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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Day1

  1. How is your exercise? I wasn't hungry the first couple of days post op - I attribute that to the surgery and accompanying gas from the surgical procedure (apparently we're filled up like balloons...) but my hunger increased in line with feeling better: the better I felt, the hungrier I've become. I don't think I lost any weight after the first day, but since then - 6 days later, I'm down almost 20 lbs. My only advice is - keep a 'liquid' journal for a few days and call your Dr with the results - have them confirm you're on the right track, and try to up the exercise as much as you feel comfortable with. At the end of the day, weight loss is a simple science - burn 3,500 more calories than you consume, and it's 1 lb gone.

    Good Luck!

    Hi All, I am day 10 post op and have since returned to my presurgery weight of 195. Hoewever, reading through many of the threads I've noticed that many others do not experience hunger early on and have dropped several lbs by week 2. Just wondering if anyone else noticed a stall on the scale early on? I'm starting to wonder if something may be wrong with my band. Im trying to stay encouaraged with this process but just need a little feedback. By the way, I've been hungry with loud growling but haven't strayed from my full liquid diet. Although I am having trouble getting in all the Water along with Protein. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  2. Hi

    I'm 8 days post-op. I went for a 25 minute walk day 3 and felt fine, and by day 5 I was on my bike (indoor trainer) for about 25 minutes. I've been between 35-55 minutes/day each day since with a heart rate range of 135-165 (typically in the middle) and I feel great. I was considering elliptical but in the past I've actually found them to be intensive on the abs (relatively speaking) so I'm sticking to the bike until my 3 week post op appt and hopefully I'll have the green light to increase the exercise routine to stairmaster, elliptical, etc.

    Good luck!

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