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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Well, I wouldn't know because I have not puked ONCE since being sleeved 18 months ago. Choosing the VSG over the band was such a huge weight lifted off my shoulder because I had heard about the PBing (productive-burping) with the band where when food gets stuck it has to go down or come back out, and I just couldn't bear the thought. So I choose the VSG and there really was only one time that I overate and *thought* it might come back up, but about 20 minutes and it passed. Phew. I might be a little unusual in the never-having-puked-post-VSG department, but I'm also super happy about it. And knock-on-wood I haven't had the flu or anything else that would cause me to vomit. Yay!
  2. M2G

    Sleeved At A Low Weight

    There is a member here by the name of "Jax" (you can search for her) who was sleeved at about 160ish and she was a band-to-sleeve revision. She hasn't been on here in a long time but you could try PMing her since I think most people have an email associated with their account...it might spit it to her email and she could respond. Good luck!
  3. M2G

    Medical Alert Bracelet

    I have consulted with 2 different paramedics about my surgery and the necessity of a medic alert bracelet. Both of them felt like it was NOT necessary because we don't have a "pouch" like a band or bypass, since our stomach shape is similar to a regular stomach only smaller. It basically refers to if you are unconcious and needing a blind NG tube inserted through the nose/mouth to intubate you and the fact that they could puncture your stomach since it has been surgically altered. I think most bypass people also can't have NSAIDS, so most of their bracelets say something like No blind NG tubes, No NSAIDS, and of course any other personal issues or allergies.
  4. I'm 18 months out... I can definitely eat more than a cup of food. But it also depends on the type of food. Popcorn, and other sliders, I can eat more (so I use portion control with sliders) if you are talking chicken, steak, seafood, dense Protein, etc. then I can eat between 3-4 oz and I'm full. I also tend to underfill my sleeve. I still don't have much hunger so it's easy to measure out a portion and just eat that. Just because I CAN eat more doesn't mean that I should eat more. Hope that helps.
  5. If you like iced coffee, take a bit of instant decaf coffee and mix it with hot water. Then add a bunch of ice, and pour a vanilla protein drink over the ice. I add sugar free caramel syrup and it's like a frappucino without all the fat and calories.
  6. I completely understand where you are coming from. I had the same issue. I had mostly everything from 14-24 in my closet, and I've always cared very much about how I look (I always do my hair, makeup, jewelry, etc.) so it was hard letting go of all my nice clothing. I found that my taste hasn't changed much, but I found myself buying similar clothing in smaller sizes. Now that I'm a 10/12 and M/L I have a few things that are XL (and mostly too big) but I do have a handy mom who can sew. She has fixed a few things for me that were my favorites. So at some point I will go through the XL stuff and see what can be fixed and what needs to go. It is hard, but I think it's a necessary part of letting go of our formerly larger life.
  7. M2G

    Denver Area Sleevers

    I'm in the Denver area, had surgery 10-22-10 with Dr. Snyder. You can PM me anytime here. It's hard going with very little support, but hang in there...you are doing the best possible thing for your health!!!
  8. M2G

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Love your dress, you look great!
  9. M2G

    Dl Face Pics

    Awwww, that is awesome! My hubby and I are both sleevers. I was the one to first bring up WLS for *both* of us....while his first reaction was "you go on and do this, you'll be great at this" having him come with me to the surgeon's seminar and learning some of the facts for himself was the clencher. I'm 18 months post-op and he is 13 months post-op. Together we have lost over -170lbs...that is an entire person! Congrats on not only showing your support for your wife, but joining her in her Quest to get healthy!
  10. WOW! You look amazing and have the perfect "hourglass" figure...awesome job! Congrats!
  11. M2G

    Dl Face Pics

    You both look amazing!!!! Congrats. I can see the concern, your after photos look NOTHING like your befores!
  12. Best advice = ALWAYS underfill your sleeve. Weigh and/or measure your food. And when it's gone, it's gone, there is no need for seconds. My NUT said that on a scale of 1 (being like about to pass out from not eating i.e. being hungry) to 10 (being so full you are ready to burst) you should eat until you are about a 4. I think that is excellent advice. I'm 18 months post-op and still weigh and/or measure a lot of my food, just so I know what I'm eating vs. guessing or waiting until I feel full. Hope that helps.
  13. Amazing loss! You look wonderful, congrats!
  14. M2G

    Happy Birthday Coops!

    Awwww, I *missed* it...shoot!!! Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway, sounds like a lovely day. I forgot that you both share a day...did she make the cake? Sorry I missed it...hugs my dear friend!
  15. M2G

    80 Pounds Down! New Pic!

    WOW! Congrats, you look amazing!!!
  16. M2G


    How fantastic!! Congratulations to you!!!
  17. If there is one thing I could preach about on this topic is to have patience. It didn't come on overnight and it certainly isn't going away overnight either! I'm still working my tool 18 months later and not at goal yet. Little by little, I have learned patience! Hang in there and have fun with Zumba!
  18. M2G

    Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!

    Oh wow, I'm so sorry! I agree with everyone else. This is definitely HIS problem and the way to deal with it is to discuss it with him. DO NOT starve yourself. You have to do ALL of this for YOU...no one else. I'm sure he didn't think he was being "insensitive" but that is what came accross. I had a co-worker the other day ask me about if I was classically trained (I'm a graphic artist but I've got a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design, but it was all before computers did so much for us) and when I began talking to him, he blurted out "WOW, you are a LOT older than you LOOK!" I stopped for a second and just went, "um, yeeeeah, I'm going to take that as a compliment" and of course he fumbled and bumbled about how it was MEANT as a compliment, etc. So even when they are TRYING to be nice sometimes they just miss the mark. Sorry that his comment hit you so hard. Please talk to him about it and let him know how it made you feel! HUGS!!!!
  19. M2G

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Cheri...wow, looking fantasic!!!
  20. Coops, I am soooooo proud of you and the Cookies...you are just awesome!!! WTG!!! We baked a cake for Easter and I got loud complaints when I wanted to swap applesauce for the oil (it was a box cake, throw in some eggs, Water and OIL, but you can always swap applesauce...except the girls didn't know I do that until Easter and then my 9 year old complained enough that I just did the friggen oil!!! SHEESH!) And GT glad to hear that you are doing better on not being so harsh on yourself. I agree with everyone else that we are own worst enemies when it comes to the negative talk. And yet we would never dare chastise someone else the way we do ourselves. Also I giggled at the pointy lips...gah who has THAT? Eeeewww! You are doing good fooling your dates into thinking you are eating...lol! The tricks of a true sleever. :-) I went today and had blood drawn for my upcoming 18 months post-op check later this month. My PCP is an awesome guy and was genuinely happy for me. He asked me if exercising was easier now (I've been going to Curves for 8 solid years now....RELIGIOUSLY not occasionally) and my answer? "EVERYTHING IS EASIER WHEN YOU WEIGH -100LBS LESS!!!" So true, so true!!! I will compose a big ole 18 month post-op update later this month after I see my surgeon.
  21. Hang in there Cheri! All stalls are from hell! I know for me personally the honeymoon was over by the 4th month. Ever since then it really has been very slow going. But the key is to never give up. I'm almost 18 months post-op and it has taken me this long to lose -101 lbs, AND -8 of that was pre-op. SO I hear ya for sure. There is one big difference for me when I stall (which is a LOT, I'm more the same weight all the time with the rare movement downwards) now post-sleeve as opposed to just dieting. I DON'T GIVE UP and throw in the towel and call it a day and dive headfirst into the ice cream. So having the sleeve gives me confidence that I can keep going, even if it is at a snails pace!
  22. After studying before and after face pictures of so many other people, I secretly wondered, if after losing the weight if I would feel like my nose was too big or my eyes would be enormormous, or suddenly I would have massive wrinkles where fat once was. So I was pleasantly surprised with my little comparison. More evidence that when you gain weight it affects every part of your body!! Amazing isn't it? 11 Months Post-Op
  23. Sooooo, my ticker says I have -42lbs left to lose to get to GOAL. And I've been waffling about changing my goal. My original goal was set by my sugeon. I know exactly why he made the goal too, because I would be just inside the chart for having a healthy BMI. HOWEVER, this goal is about -25lbs LESS than my lowest adult weight. In other words the last time I weighed what he set my goal for I was probably 13-14 years old. At my 6 month checkup, my surgeon was wanting to bump my goal up +15ish lbs...just by looking at me. Which I did take as a compliment. But I didn't change my goal. Now that I'm almost 1 year post-op and things have just slowed down to a snails pace, I am actually reconsidering my goal, taking into account what my sugeon said. If I change my goal I would really only have -27lbs to get to goal. I'm seeing him again tomorrow for my one year post-op check and I will ask him what his feelings are. I think he is going to say let's bump it up. Truthfully I want that healthy BMI also but it just feels like it is taking an eternity to get there. I would ideally be at or below goal by my two year surgiversary...seems reasonable. I think what will happen is I change my goal and then see how I feel when I "get there"...I don't like being in-between sizes like I am right now (14's are feeling a bit roomy, 12's feel tight, etc.) So I guess it all just depends. That's all I have for rambling today...I will update after my visit with my surgeon!
  24. M2G

    M2G's Ramblings

    Roger, that is truly fantastic! I'm so happy for you!!! I'm even more impressed that even with stalling, you were able to refocus and lost about -14lbs each month...WOW!!! It's taken me about 6 months to lose -10lbs and I'm fairly focused. I have learned a LOT of patience on this journey, more than I thought I would need (but it's all good!) Just happy that you are getting close to your own goal...that is GREAT!!! Keep up the good work!
  25. M2G

    M2G's Ramblings

    That is amazing!!! Congratulations on how far you have come!!! Can I ask how far out you are? Men always lose so quickly!! Congrats!

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