This is my second time typing this post- lol. I'm not really good at posting blogs, everytime I hit publish it erases my post .
Now, on to the next topic! This weekend (starting on Thursday which is technically not a weekend day) I broke my stall and I've lost 5lbs. I'm reading 257lbs on the scale but I won't change my ticker because that 257 could bounce to 258 lol. It's very odd that usually when I break a stall it occurs over the weekend. There is really no real explanation for it I think unless it has something to do with the increase of calories (go figure!) I've found myself at the swimming pool several times over the last week. This has been such wonderful exercise for me. I intend on going just about everyday but I must invest in sunscreen because I think that summer really is here in Arlington Tx, it was about 94 degrees yesterday!!!
For those who are reading- Happy Memorial Day! I hope you all have a great day