Hi There:
I am 34, married and have two dog "kids". I live on the east end of Long Island in New York and am an obsessive Mountain Biker and beach lover. My husband and I ride often together and I have a large group of women that I ride with. I stick out from the pack...weighing over 100 pounds more than the rest of them. I still manage to be pretty fast and keep up, but the weight is really slowing me down on the hill climbs. I trained last summer for the VT50 mile race and made it to mile 34 before I had a crash. I would love to be able to compete in a few 100 mile races and do some international races and actually be competitive.
I've lost 80 pounds 4 times and gained it all back each time and then some. Binge eating is my downfall and I'm really hoping the Lapband will be the tool to help me overcome this. The shame and sadness that the weight causes is too much for me sometimes but I keep thinking about life after the band. There is so much I want to do and see, and being this size compromises my ability to enjoy life. My husband is behind me 100%, although he has never struggled with weight and is one of those tall skinny guys who can eat anything. Oh, and I am a vegan. So this journey is going to be a bit a of a challenge for me, as all of the foods on the liquids and soft diets that my nutritionist had on the list are dairy or animal based. Guess I'll be drinking a lot of miso Soup and tea and soy yogurt!
I start liquids on Wednesday 3/30 and surgery is April 6th.
Love the support here!