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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About vivianne

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday July 26

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    New york
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  1. vivianne


    I kept some stuff, for showing mostly the difference of what use to be.
  2. Recently went to see nutrionist. Lost 85 lbs since my surgery.

  3. Very sad to hear that Whitney Houston has passed away.

  4. vivianne

    Any cloths from 2x down

    Thankyou for your comments. I had gone to my local thrift store and i've been buying one or two pants and shirts. Then i give them back when i get thinner.
  5. Today is my 13th day post op. I'm tired most of the time and especially after doing anything with exertion.

  6. vivianne

    Day 8. I'm bored.

    Today is my 13th day post-up. I'm still bored but i played my facebook games. I went for a job interview on monday, Got hired tuesday and on thurs have to go to training. Anyway i still get tired fast. On Monday i went outside for the first time since being home from the hospital. My surgery was on 3/24 and i was finally released on sat 3/26. Slept alot the first couple of days. Now i just get tired really fast. Went to pay my coned bill and shopped for some water and juices. Came home took a nap. Got ready for my intreview. came home fell asleep again. Tueday went out for a short walk slept and got hired. Did paperwork for about 1/2 hour. Came home slept again. I still fine myself not hungry, so far i have my 3 oz of protein. took 2 hours to drink. When i'm not playing farmville or fishville, i'm reading or knitting or puzzles circle find and fill ins are my favorite.
  7. I'm currenetly a 3x but keep loosing weight , nearing the 2x now, looking for 1x and down. Willing to pay postage and handling. Anything will be helpful. thanks.
  8. If you still have the 1x shirts and the 22-24 pants left. Please let me know.
  9. vivianne

    Diet After bariatric Surgery

    Thanks for your list. I have'nt been drinking every hour. I can barely get the protein shakes down. Yesterday was my first 3 ounces of protein for lunch. Then i'm not hungry when i suppossed to have my next meal. Water, i cant even drink a entire 16 oz in one day let alone in a hour. I laso seem to have to switch to something else cause i get tired of water. Had 1 once of apple juice and was able to keep it down. There was no dumping syndrome things to me. Felt fine then had some crystal light fruit punch with water. But when it came back to protien shake can't took two sips and that was it. And that was over an hour. Thanks again.
  10. Thurs was my 1 week post up.

  11. vivianne

    hospital stay?

    I had my surgery on 3/24 @WMC in westchester, NY. and by the time they took me upstairs to my room they had told my mom that visting hours are over. She took everything i had packed for my stay back home. They wouldn't even let her see me to my room.. When my Grandma was sick and she was sent to her room from the ER in greenwich, CT they allowed us to go upstairs to make sure she was comfortable and it was like 2:30 Am. Every hospital might have different policies. If you explain to the Head nurse the situation she might be understanding and let them stay but then again they might not. Good luck.
  12. I'm so happy. My surgery date is set for March 10. I only have to do the full liquid diet/ clear liquid diet for two days before surgery and then after surgery.

  13. Hi, My screen name is chaseyro. I've been Here about two weeks now. Found out friday that they have an opening in march 10 for the sleeve. I'm so excited to start my new life. I'm currently 251 lbs. 4"9'. For my size i'm considered morbid obese. My goal is to loose 150 lbs. But i planed to set many mini goals. My first is to loose the first 50 and so on.
  14. Hi, If you can please send me a copy to : saraann7610573@yahoo.com. Thankyou so much. Right now i'm tentative schedule for the first week in march. I'm trying to gather as much info and friends as possible.

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