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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Candle

  1. Candle

    My first week with the band...

    In my area, I can get the liquid Tylenol at CVS and Walmart. Motrin is the same as Advil - it's not recommended we take either. (do a search on this forum - you'll find many threads and explanations if your doctor didn't talk to you about it)
  2. metoo - Why did you wait so long to get a fill?
  3. Candle

    My first week with the band...

    I was banded on the 27th and had a pretty easy time too.:clap2: Does your doctor know you were taking the Motrin? I thought we weren't suppose to take NSAIDS. Tylentol makes an adult strength in liquid. Good luck to you! My appetite has returned full force
  4. Candle

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Whoa! I'm kind of scared of eggs - seems quite a few people have problems with them. (particularly scrambled) I’ve been craving egg salad though!! After you PB they recommend a day of liquids. Do you feel any restriction already or was that just out of the blue? I'm still on liquids but I don't feel any different. From day 1, I have been able to drink just like before.
  5. Candle


    Most of my bruises seem to be disappearing but I just noticed this morning I have a new bruise right under my belly button extending down to my pubic area?? I might have done this to myself some how but I doubt it ... anyone else have bruising there? Seems weird it's so low on my belly. Maybe instrument placement of something during surgery?
  6. Candle

    Banding set for August 27!!

    One of my steri-strips finally came off last night!!!!! :clap2: I can't wait for these gross things to come off. There are a few little "things" sticking of the scab. It looks like a coarse clear thread. Maybe a few of the inside stitches? I can't wait for port strip to come off - I want to see how it looks. Were you guys advised to put anything on the incisions? Bacitracin maybe?
  7. I did. It wasn't a big deal. They knocked me out and it lasted about 10 minutes. I'm glad they did it - turns out I had the start of 2 little ulcers and we got that taken care of. The bad part was my insurance has a $500 co-pay on "in-patient services" and I didn't know about that until after ... errrr!!
  8. Hey guys - day 2 being back to work and I don't think I'll need a nap today - lol. Yesterday I was so beat that I slept for like 2.5 hours and couldn't go to sleep last night!! Just getting back into the dog walking routine too. Ugh! I've lost a little more than 21lbs so far!!!! I wish I was more excited because of this and into this "new life style". I find myself wanting to just veg in front of the TV and eat a bunch of crap -lol! I hope that's not a bad sign ... I had a REALLY good Soup today! Reduced Fat Campbell's Cheesey Broc. You mix it with milk - it was really yummy and will be 2 meals. Have you guys had any favorites you can share?
  9. They weighed me before and after surgery. (that was the first time they weighed me at all)
  10. Candle

    Any Long Islanders?

    Thanks! Is that when they would possibly do the first fill? At 6 weeks?
  11. Candle

    Any Long Islanders?

    Can any Dr Geiss people tell me what happens at the 2 week check up? Will I actually see Dr Geiss or just a PA? If I still have Steri-Strips will they remove them? (They don't look any where near ready to come off yet) Will they do another x-ray to check band placement? Will I get to see the x-ray that was done in the hospital? thanks
  12. Candle

    Unexpected results

    It is weird how everyone's experience is so different. From recovery - to what your doctor tells you to do - to what you can eat - etc ...<O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p I didn't have any pain at all, not even in the hospital.<O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p My incisions are starting to get really itchy. I'm trying my best not to mess with them. <O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p Thanks for the tip on the A & D ointment.<O:p</O:p <O:p
  13. Candle

    Unexpected results

    Wow! I was banded on 8/27 and my Steri-Strips don't look like they are even close to coming off! Today is my first day back to work.
  14. There seem to be conflicting opinions on this - I thought liquids don't stretch the pouch? My nutritionist even suggests water loading about 15 minutes before eating. (after everything is healed and you’re on regular foods again)
  15. Candle

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I'm back to work today. Anyone else? I work from home so it shouldn't be that bad but of course my office didn't take care of much while I was out. I've returned to a huge mess!!! I haven't had any gas pains since like Friday - maybe a little Saturday - but both my shoulders are sore today. I wonder if I just slept funny? For the last 2 nights I have been able to sleep on my stomach again! :whoo: (Claramae - I'm going to send you an PM)
  16. I really thought I had the Protein shake thing down. It's been almost 3 weeks. The last 2 days they've been tasting grosser than ever!!!! :speechles I can not wait for mushies!!! It's funny the things you start to get excited for: cottage cheese! refried beans! tuna! These are far from the foods I am used to getting excited for! I'm going to need some therapy :heh:
  17. Candle

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I drank a 10oz Cream of Broc soup tonight. After I "eat" I feel bloated for a little while - I don't think it's really "full" or at least what full felt like before. I haven't really been hungry yet though - just eating what I am suppose to. (Still having ridiculous food cravings though) I've never felt any type of swelling or tightness. :cry Even the first few sips of Water and broth in the hospital. I'm thinking I might end up being one of those people that takes forever to get to restriction. :speechles
  18. Claramae - You aren't the only emotional one right now. I cried today when I was going through my mail and found I'd gotten a $150 gift card from my company to have my house cleaned while I'm recovering!!! I hope things were better for you today.
  19. I was banded the same day and have to wait 6 weeks. I don't really remember any discussion of how much they put in - it might be case-by-case. What size band do you have? Was there a fill in it when they put it in you? Are you outside the US? If so, do you have a different type of band perhaps?
  20. Candle

    Jump on the Goal Train

    I'd like to be 250 by my vacation to Disney on 10/21/07. That's 24lbs - I think it might be a little unrealistic BUT ... it's going to be a hot and activity filled vacation with A LOT of walking. I want to be able to keep up and enjoy it as much as possible. Disney is suppose to be pretty "fat friendly" but I'd still like to go on some rides with my nephew and not have to worry as much about not fitting in them - lol! I was walking my dog for 45 minutes a day, 5-6 days per week for about 3 weeks before surgery. I'd like to get back to that and even exceed it, in the next 2 weeks. I haven't set any other real goals yet. I think the holidays, especially since I most likely still won't have good restriction by then, are going to be a challenge. I don't want to beat myself up if I have a hard time.
  21. "Frank" - I just looked at your profile and noticed we have the same doctor!!! Are you using Medifast? Did you see Lisa? We must have the same daily nutritional targets! I was banded 2 days before you! I like Jim Norton but if you are an O & A fan .... sorry. We can't be friends! lol!! I'm a die hard Stern fan :biggrin1:
  22. herghost - Are you getting in enough water? Sometimes Dehydration can contribute to nausea. The pain meds could have something to do with it too. Have you tried getting by with just some liquid Tylenol? (I was VERY nauseous the night I spent in the hospital after surgery. I even threw up once. Luckily, I never needed any pain meds after I came home.) Frank - I too am supposed to consume 4 - 8oz protein shakes per day. I never used the protein shakes my Nutritionist recommended - Medifast. I didn't care for the flavor and they were VERY expensive. (I'm sure she gets a spiff $$) I found one on my own that I really like - Unjury. One 8oz shake w/ Skim Milk has 29 grams of Protein and 180 calories. The Medifast has less protein so I only drink 2 shakes a day. I'm still feeling VERY bloated after 4-8ozs of a shake or soup so I understand where you are coming from. I'm still struggling to get in water every day. I'm averaging 45ozs per day and I should be back up to 64ozs at this point. I've also used this stuff I got at the Health Food store - New-Whey Liquid Protein test tube. One tube is 3.3ozs - 176 calories - 42grams of Protein. They come in a few flavors but I think they taste god awful. On the days that my protein has fallen short, I've used 1/2 to a 1/3 of one to put me over my daily protein goal of 70 grams. Shelli - I don't have a follow appt until 2 weeks - on 9/10/07.
  23. I think you have to force yourself to eat - I've been finding this. I've started my day with soup a few times and not had any issues. I have heartburn occasionally and broccoli is something that brings it on. Raw is usually the bigger culprit but cooked does it sometimes as well. Have you had Cream of Broc since the surgery? Maybe you just didn't have enough in your stomach? Maybe the tea soured the creaminess of the soup? I wouldn't worry too much. I feel awesome today!! The last 2 nights I've been able to sleep on my side and have gotten some GREAT sleep! It has made a big difference!
  24. Candle

    Any Long Islanders?

    I'm one week out of surgery today and doing great!!! Glad to hear you are as well. I haven't really had any pain, finally have been sleeping a little better, and now getting my energy back. I see Dr Geiss next Monday and hope to get the go-ahead to mushies!!
  25. Carbs tend to just make you hungrier. Are you counting carbs? What are you consuming daily? Mashed potatoes, oatmeal, and a lot of fruit could be part of the problem. Hang in there - you'll make it!!

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