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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Peanut butter?

    Ooooh, try costco. They sell the MaraNatha Almond Butter brand for something like $7-ish? It's a big jar too. I never buy it at the grocery store...only at Costco.
  2. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Okay made it through spin. Reg. instructor was missing tho and it was a sub. She was good but I missed the reg. one. Had a moment or two of dizzy, shakiness, but that happens on a normal day too. YAY survival! Oooh, popcorn on a fast day is just EVIL, pure EVIL I tell ya!
  3. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I know, I've actually had to set an alarm because now that BOTH of my girls are in middle school it starts earlier and I *like* my quiet am time, so I've been setting the alarm to get up at 5 before they get up at 6. I'm a little worried about spin today...just because it's been about 3 weeks since I did it. I'm sure it won't be fun. The spin instructor tho, love her dearly. She is always changing things up each week, so that is good. But it's 1 full hour and we do NOT coast. Ever.
  4. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    That is good since you are a night snacker, right? I'm a morning person so I naturally am ready for bed by 9...lol 8:30 would be even better. Though I'm often up until 10 but usually not because I want to be.
  5. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well maybe the only ones posting about it lol. I've had 2 cups of coffee with FF cream and egg beaters with a smidge of cheese and turkey sausage. So I'm sitting at 166 right now. Buuuut, I'm heading to an hour of intense spin class in a little bit. I didn't want to go on an empty tummy. It will be interesting to see how fasting and intense exercise go (I haven't been doing intense exercise for the last couple of weeks because I tweaked my back and wanted it to fully heal.) So far on fast days previously I've only done treadmill running/walking (oh and a bit of outdoor running also) so today will be a good test. How's your day shaping up so far LV?
  6. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yay the cast is OFF, the evil cast is gone! Happy dance!! Well, at least now you KNOW what you weigh instead of guessing...lol. Glad it's gone... Fasting today, I got in just over 1550 cals yesterday and weighed the same today...but I tired of being stuck on the scale. Boo. Hopefully today will make a difference!
  7. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I don't know my TDEE, but I did my BMR when I was about 16 months post-op (paid a sports medicine guru to stand on his big fancy scale...it spit out a big ole sheet of paper with a lot of info on it, most of it confusing...) BUT the bottom line was that my BMR at the time was 1,450. I've tried eating more than that and I always gain. Always. I have never bothered to figure out my TDEE, because it seems confusing to me also. I never "count" or try to "eat back" my calories burned through exercise. I just fished out the paper...it was called an InBody 720 (I think that might have been the name of the actual piece of equipment.) Anyway, my NUT agrees that my BMR is on the low side. So I think she has been ok with the lower calories. My actual number was 1,459 kcals. Anyway, I've always gained when I creep over 1,400 and I only seem to lose when I go below >800. Gah!
  8. Thanks ladies...I know this too shall pass. But thanks for letting me whine about it here. Yes and the -9lbs are GONE nothing to be sad about!!
  9. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    The not weighing for 30 days...I couldn't do it! Oh I've done it before when I was hiding from my scale but not when I'm trying to lose, lol. Yesterday was a feed day (Georgia, I eat fairly clean on feed days, but the reduced hunger/reduced snacking makes it hard to eat more...) and after dinner I was just over 1,070 cals. So I had some greek yogurt with PB2 in it and then drizzled a bit of choc. sauce over the top. Ended the day just shy of 1,200. Normally I do not eat anything after dinner, but this was like a nice dessert. I just couldn't stomach the thought of more meat.
  10. M2G

    craig Kim elysium

    Looking GREAT FYE!
  11. Now, 5 weeks of 5:2 done and still down -9lbs. Wishing it was more but have been stalled for the last 2 weeks. Grrrr!
  12. M2G

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    Welcome! Best of luck on your surgery... I'm in Centennial, maybe we should do a "gathering" of some of us that are close by... Well, my surgeon was Dr. Snyder at Rose. I've been going to support groups over there for almost 3 years now. There are some Metz patients coming because I think Metz now has privledges at Rose and is the backup for Snyder. I think we also get a few other surgeon's patients at our support groups. We have a couple of long timers there, a few who are about a year out, one who is close to 2 years and of course myself being almost 3. It's a mixed bag though and there are a lot of newbies with a lot of newbie type questions/concerns. It's all good though and I go because I love the NUT who runs them, she is awesome and I love her attitude, etc. So that is what keeps me coming back. The one at Rose is open to anyone. You can PM me for details if nec.
  13. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thank you so much Georgia! Haha, thank you so much for sharing that FYE! Okay have to catch up on what's going on around here. Had some family in town for a few days so I was out of the loop. I went and had a visit with my favorite NUT today and I've been keeping her in the loop on the whole 5:2 thing. Educating her, really, as she had not heard of it. She had given me the green light to try it and I started on Tues July 17th. Exactly 5 weeks ago today. I'm down -9lbs. The past two weeks, I have fasted 2x per week, with zero results (or at least not any that I can SEE on the scale, lol.) So my biggest losses thus far have been in the first 3 weeks of this. But I am NOT one to give up and I refuse to give up. So I'm going to continue with this and hopefully this is just a plateau, and my body is trying to figure out what the he)) I'm doing and if I don't give up then maybe it will give me some more loss. I'm only 20lbs away from goal...sooooo close yet sooooo far! But at least I have a whole new perspective and a lot of hope doing the 5:2. My NUT noticed on Feed Days when I've really only hit about 950 - 1,000 calories and she is ok with that but also said if the plateau continues maybe try to bump those days up to 1,200. The low cal days are because I'm NOT very hungry even on feed days. But I think adding in one more Protein dense meal would probably be wise on those days when I'm falling short. Thanks ladies! And happy birthday to you Aug. ladies, hope you are having wonderful bdays!
  14. I was finally able to add mine, but it wouldn't come up using a first name. I had to type his last name first...
  15. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, can you share some links? Ended yesterday at 541...not feeling any hunger today...yay!
  16. M2G

    check up went very well

    Georgia...you have mentioned that before. Wow! I'm so sorry that there is just nothing offered post-surgery in the way of classes, healing, teaching, etc. Thank goodness for this forum, right? You have done an amazing job considering post-surgery, post-weight loss, there is so much confusing, misleading information. I think you deserve a pat on the back for that! I really should take this class, it would be silly not to!
  17. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT, GLAD you are feeling better. I know you said it's been a while since you were on the scale but your horrid sickness *should* have given you some type of loss. I wouldn't worry about fasting yet, I imagine you are still weak and if something sounds good, by all means eat it. I hope you continue to feel better. Love all the doggy pics girls. Seems like a group with small dogs here...lol. We have no dogs, just our old cat (he is 16 and we've had him since he was 8 weeks old) he would be sooooo unhappy if we brought home a dog. FYE, LOVE your new LBD photo and love what your hubby said about you. Today is a fast day. I fasted on Tues and didn't lose a thing. I hope today something gives. We'll see by tomorrow!
  18. Lynda, thanks for posting about this. I've never had this done, so thanks for the information. I will have to do some research (on insurance coverages,etc.) and I've been waffling about adding in more weight-lifting (I'm more addicted to intense cardio, I like the high after) but like you I haven't found a class on weightlifting alone. One of my weekly classes incorporates weights but I fear it's not enough. I may actually have to go the route of a personal trainer.
  19. M2G

    feast day calories

    Gosh I hope you start feeling better today. This has been a really long frustrating illness. I hope you turn the corner asap!
  20. M2G

    My "success"

    120lbs gone! Wow, great transformation and so quick! You should be very proud of all your hard work, keep it up, you look great!
  21. M2G


    Well I would certainly follow whatever rules your surgeon has in place. I get the idea that the thighs are moist but they are not as healthy as the white meat. I personally do NOT eat dark meat chicken, it has a much higher fat content. But that is just my preference. As I said. cooking the breasts this way makes them very moist and very post-op friendly.
  22. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    That sucks GT. I do hope the meds kick in for you. I can't believe you don't get some time off. Whaddya gotta do in the military to have a 'sick' day...sheesh!
  23. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT that sucks. Sorry you are so ill. I hope the meds help and you can feel better soon! I ended yesterday at 537, but no loss today. Boo.
  24. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh that is a bummer about the pictures. Sigh. It's hard to be everywhere doing everything at once, for sure. Have a good visit with your family. I struggled last week with the 5:2 but I'm back with it this week. You'll get back to it when you are ready.
  25. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Great pics G! You look wonderful...and that bear...oh my! Cute to look at but not up close, that's for sure!

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