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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Loving life :-)

    Look at you!! WOOH HOO!! kelly ;)
  2. kellyw74

    Nov 2010

    you do not even look like the same person!! way to go! kelly
  3. great job! you look awesome! keep rockin' that sleeve!! kelly
  4. kellyw74

    6months out down 75lbs

    Good Job!! You are beautiful!! Kelly
  5. my dr. says that for the first 2 weeks, nothing down the throat to treat constipaiton. if you TRUELY are constipated it must be an enema! make sure that you are really constipated!! simply not going doesn't mean that you are. you are not eating much and only doing liquid at this point. your body doesn't have much if any waste to get rid of. contstipation is bloating and feeling like you have to go but can't. oh, and it really hurts and is uncomfortable! so, don't just take stuff thinking you should be producing unless you are TRUELY constipated. that will just cause other issues later! kelly
  6. kellyw74

    EWL per my Doctor today.

    Sounds like everything went well. I bet you will be at goal too!! GOOD LUCK!! Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    creamed soups

    That unjury chicken is really good. I ordered 3 sample paks and they are yummy! I am going to a tub! Kelly
  8. I think it is a very personal decision to tell or not! I am telling nobody, except my husband. My own mother doesn't even know! However, I may tell her later! People are so judgemental and ignorant when it comes to WLS and it really pisses me off. I just don't want to hear the negative comments about it! I have lost almost 60lbs pre-op, so I don't think many will suspect too much. I am having hernia repair too and that is what my work thinks I am having done. I will just continue with my weight loss as I have and I don't think many will suspect too much. If they do, it is really none of their business! Good luck to you! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    creamed soups

    Some people do have lactose issues after surgery. I would just make sure that there are not chunks. Either strain the chunks out or puree them. Good luck! Kelly
  10. I believe that during the liquid stage, any liquid you get in is liquid. that includes broth too. good luck to you!! KElly
  11. I think doing the pre-op diet before hand is a FANTASTIC idea. This gives you an idea of what life after the surgery will be like. I started my pre-op diet in October of last year and have lost almost 60lbs. YAY ME!! My surgeon is THRILLED beyond belief!! He also is not making me do the liquid diet. Says my liver should be small enough. He only asked that I lose 20lbs and I blew that out of the water. It will only help you the more you can lose before you have the surgery. I will have a very short goal after being sleeved. I encourge everyone that has not started to start now!! Good luck to you! Kelly
  12. i was told not caffeine ever again. it is an irritant and can cause ulcer's. i don't drink caffeine so i am good. kelly
  13. kellyw74

    H. Pylori Bacteria

    i think if you have a cautious surgeon, they will do the testing. they want to make sure that your perfectly o.k. before they go and make things worse for you. mine said the purpose of the test was to make sure that my acid reflux had not damaged me too badly for surgery. i already have it and it can be brought on by the sleeve. he did not want to do surgery and it be worse than it already was. he was just being cautious, which i am thankful for. kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Support? where is it?

    That is exactly why NOBODY but my husband knows! People are ignorant and uninformed and think they know what is best. My husband wasn't keen on the idea, but he supports me no matter what i do! He knows how i have struggled. We have been together since 1992. People piss me off! I will decide later if i want to tell others or not. I probalby will tell my mom, but not anyone else. Best of luck to you! Kelly
  15. You have to keep in mind that what you have lost this far is HUGE in that short period of time!! GOOD JOB! And, you have this great new tool, that if used properly will work for the rest of your life! It is not a race. I know how badly we all want it to be gone forever, but it will go. Just don't beat yourself up about it. As long as you are not putting on weight, you are doing good. Keep up the good work and the scale WILL move! Kelly
  16. You look great! Way to rock that sleeve! My Dr. told me that having this surgery usually uncovers many things they don't look for and saves people's lives in so many ways! I am glad that they found out!! Keep up the good work!! And good luck! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    I wake up nauseated?

    can you try taking your ppi at night? maybe it will stop the acid production while you sleep and then when you wake up it will not be so bad. that is what i do, but i am pre-op. just an idea, ask your dr. kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Able to drink too much too soon??

    They say to think of your sleeve as a drain. If you put liquid in it just runs straight thru, but if you put solids in like protein it gets clogged (FULL FEELING). that is why they encourage you to eat protein first and avoid liquids when you eat cuz it pushes your clog thru. make sense? kelly
  19. kellyw74

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I am soooo very happy to get to participate in this as I will be sleeved May 9th. I am not sure how much I will lose in 2 months, but i will be optimistic and say 10lbs a month!! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal kellyw74..............278.......................224.............204..............20.............
  20. kellyw74

    Happy Easter Everyone

    HAPPY EASTER TO YOU TOO!!! I am so scared of failure too. I have failed so many times losing and regaining, losing and regaining! I just keep thinking "what if this doesn't work either?" My Dr. has assured me that I will not fail because I have been so successful before. I just can not keep it off. That is why the surgery will help me. I sure hope so, I still have that dobut in the back of my mind. Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    3-4 week stall

    myfitnesspal.com is a great way to track all of your exercise, Water, carbs, fat and calories. try that for a while and maybe the scale will get moving again. i find that i will lose the best when i chart everything! it also really puts into perspective what you are putting into your mouth. you may think you are eating 30g of carbs, but really getting 40g. that could be the problem! good luck to you! kelly
  22. Mine is two weeks from Monday and I am starting to freak out a little. I know we will all be fine, but I think it is human nature to be this way! We will all be OK!! Best of luck to you all!! Kelly
  23. Welcome! good luck to you and yes, keep your eye on the prize!! just remember the liquid thing is not forever!! keep us posted on your progress! GOOD LUCK MONDAY!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    New here. Hi!

    Welcome! You will find this site to be very, very helpful. Everything you want to know is here and if it is not, just ask. People are very friendly and never judgemental! Good luck to you. Keep us posted on your journey Kelly

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