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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. C'mon, 11am tomorrow already! Will be thinking of you, and prayers that it is healed and the stent can be banished from you FOREVER!
  2. I LOVE THIS!!! It is such a great feeling! I remember feeling completely overwhelmed in the "regular" section of the store...like a stranger in a strange land. I got over that pretty quick and am wearing 12's and even 10's in some things (down from a 22/24!) I dont' feel like such a stranger anymore, and am generally still amazed that things fit.
  3. M2G

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Oh my goodness this is soooo true (AT least in OUR household!) My hubby is sleeved and has neither the time nor desire to join a message board. He learned everything he knows about the sleeve from me! Which is ok. I don't mind being his mentor, and together we have lost almost 170lbs and both look and FEEL 10 years younger. So all is well with us, but I have to just put in here that generally the men aren't as "chatty" as the women. Just how it is!
  4. M2G

    Dear Favoredone.. Must Read!

    What a wonderful wonderful thing for her to do. Favoredone, YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Enjoy your beautiful roses Jasleeve, I love that it turned your day right around. You have an ENTIRE message board praying for you and we will ALL be thinking of you come Mon!!!
  5. M2G

    Soooo Close!

    Funny about goals. I think it's going to take super-human effort for me to lose the last -20. I am right now a size L on top (some Med. but usually a L) and I am a 10/12 on bottom, and part of me thinks that this is good, I could stop here and be happy. But then part of me goes "what if" ...where would I be if I could lose the last -20? I'm also pretty happy that I'm still a DD, and I remember our LilMissDiva saying she REALLY got deflated with the last -20 or so and so I'm worried about that. I'm not planning plastics anytime soon (my kids need to go to college before I need plastics) but it is kind of fun to dream about. Maybe someday. It's hard stuff figuring out where we should land. I'm 5'6" but certainly not as tall as you Meg. I too will never be 130lbs. Just isn't going to happen. And I'm okay with that. At this point my goal doesn't even put me in the healthy BMI range, but you know what, that is ok too. As long as you are happy where you land, all the BMI charts, and drs. in the world can take a flying leap, in the end we have to be happy with ourselves!
  6. Torani uses Splenda. Sorry that you can't tolerate them, as they have been a lfiesaver for me. Also I like to sprinkle in a touch (like a tsp.) of powdered sugar-free pudding (Jello brand makes the little boxes of pudding mix, and the sugar-free stuff is in the blue box) but I will get flavors like cheesecake (or white chocolate) and sprinkle the powdered pudding into the yogurt, it thickens it a tad and it sort of is like eating real cheesecake! The sugar-free pudding has some calories also but very minimal, I think 1/4 of the box is about 25 calories so a sprinkle might be about 5 calories? And to me it's like eating dessert, only WAY better for my body!
  7. So, if nothing stays down, yet they say you are not dehydrated, HOW are you supossed to be getting any nutrition at all? I am continuing to pray about you and your whole situation, and praying that you have a break through soon, so you can have some peace. This sounds just miserable.
  8. At support group my NUT (who runs the group) was telling those of us who seemed to have developed a Sweet Tooth to try and incorporate more fruit. I have to be honest. I was NOT a big fruit eater BEFORE surgery and of course it got much much much worse when you are only eating meat and VEGGIES and being a good WLS patient. So I am going to try and make a good faith effort to eat more fruit, now that I can. The one fruit that I have always enjoyed is a good granny smith apple with a few slices of sharp cheddar cheese...that is one favorite snack of mine. Course I had that yesterday and still indulged in a few treats at the super bowl party yesterday...gah!
  9. Not only do you look so SKINNY, but you look COOL! Your kids must be soooooo proud of you! *LOVE THIS POST* SO I use http://caloriecount.about.com and I tried myfitnesspal a while back but I didn't like the way you are forced to put in quantities. At CC, you can do things in grams, oz, servings, 1/2 a serving, or 1/8 etc. I have an iPhone and there is a CC app (sounds like MFP has one too) but it has the bar code scanner etc. which is really cool execpt that I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible. I did use it the other night and was pretty tickled at how well it worked. As for me, full disclosure here, I gave myself a DAY off from tracking and I did eat quite a bit off plan this weekend, esp. yesterday with it being the superbowl, we went to a party and I GRAZED and SNACKED and ate very little Protein. BUT today is a a NEW day and I'm back on the wagon....CHEER to that!
  10. What an incredible victory and what an incredible gift!!!
  11. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. It sounds awful, painful, horrible and just plain exhausting. Add on top of that losing your job, your boyfriend, and basically having zero support, I think that any one of us in the same situation would feel a ton of regret, wishing to hit the "rewind" button and go back to life before surgery. Also I think many of us *know* and *understand* that with any surgery there are RISKS. We realize there are risks, but *hope* that we fall into the 98% of people who DON'T have ANY complications at all. I know for a fact at support group there were people who were banded 3-5 years and yet when things like "erosion" and "slippage" were mentioned they acted shocked. A few of them asked for clarification, and I was thinking, "I've never even had the band and I knew all about those possible risks of being banded!" So I think a lot of times we go into this just hoping and praying that complications do not come our way. I think that 1-2% leakage rate sounds really minimal until you ARE that 1-2% that has a severe complication then it's 100% for you! And that is the awful truth. And I'm sorry you are living through this and all the pain it has caused you, physically, emotionally, financially, and every other way. But I'm glad you are alive, and I know deep down you are a fighter because you are worth fighting for. I am glad you have a forum like this that is a place for you to vent and kick and scream and to SHARE. Thank you for sharing. I hope you feel like the people here care about you and I hope since you are lacking support from your real-life friends and family that you can at least come here and feel like everyone is cheering you on and hoping that soon you will have healed and that this will all be a distant horrid memory. Please keep sharing, and we can keep lifting you up and for those of us who are the sort to pray that we can continue to include you in our prayers. Stay strong, and may better days lie ahead for you! HUGS!
  12. YAY! So far the Flexees brand has been my favorite, and no they do not squish the boob area! Extra bonus points! I found some at Ross and TJMaxx for a lot cheaper than what the dept. store sells them for. Oh also check at Kohl's on their clearance rack, and take a 15%, 20% or 30% coupon into Kohl's with you. I bought 2 of the Flexees in Jan 2011 (that was when I was 3 months post-op) and they were clearanced down to $11.20 plus I had a 15% off coupon so before tax they were like $9.50 those were the size 2XL ones that I bought (and still wear occassionally although I am on the hunt to replace them in a size L!) The only down side to shopping at Ross or clearance racks, etc. is that your selection is limited. BUT I have found a brown one, a grey and white (layered look) one and I really like wearing them as layering options so it's kind of fun to have different colors, etc. Good luck, I rarely go a day when I'm not wearing something by Flexees!
  13. M2G

    "....you Look Fine"

    I have friends from Curves who all say the same thing, "I just don't remember you being that BIG" when I pull out the photos. They saw me EVERY DAY at that size, but I guess they think they are being polite to say that they didn't notice the elephant in the room. Cuz I sure remember how it felt to be that big! (and I've changed the same sizes as you from a 24 to a 12, even some 10's woot!)
  14. M2G

    what is going ON!!!

    I've been a frustratingly slow loser as well! I did try to go up to 1200 even 1400 calories for a period of about 3 weeks and nothing, I didn't lose anything! So I'm back to 800-1000. I did have my BMR (basal metabolic rate) done and it showed that I burn about 1400-1500 cals doing absolutely nothing. If it was simple calories in and calories out my BMR + my exercise + low calorie should work. And I do have to say that it did work for me in Jan (just last month 2012) I lost -7lbs in the whole month. I was pretty religious about logging my food, etc. and stayed within the 800-1000 range. I was shocked because I'm 15 months post-op and had spent pretty much from about 8 months-14 months stalled. Anyway, I'm going to keep the cals low and hope to get the last 20 off or so here in the next 6-8 months! Good luck it's frustrating because what works for one person doesn't for the next etc. I think we just have to do what works best for us, but it sure is frustrating trying to figure it all out!
  15. Congrats on your two year surgiversary and your loss and most importantly congrats on KEEPING IT OFF! YAY! Thanks for your honest account of how you felt, I'm sure that some people will always feel that we took the easy way out. We KNOW better! :wink1:
  16. Swizzly...sorry I missed this (re your cough) I'm wondering if there is a correlation? I know that our lungs can be compromised during surgery, but you are almost a year post-op so that is a bit troubling. Thinking of you, hoping that it clears up soon!
  17. M2G

    Banded Plication?

    This is just my opinion and that is what you asked for. I would NOT do the band OR the plication and I certainly wouldn't do them together. I personally don't believe that the band is a permanent weight loss surgery. I feel as if it has a shelf-life, due the the incidences of erosion, slipping, ports flipping, tubing cracking, etc. I believe that most people WILL not keep their bands until they are in their 90's. As far as the plication alone as a WLS, I don't think that it has proven to be as effective as the sleeve. But time will tell as it is still such a new surgery. I personally (again JUST my opinion) do not like the idea of the stomach being folded on itself. I know for a short period of time that surgery can be reversed, but I think after the window closes, then it is permanent. I don't like the idea of my tissue being folded and growing together and there are incidences of the tissue not being folded correctly and dying (the necrosis that you mentioned.) But of course their are risks with ANY WLS or any surgery for that matter, and you may not be one that ends up with a necrotic stomach tissue. Now, putting them together, the banded plication is definitely new and I'm sure that there are success stories out there. I just worry that anything dealing with a band is temporary. I know that people have a hard time with cutting and losing a good portion of their stomach, but once you are healed, you are done. I do not lay awake at night worried that my sleeve won't hold or that I will need another future surgery to fix or otherwise replace my sleeve (like many have had to do with the band.) I think you are wise to do your research and learn all that you can. I know for me I wanted ONE surgery and to be DONE.
  18. Ha ha ha, that is a great story! Creepy but nice, lol!
  19. You look amazing!!! Congrats on your loss!!!
  20. Checking in over here, I haven't been keeping up on much going on over here, as I went back to work part-time and suddenly I'm having to schedule my time more effectively. I'm also freaking out because I am used to working out EVERY single day so with my new work schedule, I'm missing out on my workouts, so I am hoping to get a handle on that soon. I actually lost -6lbs in Jan. and I was SOOOOOO happy! I'm 15 months post-op and have had several months where I didn't show any loss at ALL, so this was huge for me to lose -6lbs in one month! It has been a huge confidence booster to know that just because the "honeymoon is over" doesn't mean that I can't still keep losing. Like Coops said I'm so happy about this thread because we all "get it" as far as the fact that we are working our arses off to lose and working for each and every pound lost. So just wanted to pop in over here and say hello...Meg, keep us posted on the breathing issues....that sounds scary! I hope you can the get the testing you need so you can find some answers.
  21. M2G

    1 Yr Check Up!

    Tracey, you are doing so good (hubby too!) and I am so happy for you both!!!! You have come a long way since the start of your journey, keep rocking that sleeve girl!!!
  22. M2G

    Fab 40's shout out

    Thanks Peacequeen!
  23. M2G

    Fab 40's shout out

    First time over here at the Fab 40's Board (goodbye Flirty Thirties!) I just turned 40 this month, and am looking FORWARD to this decade being my healthiest adult decade so far!!! A while back I posted photos in the success stories and someone guessed that I was in my mid-late 20's OMG! What a wonderful compliment! Anyway, I'm married with 2 girls, ages 9 and 11. I've been married 15 years and my hubby is sleeved also (he's about 5 months behind me) and I'm 15 months post-op currently. So far, starting out my 40's being "overweight" as opposed to "morbildy obese" has been AWESOME!!!
  24. Um, just so you know I am 15 months post-op and I have not ever thrown up since being sleeved. Not once. And that includes post-anthesia nausea...(thank you scope. patch to ward off nausea that my surgeon gives his patients!) So there you have it. My hubby is sleeved and threw up approx. twice. Both times he was about 6-7 weeks out and was at a restaurant and trying to eyeball his food (vs. mesauring it at home) and it wasn't a big deal. I have an almost un-natural fear of throwing up. It is the biggest single reason that I didn't pick the band (seems like a LOT of bandsters have medically band-induced bulimia!) No. Thank. You. So PdxMan is right, not everyone comes on here and says "guess what? Today I didn't throw up!"
  25. Well this article didn't really give a whole lot of detail did it? It doesn't say HOW the person died, just that they died AFTER having WLS. And it doesn't say how LONG after having WLS the person died. If my conversion is correct, it sounds as if she weighed 211lbs before the surgery and when she died she weighed 88lbs? That doesn't sound like it happened very recently after the surgery (to lose that amount of weight would have had to take time.) So without all the facts, how can we judge if the hospital (surgeon, anthesiologist, nurses, etc.) made a mistake or if the patient didn't follow post-op rules, etc. or did the patient have an underlying condition that was made worse by surgery? So hard to tell. It only says she had a surgery following the first one to fix a complication (leak repair? stricture? hernia? hard to say...) So I think without having more facts this sadly is just a case of someone dying. I'm sorry for the loss of this person and all who knew her.

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