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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Giving Up

    Doesn't look like she has logged in since May 9, 2013...
  2. M2G


  3. M2G

    BEFORE Montage

    From the album: Montage

  4. M2G

    Long term prognosis

    I've seen enough of your over 3,000 posts to know that subtlety is just NOT your area of specialty. But that's all good. You call 'em how you see 'em!
  5. M2G

    Are you FREAKING kidding me?!?

    Oh yeah I would be ranting a lil bit too! Snooki? Really? Hope the couch is comfy for him tonight!
  6. M2G

    15 months post op (PICS)

    WOW! Incredible. You don't even look like the same person! Congrats. Well pushing the counter works...I see the definition there! Awesome job.
  7. M2G

    15 months post op (PICS)

    Nice job OTR! Where are the "before" pics for comparison? Because (and this is a true compliment) you don't look like you were ever obese to begin with! (Also what are you doing with your hands in the first one?) Just curious, is this a body builder pose I'm unaware of?...honestly looks like you are washing your hands...lol. Or wait, maybe to show definition? Either way you are doing an incredible job. Sorry to hear about the knee surgery, hopefully it's feeling better now.
  8. M2G

    Long term prognosis

    So you are 11 months out?? Please do pop in when you are 3, 5, and 10 years out. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm editing this because I re-used the reported word and so my post got eaten along with the edit to the OP (Alex why couldn't you just edit that word out like you did on delta_girls post?) Anyway, let's see how good my memory is... I took your post to be like those old makeup ads that said "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" (how annoying right?) Look no one is going to jump down your throat because you have glided through the last 11 months since your surgery. You eat what you want, you don't exercise, and you are happy not being a size 0. YAY! If you can do this for the long haul, I would love to hear all about it.
  9. Well my husband and I are both sleeved, but honestly we can't have a relationship where we are each keeping one eye on our plate and one eye on each other's plate. We will joke about it sometimes (as one of us is popping up some popcorn about "hey watcha eating over there" but it's all in good fun.) I'm happy your husband has lost the weight and that is great that he supports you but you need to tell him to back off (maybe not as directly as Lipstick...lol) but you do need to let him know that this is YOUR journey and that you need to not have him always keeping tabs on you. Good luck, it's hard for some leopards to change their spots...
  10. I don't think I get hit on at all. I do happen to wear a huge diamond ring which I like to think keeps anyone with ulterior motives away. (The only time I don't wear it is at the gym and 95% of the time my husband goes with me...) When I was in the "losing" phase, I would sometimes get polite comments (men and women both...who knew me BEFORE being sleeved) about how nice I looked etc. but OMG, when my husband was losing people were falling all over themselves (men and women again) to tell him how great he looked. I *think* that bothered me more than random interactions with strangers who may or may not be hitting on me. So hard to tell. I'm a talker by nature so I think nothing of having a short conversation with someone at the grocery store or bank, etc. Edited to add: I *just* now read the entire topic of the post...LOL Laura now it makes sense what you were saying. I clicked on this over to the right and it didn't show the whole title, and I never looked up to see what it said. I don't consider myself super-hot...but a WAY better version of myself when I was fatter.
  11. M2G

    Long term prognosis

    OMG, Chimera. THANK YOU FOR THAT ARTICLE!! Wow it should be required reading FOR everyone who is even considering WLS. I find myself totally identifying with many key points in this article. Everything from not "reaching" goal, to the regain, to the word "failure" being bandied about in my own head. What an excellent viewpoint about the realistic outcome of surgical intervention. I'm happy to say that I do not currently consider myself a failure (but I have felt that before) and while I'm not happy about the regain (-10 of the +20 are gone!) so even though I refuse to accept the regain and will continue to battle it, I will NOT have a "normal" BMI but I'm okay with that. Thank you again for sharing this with us...
  12. K, add Butter to my list up there ^^---^^ And I know it seems like a contradiction (because how do you get to 100lbs overweight by just eating a tad more than the "recommended" 2,000cals/day...but true for me), but I probably used to eat about 2,500 - 2,800 calories a day (not sure because I was a grazer) but when I would attempt to "diet" and control my calories, I would wind up around 1,600 - 1,800. So for me personally, I don't see how I would ever be able to resume (post-VSG) a 2,500 calorie diet and manage to NOT gain weight. And I'm not going to lie, there are some days that I *wish* I could eat more and NOT gain the extra weight, but in all honesty, this is what I SIGNED up for. Please cut out 85% of my stomach so that I can eat less food. Hard to complain about the trade offs.
  13. M2G

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    I just saw your photos in the Before/After thread...girl you don't even LOOK like the same person. WTG! Yes, we want a photo from the bridal shower!! How fun!
  14. M2G

    Hey, No Fair!

    I didn't have a catheter...but the drain...eeeew, 6 days of my life I'm not getting back.
  15. M2G


    And end all the fun?
  16. Yay, updated photos! H...you don't even LOOK like the SAME person! Congrats!!!
  17. M2G

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    Still need an "after" pic on your profile...lol. Maybe one from after the wedding? Getting closer...
  18. I see that the person who started this social group hasn't even logged into VST since Feb 2013... Found this thread which seems to have more "active" Coloradans posting to it. In case anyone pops in here and sees how dead it is, try this link: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/63581-any-colorado-sleevers/page__st__80
  19. Yep me too! I guess we are probably going to eat low-cal for life. Not that I'm complaining because honestly why would I go and cut 85% of my stomach out and expect to be able to resume eating 2,000-2,500 calories per day like someone who hasn't lost a good chunk of their tummy? I'm not saying that it can't be done (Fiddle, and I think Sleeve of Steel and probably some other highly active sleevers...those weight-lifters, etc. oh and my husband also) can eat more than 1,200-1,400 calories daily and NOT gain. But that is just not reality for me (I work out approx 3-5 days a week, some days more intensely than others) but I've seen how easy it is for my body to turn extra calories into extra pounds. No thank you. Great article SS...thanks for sharing.
  20. Wow, congratulations! You look amazing, keep up the good work!
  21. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Fasted yesterday and logged in at 513! Woo hoo! Plus my new low of -10lbs is sticking on the scale which I'm thrilled about. You all who like Protein cake should check out eggface, she has a protein cake that is done in the microwave. Honestly I did it and it was a bit "dry" so I soaked a little FF creamer on top and a small drizzle of caramel sauce and it reminded me of a dulce de leche cake. Let me see if I can find it. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/02/strawberry-protein-shortcake.html She has a TON of them if you want use her "search" function and type in protein cake. Yum. Have a great weekend ladies!
  22. M2G

    A year out and im frustrated

    That mindset will get you no where, trust me I've been there. Felt like I missed out on some of my "honeymoon" window also (lost -2lbs in my fourth month post-op) but I'm here to tell you that I'm closing in on 3 years post-op and giving up is the worst thing you can do. I'm currently working off my regain and while it takes dedication, patience, perseverance, and a whole lotta the right attitude, IT CAN BE DONE.
  23. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just popping in for a few seconds. I went back to school this week and am finding between my kids schedules, my own homework and regular house stuff I do not have as much time as I would like to be here. I fasted on Mon. and was going to on Thurs. but quickly realized that wouldn't work as we took the girls to their first concert. We went and saw OneRepublic at Red Rocks last night...FUN! But dinner was eaten quickly in the car and my husband packed enough Snacks to choke a small horse...lol. So while I didn't get to weigh and measure everything I tried to log everything and was up over 1600 for sure. Gah. But the concert was amazing totally worth the effort! Anyway, fasting today had had about 50cals due to my FF creamer in my coffee and will fix an egg before I head to class this afternoon. Dinner will be some type of chicken...possibly crock-pot related. And sorry I'm not up with everything ...but did quickly read your post Cheri...you are SO RIGHT! Height does indeed make a difference, hard to "see" that on the ticker. I'm 5'6" so I can get "away" with weighing a tad more...at least that is what I tell myself!
  24. WOW! Simply amazing transformation! Congrats on all your success and hard work thus far. You look great!

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