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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    November fitness challenge

    You are my hero. I'm sitting here drinking coffee wrapped in 2 layers to keep warm. LOL! I love getting my sweat on but I better have a jacket to put on as soon as I'm done "moving" because the sweat all the sudden turns into a super-air-conditioner that I don't appreciate so much. I'm at 139 miles and KNOW that I won't make my goal of 175 for the month unless I start doing something drastic...we shall see!
  2. M2G


    I'm sure he will assure you that they are just "too tiny to see"...all is well, the building magic happens at nite. See Butter's TT was like 6 or 8 weeks ago and he just *finally* got his big screen TV. Nothing to worry about...yet!
  3. M2G


    Were they concerned with the Barbie Dream House building going on in the toilet?
  4. M2G


    I can see what I've missed while I was away... Wow, just wow. I can't even respond to the pooping staples...I'm sure her dr. is waaaay more advanced and modern than mine, or yours, or any of you all! Don't forget that they are microscopic as well...microscopic poopable staples that can build houses and stadiums!! Be careful those of you who are considering deep frying a turkey...we had some neighbors who literally lost half of their house to a deep fried turkey accident on Christmas eve...half the house went up in flames. So if you haven't done it before you might want to make sure you have all the proper stuff and oh yeah, don't leave it unattended on a wooden deck. As for BBQ, love the tailgating, portable BBQ on the back of a truck...that just beats em all. Need my BBQ'd meat and I need it NOW. lol
  5. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry GT, I try pretty hard to keep up with *this* thread, can't always say that for the other THOUSANDS of threads I've replied to that are floating around out there ---side note, is Alex EVER going to straighten out the post count? I guess it doesn't really matter that I've posted like 2,000 times vs 6,000 times I just think it's ODD that happened when we switched over--- sorry SQUIRREL!! But I know you are dealing with a lot of heavy stuff right now. Sometimes I think we use these forums as "thinking out loud" I know I'm terribly guilty of it, and I try not to obsess over something that might be mentioned that NO ONE takes note of. Because it's really just my brain dump so I can "get it out there" instead of having it swirl around in my own head taking up precious space that should be used for something else like listening to my girls when they chatter on and on about something, or focusing on my husband when he says something. So please don't be offended if we can't all comment or know all of the details...just know that I consider you a friend, and I value your input around here. I DID go and read the thread you mentioned and yep, I know who you are talking about and I've seen her "chase" you and "goad" you before...you are right this is NOT the first time. BUT I will say she is much like that with all of her threads and I think she is a very particular type of person, a little bit of the in-your-face-attitude, so I'm not sure that makes it any *better* but I don't think she is going to change. I'm not sure it's worth the time to engage with this or just move on. As for the holidays, I'm already trying to figure out how to keep things in control...we will be gone for 4 days this coming week, with long travels on the each end of the trip (like 4 hour car ride up over 2 very large mountain passes...just tuned up the car with snow tires, oil change, etc. but winter has come and hit us hard, so hoping things clear a bit before we head out) we will stay with my mom and my mom is a bit of food pusher. FOOD = LOVE to her. She is a foodie through and through and loves to cook and the more you eat the more she sees love :wub: ...She literally has already planned out meals for each day and of course is hosting thanksgiving...and there will be treats galore, and I *always* gain weight when we go to her house. Because each time I cave and indulge in more than I should. So this time I need to keep it in CHECK. As I already said I gained 8lbs last year between Oct-Jan 1st and I'm swearing to you all, and God and everyone who will listen that I'm NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. Not doing it, not doing it, not doing it. Phew. Oh and don't forget my surgeon threw down the guantlet and said at my 3 year in Oct. "Let's get -10lbs off by Jan and get you NOT thinking about your weight" WTF? Is that even allowed? Do I ever NOT get to think about my weight? Um, because last time I checked, when I don't *think* about my weight, it creeps up. So Jan. is going to be interesting for sure... K, carry on sisters.. Glad you all like it...seems appropriate here. :wub:
  6. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I think when we "post" here it shows up (the thread) under that "Recent Forum Topics" but then if you aren't one of our private group people then it will say you don't have access. At least I hope that is still the case...let me try this from a different browser and see... Okay COOL...this is what I see when I'm not logged in: BariatricPal Message You do not have permission to view this forum. In some cases joining this Social Group will give you permission to view this forum. So I think we are good. ===WAIT=== News flash though, as I look at the bottom of the screen it says 2 user(s) are reading this topic, 1 members, 1 guests, 0 anonymous users...I'm assuming the member is ME, but then who is the guest and I didn't think "guests" were allowed to read here...hum, wonder what that all means? Maybe we need to have someone who is logged in but NOT part of the 5:2 check and report back to us...??? I'm not 100% up-to-date here, but I just wanted to tell all of you that doing the 6:1 does indeed create maintenance, because that is ALL I've been able to manage lately. Fasting only one day a week for 3 weeks now and the scale keeps flashing up the same number. Sigh. So I will take it because it's better than gaining...but I need some sort of 5:2 fairy to come here and kick my arse into high gear! Alright that is all I have for today... Did Cheri ever come back? I would hate to see her stay away permanently. Sigh.
  7. M2G


    Seems like all the threads with misinformation from the beast are getting locked...I wouldn't take it personally.
  8. Oh my goodness, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I just can't even begin to imagine the pain and grief. Thank you for coming and sharing your story and that of your sister. Many thoughts and prayers to you and your entire extended family...
  9. M2G

    Let's Talk Fashion

    Oh those are NOT acid wash jeans ...like from the 80's. THESE: Are NOT the same as THESE: And if you have a Gordman's around, they sell a LOT of the sparkly butt jeans...cheaper than Miss Me. Trying to think of some of the brands, Angels...there are more and I just can't name them off the top of my head. Anyway, always go with a bit of a darker wash (thank you What Not--to--Wear...Stacey and Clinton) lighter washes tend to make you look larger than you are. And if you don't spend a lot on your jeans, it's fun to have different types for different things. I have a few with sparkles on the back pocket, something I NEVER would have done pre-sleeve.
  10. M2G

    Competition Amongst Women

    Funny I never got that impression about you! And LV - - as we previously discussed there is just no use with the whole comparison deal. WHY do people insist on doing that? And to have someone do it in a negative way...ugh! I'm sorry someone tried to drag you down...at the end of the day we all have to face ourselves in the mirror and I refuse to live my life in a negative fashion. I wouldn't bother giving them any more thoughts...deep breath in, exhale out. YOU GOT THIS!
  11. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim - LOVE your website and all your cool art. I'm a classically-trained artist that went down the digital path...but I do love my roots, paint, ceramic, fiber....aaaah! Thanks for sharing!
  12. M2G


    Also seems like as good of a place as any to just toss this out there: 1. Everyone who is up in arms about their surgical "choice"...calm down. If you are successful at whatever type of surgery you have that is awesome!!! 2. The sleeve does NOT remove "half" of your stomach, it's generally right around 80-85%. 3. People on the RNY and VSG boards (before this merger) were really only interacting with band people IF their band had failed and they were seeking out revision surgery. So yeah, our "picture" of a band might be tainted a bit because all we saw were the failures. Before the merger it didn't occur to me to wander over to band success stories to see people rocking their bands. Everyone has to do a surgery that is right for them and make it work to the best of their ability!
  13. M2G


    So I will copy and paste from the other thread as well... In all honesty, when I first decided I wanted WLS, I wanted a band. I had long thought about RNY but I was worried about malabsorption, and the restrictions due to medication. Even though I don't take any medication on a daily basis, (God willing) I have a lot of life yet to live and I didn't want to be restricted in any way due to having WLS. So I focused on the band. When I learned about the *possible* negatives to the band, erosion, slipping, cracked tubing, ports flipping, etc. even that didn't scare me away as much because honestly that stuff can be replaced. But when I learned about PBing your food or your medication, or God forbid, Water...that sealed the deal. I will do just about everything humanly possible to avoid having food come back up. I've never even drank so much alcohol that it made me vomit. Never! I've also never thrown up or slimed or PB'd or anything remotely like that since being sleeved 3 years ago. Not even right after surgery...had the patch behind my ear to keep nausea at bay. There are long-term band people who will say "I've only PB'd 4 times in 4 years!" but to me, that is TOO many! I decided that for me personally that I can't live like that. I also believe that with the band there is always a chance of having to do another surgery (as I mentioned parts can break and slip, but they can also be replaced) but for me I wanted ONE surgery and DONE. I didn't want to have to worry that in 2, 5, 10 years I would need to go back in and have a tune-up on anything. I've been sleeved for over 3 years and seriously have not had one single complication. Surgery recovery was pretty easy, I don't take any type of PPI (no reflux), and now 3 years later I still don't take any medication for anything. I'm healthier now than I have ever been in my entire adult life. The sleeve also puts me in control. I decide WHAT I'm going to eat, WHEN I'm going to eat it and the sleeve pretty much takes care of HOW much I can eat at one time. I max out at about 3-4oz of dense Protein. I can squeeze a bit of "other" food in there but my meals rarely go over the 5oz mark total.
  14. M2G

    Seriously.. What's up with yogurt these days?

    Yes that as a matter of fact, that HAS happened to me before...Grrrr! And what's up with that paper liner? Not many yogurts have that and while I'm a yogurt lover, why do I grab that thing by the very edge as if it is going to HURT me to get yogurt on my fingers?
  15. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Aaargh! OMG my husband say stuff like that to me too...and I let it IRK the heck out of me! Even though he means well, (like he said it one time after I was out mowing the lawn and said I was hot...he was like menopause? WHAT???) I'm not even close to menopause because that DAMN BIT*H shows up on my doorstep every 25 days like freakin clockwork. Gah! If only it could "quit" the way it starts...without warning one day you just GET IT. Can one day it just LEAVE us the he)) alone? Sorry stepping off my soapbox now... Sorry you are getting all the snarky PM's...I hate comparisons...it does no one any good!
  16. M2G

    Seriously.. What's up with yogurt these days?

    Love Fage plain...but LV...try the 0%...especially on 'fast' days...you will save some fat and cals and it is a bit less "creamy" than the 2% but worth trying.
  17. M2G

    Flirting ...?

    Well said! It has taken me a while to even "realize" that men are flirting with me. Actually one of my daughters (who was about 11 at the time) said to me one time after an encounter at the grocery store "I think that guy was flirting with you!" and I was all "whaaa???" ...THAT is how unaware I was that it was even happening. I'm a little more in-tune with it now, but I've been happily married for over 17 years so yeah basically not interested.
  18. M2G


    Oh Misty, good luck! I had my gallbladder removed about 15 years ago and I will say this: Having a GB attack is seriously the worst pain I've ever had. I've given birth to 2 girls and ONE of them without the aid of pain meds (not by choice. ) So yeah I would take giving unmedicated birth again over having another GB attack. Hugs!
  19. M2G

    Personal Trainer Tips

    Well I don't have a "personal trainer" per se, but I've been exercising at the same facility for the last 3 years and much more intensely this past year. I've taken several "classes" and then about 8 weeks ago signed up for a "small group" class that is focused on women and weights. So the lady who teaches this small group is a PT, and she teaches larger classes as well. Right off the bat, she asked me what I wanted out of the class...and I told her "I want you to watch my form and correct me if I'm wrong, because IF I'm going to get my exercise clothes on, drive to the gym, and get my hair all messy, it better be WORTH it." lol So she has been very good about keeping a watchful eye on all of us, and telling us when we are doing something the wrong way. I will say she is not the most "loveable" person, she is very direct, and very honest, and she tells us all the time that she has clients who walk away and never come back. On the flip side, she has many many many women who sign up for her class over and over again, me being one of them. (Sessions last 6 weeks with a break in between.) So I'm on my 2nd session with this trainer. I think you need to mesh personality-wise, but it might take a while for that to happen. You want someone who is going to PUSH you physically beyond what you think you are capable of doing, but not to the point of pain or injury. A good PT will also be able to "modify" any exercise in regards to your personal history and any type of injuries or pain you experience. So I haven't had a bad experience so I'm not sure what to say about that other than if you aren't clicking, then it might be time to move on to someone else. Hope that helps...
  20. M2G

    November fitness challenge

    Just popping in with a current update: 117.3 miles And looking at the calendar and knowing "about" how many miles I do each week, with being gone the week of Thanksgiving, I might actually fall short of my 175 goal. I'm going to step up my game a bit but I might actually not make it this month!
  21. M2G

    Do These Pants Make My Ass Look Big?

    So your training went well then...
  22. M2G

    Boot Camp Diet

    Just bumping this up because I think it's important information! Maybe when things calm down around here, Alex/Susan can sticky/pin this for us? (I thought it was pinned somewhere but that was back in the days of Tiffykins and LilMissDiva and Diva was the one who posted it. I checked over in food/nutrition/etc. and didn't see it there either.)
  23. M2G


    Same thing here and I'm on a desktop...not mobile. It seems as if the content is too long you get the ... but even when you click on "add/show comments" it still doesn't give you the end of the story.
  24. M2G

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dee...oh my goodness! So sorry. I hope that your temporary home includes internet and that things will look wonderful when all the trouble and hassle of having to move out is over and you get all new stuff at your place. (And I hope your insurance covers all of this!) Lots of sharing and good thoughts going on here... So Laura...OH MY GOSH, the prancing around in my size 2 post got to me too. Phew, glad it wasn't just me being overly sensitive. This was from the same person who came on about a month or so ago and her ticker showed she was like 121 and come HELL OR HIGH WATER she wanted to be 115. And her BMI was already like 22 or something? ANd she was asking if going on ALL LIQUIDS would get her to goal and she also said up front "Please don't tell me to try the 5:2" so of course my hackles were all up with THAT crap. LOL And I know I just *should* be happy for everyone and I realize that height is usually not shown on the ticker...but sometimes I get frustrated at the "lightweights" who are really more interested in vanity vs. the fact that they are morbidly obese...because they AREN'T. Sigh. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but yeah I will admit that it does sometimes. As for GG, she and I are the same height, so in my 3 year update post on the Success Stories she very cleverly tried to get me to reveal my weight. HA HA HA! I am too smart for her (even though I think she is pretty smart) and I gave her some advice without giving her my STATS. She is too smart for her own good sometimes and I worry that she is OVER-obsessed with the numbers games. BUT THEN AGAIN WHO AM I TO JUDGE. And I know we all fight our own demons...and I think I said something in like a previous post on here about obsessing just a tad less on the numbers ... FOR ME PERSONALLY. I will continue to fight the regain weight and then a few more pounds to goal but obviously it's not going to just fall off me. And with the weight lifting routine that I started 8+ weeks ago, it's probably going to make it harder to SEE the lbs lost on the scale, but hopefully I will come out of it with a stronger more muscular body. Which means it may take me a lot longer to get to that goal. But in the end, I'm HAPPY with where I am and how far I've come. No amount of self-obsessing, or whining will ever make me FORGET how FAR I've come. Carry on sisters...

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