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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wcsxjim

  1. I was banded 6 days ago and should be on a "liquid/ Mushy" diet....

    The tittle says it all..... I am a cheater.... I absolutely cannot do it..... I've been eating regular food lately. The first few days I did good and followed the rules. The only thing mushy I have eaten the last two days was yogurt for Breakfast. Part of me thinks being banded around the holiday was a bad idea! I've been eating smaller amounts & food that is better for me... but its not what i should be eating "now" . HELP ME!

    Any advice or tips?

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Could i potentially hurt myself?

    Take a deep breath...remember why you had the surgery and focus on the day in front of you. Everyone has those struggles, you can do it -- it gets easier. Just focus on the day...not the food. And remember that your body really does need time to heal - especially on the inside. I have faith in you, and I know you want this to work. Be strong!


    Banded 3/30/11 - down 48 pounds

  2. Is it possible to mourn the loss of your fat? Or am I just going through normal mood swings. I am 5 days post op and today I was angry wanting to have this "thing" taken out of me. Now I am just back to the pain in my shoulder. Experiencing different kids of emotions, I guess I expected to just be happy with this new journey, does not seem to working out that way. Really miss food, was on Protein diet for two weeks. Today my son was eating popcorn, it smelled sooo good. I took a bite, chewed it and spit it out, that seemed to satisfy my craving but still feel like I cheated:)

    You're not alone! I had my lap band put in a week ago Thursday...and everyday is a grind. I'm having to remind myself why I got this surgery in the first place, how I wound up here and what the goal is. Keep strong, know that you're NOT alone...and it's a shared experience with your friends on here (even the bad stuff..lol). We'll get through this and be better for it!

  3. I'm getting ready for my lap band surgery this thursday...have that butterfly in stomach feeling I haven't had in years. Still thinking about how I got here (6'5" 400lbs.) I've been reading all the blog posts on here, and have learned so much. Here's my question: what are the three things I must do in order for this to succeed?

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