eat something doesn't mean I SHOULD eat something. I do question if what I'm about to eat is going to fit into my program (i.e. lean Protein first, everything else after) and I'm not saying that I'm perfect because I definitely eat things that are not on my "plan" but I give it some thought first. You cannot expect your sleeve to STOP you from eating something, that has got to come from you. Best of luck on your journey. We have a very similar start weight and a very close surgery date (I'm 14 months post-op as well!) I will say this DO NOT GIVE UP. Keep on fighting and working for what you want!!!
  23. No I'm not at goal, but really struggling to lose more. I am really going to focus on trying to lose the last 20lbs or so in the next 4-6 months and if I don't accomplish it, then I'm okay where I'm at. It has been frustrating because I've been stalled a lot, but the good news is that I'm learning that maintaining isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Thank you for the compliments!
  24. Not silly to celebrate at ALL! I've been "hovering" on the line (between obese and overweight) for a verrrrrrry long time, lol, so you bet when I am done with the label of "obese" there is gonna be some celebrating!!!!

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