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About 2*the*new*me

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    New south wales
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  1. Hi! I read your post and I didnt really feel angry I sort of feel sad for you! Its a mind thing I think, after a week on fluids I was thinking why cant I just have some yoghurt or why can't I just have this or that and I stopped myself because If I could do that, then My dietician would have told me so, and everyone else on here would be eating it. I would definately tell your surgeon, confession. But 10 days out even though in my head i wanted other things I just went through hell and high water with my family and friends as well as landing in a pile of debt, I wouldnt have even wanted to risk that. Im glad youve decided to see someone because I think you need to, crackers and brie on day 10? there is something quite wrong about that isnt there? Im suprised you didnt hurt yourself. digesting that kind of thing? even chewed up, what if youd just swallowed it! hard crackers on a newly stapled stomache? holy moley!!! I have been back in since to have my stomache untwisted and I did eveything right, this surgery isnt cheating, you will never be able to finish off a massive meal, or gorge on heaps of really calorie laden food, and you just have to deal with that, and if it takes a speciallist to help you then Im all supportive of you.
  2. 2*the*new*me

    Update on me 10 weeks post op

    Hi!! No it's not including pre op, because here we get booked for surgery as soon as we see our surgeon, so I only did 2 weeks of Optifast diet! so its all post sleeve.
  3. Im sorry I havent been on here as much as i would have liked!! seems the world goes pretty much back to normal after a few weeks!! as busy as ever!! Im loving me at 10 weeks post op. I can't stop looking at myself. Im only 11lbs off what I was when I fell pregnant with my son. Its awesome!! I can't believe I have dropped 60lbs!!!! Im totally stoked!! Im scared to buy new clothes only because I dont want to have to do it again in a few weeks but I had to use a bulldog clip the other day to keep my skirt up!! Im glad the weather here in Australia is heading into winter because I want to wow everyone in summer when I strip off..not literally , My goal has only ever to be healthy and to look reasonably good in a singlet so Im looking forward to the next 4 months of cold. I hope everyone else out there is going well!! Ive been trying to catch up on everyones stories! Love Holly From Oz.
  4. 2*the*new*me

    Hello, New user from CT

    Hi, Welcome!!! Its a bit of a scary decision I think to have WLS and this place has been great. I don't get on here as much as I would like but the support is amazing!!! when your a little down there is endless support here. its fantastic. Like having a giant family.. which im not used to!! I had a sleeve done 9 1/2 weeks ago and can I just say that besides my husband and my 4 y/o this would be the best thing Ive ever done. I feel fantastic. Just think if you are going down the same road in 6 - 12 months time you will be amazed at what you see in the mirror... I can't stop looking at myself!! investigate the sleeve and push for it, because its awesome.. its not easy but the results are great... but each to there own, but research research research and definately get second and third opinions!!! good luck!! Holly from Oz
  5. Well I went for my 2 weeks post op with the dietician, and she wasnt too happy that im still gurling and taking so long to get it down, so I popped next door to the surgeon and he is 99% sure he needs to do a small dilatation to stretch out a narrowing that may have occurred. it may have been due to the wretching for nearly 72hours or the fact that it's just tight. its done by gastroscopy but I dont really care. I dont want to go back in. sure its hard but I thought I was done with surgeries now!!! Ive moved onto puree food in hopes that will settle it down a bit.! so he is giving me two weeks... and if there is no change then im going back in. Weight loss update since surgery I have lost 14.3kgs in 2 weeks, which is 31lbs.. which of course Im stoked about but they say its the upper 5% of weightloss and considering im hardly getting anything in it may not be a good thing... its very hard for my brain right now considering Ive taken two years off my life in 2 weeks and im stoked. hmmmm..... has anyone else had a dilatation before???
  6. 2*the*new*me

    This is my first blog

    Well I finally found out how to do this so ill just go ahead and ramble for a while. As you know I had my sleeve done last wednesday, all has been ok, gassy, but ok. sip sip walk walk etc ect Ive lost 8 kgs since surgery.... which is 18lbs... im not sure if thats normal but every day Im waking up and Ive lost another kg Its crazy. When im recovered I think ill be able to suck it in a bit better and ill see it more, other wise I kind of feel empty... Any ways. Thats all for today. Im back to work tommorrow BLAH! ! though I am a bit bored at home all day. Love to all From Oz Holly
  7. 2*the*new*me

    my introduction :)

    Hey, Welcome!! Its a big decision to make isnt it? but it sounds like you have made the right one. for you and your family. I know because I had to make the decision aswell. I was sleeved last wedesday and although still gurgling a little I am feeling great. Ive lost nearly 12 pounds since my surgery and its still falling off everyday. I dont know how hard it must be to live with someone with a dependency like alcohol but If you ever need to chat, ive found here to be a good sounding board, especially on the topic of husbands!! Best of luck though. Holly from Oz
  8. 2*the*new*me

    what size are my pants

    Here in Oz our basic size range is 8,10,12,14,16,18 etc.. only in like designer or couture stores (myers, david jones etc) do you get your 0,2,4 and generally you pay about $100 more to have a 0,2 r a 4 on the label. Every brand/company has its own standard size design, and so different brands will generally have a different make and shape.Its a no win. What ever happened to a plain white tee??? it became cropped,fitted,loose,guy style,short legnth, long length, capped sleeves, bow neck, v neck, scoop neck, tight fitting, slim, cinched atthe waist, rouched, tucked, nipped and cut... I just want a plain white tee.
  9. 2*the*new*me

    Feeling betrayed and ANGRY. Advice?

    In Laws!!!! Husbands !!!!! ARGH!!! I had a similar issue with my husband telling people a few days before my surgery last week, I was angry and upset and it was justified, but you know what you cant let it get to you. You love your husband otherwise you wouldnt have married him, sit him down and tell him how you feel. How does he think it makes you feel when they have their meetings?? talking about you like your property instead of a human. My inlaws are judgemental aswell and you know what I was so worried about what they would say, i was practicing the polite "im sorry I dont want to discuss it" but after the surgery all I received was allot of "get well soon"messages. no judgement. If they did throw some hard comments my way I would have told them where to shove it because this surgery is about you. not your in laws. It sounds a bit rude on your husbands behalf to be discussing your finanaces with his parents behind your back.... thats not a marriage is it?? This surgery will change your life. It will change your marriage (hopefully for the better) Talk to your husband. You cant go into the surgery with bad memories. You have to be positive. You have to be 100% committed. You have to want it. If your in laws dont then they dont have to have surgery do they?? its all on you. Be brave. Love Holly.
  10. 2*the*new*me

    Why did he tell everyone??

    Hello! I was sleeved on Wednesday has a bit of a reaction to the anesthetic but otherwise was suprisingly in no pain! Im still inhospital on steroids but I'm going well. Hopefully home today. This beds a bit short!! I'm six foot 1 so my feet are hanging off the end!! Just dealing with bubbles now. I've had a swallow and my new tiny stomach looks great albeit small!! I have gotten over the whole husband telling ppl I've realized that I don't care too much what they think since it's my body my life my decision and they can kiss my hopefully nice soon to be toned butt if they decide not to play nice. Any way good luck to all the soon to be sleevers xoxo holly from oz xoxo
  11. 2*the*new*me

    I'm sleeved

    Thanks for the tips! I've been put on more steroidsin hospital for extra 2 days apparently I'm not drinking enough. Walk sip burp got it
  12. 2*the*new*me

    New to the Forum

    Hi and welcome! I'm in oz so we don't go through that process here but I hope all goes well for u I was sleeved on Wednesday!
  13. 2*the*new*me

    I'm sleeved

    Well it's now Friday was sleeved on Wednesday had a bad reaction to the anesthetic and was wrenching for 24 hours so just on a drip. My surgeon swapped my meds and so I had a my fluids yesterday . It's a but like a funnel gurgling down into ur stomach!! I'm trying to drink really slowly but still getting a few bubbles the nurse said to sip and then walk ??anyways worst is over and thankyou for the mantra. I went under the anesthetic repeating I will do this I will wake up I will lose weight I will be healthy I will love myself more I do love my family. I will love me. So thankyou for all ur support any tips about the bubbles would be great!
  14. 2*the*new*me

    Yayyyyyy!!!! SLEEEEEEEVED

    Fantastic! I hope I have a speedy recovery like u! Congrats. I'm been sleeved in a matter of hours argh!
  15. Well I have some tight stockings on my bloods been taken and I'm wearing paper underpants!!!! I'm just waiting now for my time!

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