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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Insurance approved!!

    congrats, i am a week after you! May 9th. kelly
  2. it totally blows my mind how little everyone eats. i can not wait till i can be satisfied with a half of a scrambled egg! Kelly
  3. Seriously tho, I know price is always an issue with anything, but please do your research. Just becasue it may be $5.000 cheaper doesn't mean it is safer/better. Don't put your life and health at risk for a cheaper alternative. BE CAREFUL!! kelly
  4. kellyw74

    H. Pylori Bacteria

    IKR??? that is what i thought too. Am i going to get another infection (if you know what i mean) because i don't have any bacteria left in my system?? Worries me!! I ate yogurt this morning with my Breakfast. I am going to take some acidophilus tonight. Thanks for the advice. Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Cottage cheese - how to tell if it's bad

    UMM, i agree. don't ever eat things past expiration. bad idea. kelly
  6. kellyw74


    GOOD JOB Tiffany!! That is great. Keep up the good work, but make room for me on that loser's bench May 9th!!! Kelly
  7. There are a few that are either pregnant or have been and they seem to be fine. Don't worry to much. Just make sure your ob/gyn dr. knows you have the sleeve. Best wishes to you and your baby! Kelly
  8. WOW!!! sounds like you are doing great. Food will be better as you go. Read these boards. Nothing you describe is out of the ordinary. Keep up the good work! Kelly
  9. I live in Cali and my surgery is May 9th....you could say you are coming to visit me!! LOL Or the gay parade in San Francisco!! LOL Just suggestions. Kelly
  10. That is a hard one!! I do not know how you could not tell your husband. My husband is the ONLY person that knows. Others think I am having hernia repair, which I am having that too, but just omitting the sleeve part! LOL Best of luck to you. Kelly
  11. kellyw74


    Congrats!!!!! :D That's wonderful! Keep up the good work! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    New girl needs moral support

    I agree with Meggiep! You should ask your insurance. Comorbities don't require such a high BMI. Ask your dr. or call insurance. Look on their website, most will post. I would def check into it. My insurance is 35 bmi with 2 comorbities. That is pretty low. Good luck to you and keep us posted. Kelly
  13. I would just do cold cut sandwiches and chips, pb & j, eggs & toast or canned soup or nuggets. They also have microwave meals for kids. I know not the best, but easy and cheap! at least for the first week! Are any of your kids old enough to cook? It would not be forever and would give you time to get better! best of luck to you. kelly
  14. kellyw74

    H. Pylori Bacteria

    Well, I haven't received any emails or calls from the Dr. stating that my surgery can not go on as planned. So, i assume I am still good! They gave me HORSE pills tho!!! And lots of them! OMG! I have to take 2-500 mg Amoxicillin twice a day and 2 500 mg Biaxin twice a day for 14 days. During this time, I also have take a Nexium with each dose! It is making me feel awful and giving me a metal taste in my mouth. I guess it will all be worth it in the end when I do not have H. Pylori any longer and am sleeved. Thanks for listening! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Support Group

    I joined too!! I am Thanks for doing that Lilmissdiva. I look forward to seeing who else will join! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    8 months out

    That is awesome!! You look wonderful. Kelly
  17. That is WONDERFUL!!! Good job. Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Newbie to this site

    oh, i also had to do an upper endoscopy as a pre-op test. it took me about 6 months to go thru the program. i am scheduled to have surgery may 9th. i have seen people do it in 3 monhts tho. kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Newbie to this site

    The N. Calif. program is ALOT different than the others. Here is how it worked for me. I asked my dr. for the surgery, he sent me to a bariatrics overview class. It was a class where i had to watch a video about the different procedures that Kaiser offers. After that, I had to inform him if I still wanted to proceed. He then sent me to orientation at Richmond. This was a 4 hour class where they weigh you, you meet the Nutritionist, Case Manager, and a Surgeon speaks to the entire class about eating, surgery and what to expect. You get a binder and this is you BIBLE. You have to take this with you to every appointment!! At the end of this seminar, they give you your surgeon appointment. Now, when you meet the surgeon, he will tell you how much you have to lose. AND contrary to what you have heard, it is not always 10%. I weighed 272lbs and had to lose 20. They base it on your weight history and how you carry it. Then you are on your own to lose it. Once you are within 5lbs of "goal weight" you call and you get your psych appt. When you meet her, she will assess you and if she clears you, you get your case manager appt and that is the one where you get your surgery date. You will have to do blood tests, EKG, pregnacy test and whatever else the surgeon wants. You then have to take a nutrition and post op class and that is it! You can move as fast or as slow as it takes you to get the weight off that they require. Just a little advice, if they give you Dr. Fisher, do what he says!! He is STRICT! he is a tell it like it is kinda fella, but that is why i like him. He doesn't mess around!! If you don't do what he says, he will cancel you! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Weight gain before surgery

    My surgeon is VERY STRICT about not gaining weight!! He gives you a goal weight and if you do not get there, you do not get surgery!!! Plain and simple! The whole purpose of losing weight pre-op is to shrink the liver and that is what they are tying to acheive. It makes it eaiser on them...and you! I read one post a few weeks ago a girl went to the hospital to have her surgery and the surgeon sent her home because she gained!!!! Don't let that happen to you!! Stick to your diet and do what they tell you. It is only for your own good. Good luck to you! Kelly
  21. I CAN and HAVE lost weight. I know i can do it, i've lost over 100lbs 3 times!! I just can not keep it off. I have lost 55lbs pre-op and am not scheduled for surgery till May 9th. I know that i could never keep my weight off long term if I don't have the surgery. I need that restriction. That is what is going to do it for me. Everytime i diet, I fail! Because I can not control myself long term because i am always hungry!! If I psycially can not eat large quanties of food, THAT is what will work for me. AND hopefully, i will be one of the lucky ones that will lose the hungry sensation!! I am not a person that has head hunger and i am not a grazer that eats all day long. I just eat too much at one time. I will not be able to do that any more. This is what will work for me long-term and that is what I need. Not another diet. Kelly
  22. I agree. The gummy vites taste like gummy bears! I take the Vitamin C ones. So good! Kelly
  23. I wasn't finished typing and it posted!!!! Anyway. I know that sugar can affect sight, so maybe since it improved, it made your vision better??? IDK I just know that is so great to hear!! that really made me smile! Keep up the good work!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Am I in denial?

    I am with you on this!! And NO, you are not in denial!! It is a very personal choice to tell or not!! I feel the same way as you do. I feel like people are very judgemental and talk out of ignorance because they are uneducated on the procedure. I also feel that a lot of them are jealous that they do not have the courage to do it or the insurance that will allow them to! So, instead of being supportive, they are negative! NOBODY but my husband knows. I have a huge family and hundreds of friends. I have not even told my mother who I talk to daily! They all think I am having a hernia reapir operation. I am having that fixed too, but they don't know about the other! I may decide to tell one day, but I may not! I have lost 55lbs pre-op so as I continue to lose, it is not going to be such a shock! I do not think anyone will suspect anything! I just really do not want to listen to the negative, that is why I chose not to tell. My husband would never tell either! It is your choice and if you don't want to, then don't! Good luck to you! Kelly

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