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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Good job!! Keep rockin' that sleeve!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    How do you keep carbs so low?

    I agree with Tiffy. I wouldn't worry too much about it right now. Worry more when you can actually eat! Kelly
  3. I did the alka-seltzer chalk test last tuesday and my heart test about a month ago! don't know if you had to do the upper endoscopy!! that one really sucks! camera down the throat, i was sedated, but still knew what was going on! wanted to gag, but couldn't. heard myself burping, but didn't care!! LOL thank goodness all tests were ok. Having surgery on Monday!! Good luck to you !! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    How do you keep carbs so low?

    I think that is why they have the "PROTEIN FIRST" rule. If you are following that, you will not have room for carbs or very little carbs. Proteins have very little to zero carbs in them. Eat meat, fish, cheese and eggs. That will help you to feel full and you should not be able to eat so many carbs! Good luck! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Hey does Mederma work?

    Pure Vitamin E OIL is the best thing you can put on a scar. I laid my face open when i was a kid. 17 stitches across my forehead. 7 in and 10 out!!!!!! The dr. told my mom to break open vitamin e capsules and put the oil on my scar twice a day and avoid the sun. she did and you can barely see my scar today. I was 7 and I am now 36!! My husband knocked himself out last year with a grinder and split his head open. I used the vitamin e oil on his scar and it is almost unreconizable today! You can buy the pure oil now in the vitamin section. Kelly
  6. kellyw74


    I was diagnosed as T2 diabetic a year ago. VERY SCARY to say the least. I was only 34 and that was the BIGGEST factor in my decision to get this surgery. I knew that if I did not change my life, I would not have one! I take 500mg of Metformin 2x's a day. I have noticed that since losing 60 lbs, my levels have MUCH improved!! My A1C's were 8 last year and now are 6. I had glucose readings in high 180-220's everyday and now are in low 100's. I really do not need to take the medication so much, but do still. I will take it until I have my surgery next week and then see how everything goes. I do contribute my success with the diabetes control to weight loss and exercise. So, I know, if I would have waited to do this when I got my sleeve, it would have helped too. I just opted to do it before hand. I was scared!!! Any weight loss, no matter how you acheive it will help with your diabetes. Exercise and diet are the best way to acheive this and if the sleeve is going to help you do this, then GO FOR IT!!! Best of luck to you !! Kelly
  7. kellyw74


    LOL Rootman!! Kelly
  8. Last Monday, I had my upper endoscopy done and the GI dr. took a bioposy of my stomach. Today he sent me an email stating that they bioposy found H. Pylori bacteria and that he sent antibotics to the pharmacy and I should take Nexium 2 times a day with it for 2 weeks. Then, 6 weeks later, give a stool sample to my dr. and see if it is gone. That would be a total of 2 months from now! My question is this: I am suppose to have surgery in 3 weeks. Are they going to let me have it or am I going to have to wait until everything comes back as normal? Everything has gone so smoothly up until now and this really upsets me! Has anyone else had this and did you have to wait? Thanks, Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    H. Pylori Bacteria

    They say that it is contagious, but I am not sure how it is spread. I do not know if you have to touch someone's stomach acid juices, poo, or sneez on them. LOL!! I would ask the Dr. how it is spread. It did not delay my surgery date, BUT, I just finished my antibotics yesterday and my surgery is Monday. I am sure if you can be treated before your surgery, you will be fine. I had to take antibotics for 14 days. I also have to wait 2 weeks and give a poo sample to see if it is gone, but I will be sleeved by then and my surgeon said it was o.k. I am sure you will be fine to still have the surgery. I was worried too, but it all worked out! If you are worried, ask the Dr. that is what they get paid the big bucks for.!! LOL Best of luck to you! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    1 Month Post Op!!

    that is so AWESOME!! Congrats! Kelly
  11. I am having my sleeve done at Kaiser Richmond May 9th and I did not even think to ask if my husband can stay with me or not!!!! I am sure he would be much more comfortable in a hotel, but I just would like to know if he CAN stay. We live 2.5 hours away from the hospital and going home is not an option. Thanks, Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Kaiser Richmond

    I think it really depends on YOU!! I know a girl that did it all in 3 months. It took me 6, but I took my time losing my weight. I had to lose 20lbs and was not with the program in the begining! That was all me!! Then, I kicked it in gear and have lost 60lbs and have my date for May 9th!! The case mgr wondered how I lost so much and why it took me so long. I told her I took my time and wanted to lose a lot before my surgey, so I wouldn't have far to go afterwards!! So, all in all, I think you can go as fast or as slow as you want. It also depends on which Kaiser you use. So. Cal is ALOT different that N. Cal program. I am in the N. Cal program and they do not require the 12 weeks of Options Classes. That makes a HUGE difference in time!! It does go fast tho and there are a lot of steps to it. I also had to see my surgeon twice and do additional testing on my esophagus. All in all, I feel it will all be worth it!! Best of luck to you!! Kelly
  13. I hope to be at goal and maintaing! I have lost a significat amount pre-op, so don't have a really large amount to lose to get there!! Best of luck to you all!! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Lobster Bisque.... YUMMMM!!!!

    Did you make that Lobster bisque or buy it somewhere? Sounds yummy! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    How long did u do the puree stage for?

    I am pre-op, but my plan says 2 weeks! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Backing Out of Surgvery

    And that my dear, is the BIGGEST reason, I have told noboby except my husband I am having this surgery! People are so ignorant about WLS and want to say negative things. My own mother doesn't even know! I may tell her later, but for now, nobody knows! I just do not want all the negative energy. I know what I am doing is right for me and I am doing it for myself. Not for them. You have to do it for yourself and nobody else! I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you choose! Kelly
  17. Hey everyone, I do not have to do the liquid diet, just a lite meal the nite before. I will be on Clear liquids for 4 days after, then full liquids for 2 weeks! I am thankful that I took the pre-op diet so seriously and lost a lot of weight before hand because it kept me from having to do the liquid diet. Good luck to you all!! In just a few days, we will be sleeved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly
  18. YES!! Licked by a rat...in the face! That is possibly the worst think next to puking I can think of!! LOL And I agree with you Margaret. I use to think the same thing about bulimia! How on earth could anyone MAKE themselves do that! I would rather be fat than purposly puke all of the time! Totally disgusting! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Isopure, anyone? :)

    i am pre-op, but bought 2 of the apline punch and 2 of the orange something. i haven't tried them yet, but am hoping i can drink them because they will really help with the protein while on liquids. i only have to do the liquid stage for 3 days, so hopefully, i can drink them! kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi Cheryl and welcome!! You will find answers to ALL of your questions here, just ask. Everyone is so nice and non-judgemental. Congrats on the surgery date. Mine is in 10 days!! 3 months will go by so fast!! Just come here and learn all you can before surgery. That way, you will be prepared for anything! Good luck to you and keep us posted on you journey! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    YIIIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!! Humana approved me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS!!!! How exciting. Keep us posted on your progress!! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    3 days out from being sleeved

    If you read on here, a lot of people, actually most, have gas. AND almost all have "buyer's remorse." Don't beat yourself up too bad. You will be so happy once you feel a little better. I have not been sleeved yet, 10 days!!, but I have read so much to know what you are feeling is normal and everyday will get better! Then when you are a little ways out, you will be so happy you did it! Good luck to you! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Really, NO gum chewing?

    i have kaiser for my insurance and they told me the same thing. saying that it encourages mindless chewing and snacking!! also that if you swallow it, it could get stuck and will have to be surgically removed! WHO SWALLOWS their gum as a grown up??? I DON"T!!!! but, sure as i chew a piece i will!! LOL i went to see my case manager and had gum in my mouth ( i am pre-op) and she got really pissed at me for having gum in my mouth and made me spit it out and give her all my gum in my purse!! Treated me like i was 5! LOL LOL!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Thinking of Cancelling

    well said Heidi! Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    Thinking of Cancelling

    I am scared too! I am due to have my sleeve on the 9th. I pray and pray that everything goes right. If I do get a leak, it can be fixed and I know that! I have diabetes and high blood pressure. That was the biggest motivator for me to get this surgery. I didn't want to end up like my great grandmother and lose my leg from diabetes or my great aunt and be blind. Better yet, I do not want my AWESOME husband to have to take care of me later in life or die prematurley. I am not doing this to look good, although that is a great bonus!! I want to be healthy. I know that if I follow the rules, I will be!! You do what you think is best for you, but I know why I am doing it and totally trust that my dr. and the hospital have prepared me to be successful and not have complications. Best of luck to you in whatever you choose! Kelly

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