Hi, my name is Angie 33 years old. married 10 years. No kids but have 4 sweet dogs. I have had issues with my weight all my life.. I had been on multiple diets, lose then gain.. back and forth.. the yo-yo effect! I ballooned to a wopping 279. I was on a diet 6 mos before my surgery and lost 22lbs. Surgery scheduled on 3/24/10. Since surgery i have lost a total of 104lbs. I am not at my bmi range yet but hopefully by summer or late summer, i'll reach my goal. Right now, my band is too tight and i'm eating all the wrong foods. I have lacked motivation d/t the high carb diet i'm on and the fact that i've seen no weight loss in months. I am still learning everyday what i can and can not eat.
I get alot of people saying, "oh, she had the lapband" I tell everyone that says that too me, " i have worked hard to lose weight, i watch what i eat, i exercise, i get sick almost daily and i have earned my weight loss." That usually stops them in their track.. The thing i find fun, is all the shopping. I usually buy things a lil tight, so they'll last a lil while. I am so excited and never thought, i'd be close to my weight goal. I am now in a size 10. Which i have never been in. I love it! My husband compliments me all the time! He introduces me to others by saying, "here's my hot wife" (blush)
You will not regret your decision.. Just follow the rules of the lapband and you can not fail! No calorie drinks period. No drinks with meals or an hour after meals. Eat 3 meals a day! No Snacks in between. If you want something sweet like a slice of pie or cake.. Eat it with your meal... Also make sure to exercise... Don't want things to go flabby and it will without toning or using those muscles! If u have any questions or want to chat, email me. Good luck in your weight loss journey!!!