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Status Updates posted by Candace2314

  1. My weekend was full of workouts!!!! AH!!! I LOVE IT!

  2. I put on a size 16 today!!! They were skinny jeans so they were tight but the fact that I could fit them made me very happy :)

  3. My check up went great. They said thy expected for me to have a loss of 105lbs by my 1 year and I've lost 70lbs since surgery, 86lbs total :)

  4. My boyfriend is making me spinach casserole! Yay! Yummy!

  5. 2 more finals to go! #5 days til graduation! I've worked out everyday this week! I plan on hitting the gym today as well :)

  6. My feet feel swollen....

  7. Happy 4th! I may treat myself to frozen yogurt :)

  8. Good Luck with your surgery tomorrow :) I will be waiting for an update!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!

  9. I should be asleep- I have an early workout planned!

  10. Thinking about going to Vegas for my birthday again this year, this time I'll have alot more to celebrate :)

  11. Haven't been this weight since I was 19.

  12. I've been using my fitness pal to make sure I'm within my calorie goals for each day and to make sure my water intake, exercise and protein are right on point! Great tool!

  13. Saw my mom today she's lost 15lbs since surgery and she looks great, she's 3 weeks post op! I think our surgeries brought us closer together :)

  14. Getting ready for the gym :)

  15. Going to the gym tomorrow before labs! Nephew has been keeping me very busy, newborns are just adorable :)

  16. Today I feel so good. This last stretch of my weight loss journey has taught me to have patience with my body. I finally see that. I'm on the right track with my diet and exercise and it's really paying on off!

  17. Going to the gym tomorrow before labs! Nephew has been keeping me very busy, newborns are just adorable :)

  18. Had to take my boyfriend to the airport, sigh I wish I could've went to Cali with him but I have school :(

  19. I think my nausea has something to do with my stomach acid cause I didn't have anything in my tummy and I had to throw up- it was a bubbly looking and watery :( So I started back taking my pepcid ac I hope this helps

  20. Feeling kinda sick today :( Every time I eat I get nauseous...

  21. So my personal goal for the next 6 months is to real my final goal. in 6 months I've gotten over 1/2 way to my goal so the next 6 months I'm gonna push for a grand finale :)

  22. I officially have my bachelors degree! Today was wonderful :) Thank you all for the kind words! I posted 2 pics from my graduation and Im applying for grad school in the Spring :)

  23. Did water aerobics yesterday and weighed today and I've lost another 2lbs! 11lbs away from my mini goal!

  24. I have a hangover! I had my first drink in over 2 years last night and it only took one to get me tipsy, but 2 jello shots to get me wasted! lol

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