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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I was sleeved on Monday. No nausea or vomiting...thank goodness. The girl I shared a room with was sure sick tho! BLAH! I was able to do my ice chips and keep them down right away. The only problem I had was the GAS it has been horrible. I am now 4 days out and still hurt. Not as bad, but man, it is awful!! Yesterday was my first day taking my vitamins and it made a HUGE difference in my energy. I was able to drink a lot more and even felt like eating. I had 3 cups of broth and a whole fun size cup of jello (not at once, of course!!) Also had about 20 oz of Isopure and 20 oz of decafinated tea. I felt so much better than the previous days. I also walked about .5 miles. Today, I moved to full liquids and have already had about 20 oz of decafinated tea and 1/2 c. vanilla yogurt. I have had my vitamins and have walked around a lot. I feel like I could eat a lot more, but will not. I hear that you don't feel so much restriction on liquids, hoping I will more on mushies. Going to try and go back to work Monday, but may wait till Wednesday. Wish me luck! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Sleeved Monday

    Thanks everyone! I am really PALE and am sure it is just from the surgery. I am eating more today (protein shakes that is)!! I weighed today and have lost the 10lbs I gained plus 1.8 real lbs. YAY!! If I could just get this gas to leave, I would feel so much better. It is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not nearly as bad as it was, but man, it is not fun! My incisions look good and the swelling and bruising is looking much better. I walked another mile last night (slow), but got er' done! Haven't napped today at all! Glad my other Red Velveter's are doing well too! I just made a Meal Replacement shake from Bariatric Advantage gonna choke that down for my lunch! Hugs! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Sleeved Monday

    Thanks everyone! I feel better everyday! Today, my obliques are really sore, like I have done 1,000's of crunches or something. Kemo46, I have been taking my Vitamins since wednesday, sleeved on monday! All are chewable. Dr. said they should be chewable for at least 6 months. Because vitamins are HUGE!! I take multi, Iron, Calcium sublingual b-12. I also take d-3 gummie and Vitamin c for good measure. i hate them, but i take them! Good luck to you all!! Kelly
  4. I was never nervous or scared. I felt like it wasn't happening at all. I just sat there calmly and never once felt funny about it. I knew months before my surgery date and I was excited for a few days and then....NOTHING! I kept asking on here if I was weird! When they took me into pre-op room, I thought for sure I would get nervous, I did not. when they put me on the table and the anastesehologist came to talk to me, I still was fine, then I woke up and was still o.k. I think I just spent so much time reading and researching that I was prepared and ready. I hope you all do the same. You will be fine! Best of luck to you ! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Sleeved Monday

    Oh, I forgot to add! I gained 12 lbs from the surgery. YAY. Since Monday, I have lost 14, so I guess, I have lost 2lbs from my original pre-op weight. That makes me happy! I also started my period again, which made me mad, since I just had one before I went in for the surgery! Still, NO REGRETS!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    surgery is done May 9 ers

    I read alot on here and see that people say their biggest incision is to the left. Mine is above and to the right of my belly button. I am sure it is fine, but why is mine different than everyone else's? Anyone know? Thanks, Kelly
  7. If he is not supportive of you, then he did you a huge favor! What a wack job! Be glad that he is gone! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    3 days Post-Op

    My belly is so bloated and feels so gassy. That is the only real issue that I have at this point. I am drinking fine and doing my liquids good today. I also started my period AGAIN. I just finished a week before surgery, but I guess it is normal to start again.!! BLAH! I am SOO GASSY and can't seem to get rid of it! My butt is really numb and I itch everywhere. Not too many side effects considering!! I do feel 100 times better than I did on Tuesday tho. I only took one nap today, so I know I am getting better. I agree, that by this time next week, we will be ROCKIN' THESE SLEEVES!! God Bless you! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    A small victory

    that is awesome!! CONGRATS!!! Kelly
  10. i was just sleeved monday, but have known for 8 months i was having it done! i have chose to tell only my husband because people are so ignorant about the surgery and it really pisses me off! they talk so negative about it and think it is an easy way out. i have not even told my family or mother!! i may one day, but as for now, i will not. i have lost a significant amount of weight prior to my surgery, which gives me a very short goal to acheive. i do not think that continuing on the weight loss path is going to be too suspicious to people. i think that telling or not is a very personal choice and nobody can decide that but you. best of luck to you in whatever you decide! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Surgery in the Morning!

    Good luck to both of you!! You both will do great! I was sleeved on Monday and so far so good! I will pray for you and you both will be fine!! Best of luck and keep us posted when you feel up to it!! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Two Week Follow Up

    Yay, I am happy for you! I had surgery on Monday and am feeling pretty good, just bloated and really GASSY!! I am not nearly as tired today. Keep up the good work!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    3 days Post-Op

    Hi Susan! Sorry that you are having such a rough time. I too, was sleeved on Monday. I, thankfully, did not have the nausea or vomiting. I started my ice chips and was able to tolerate them well. They brought me my liquid tray,but I did not want it. I tried one bite of Jello, but the thought of food turns me off...BIG TIME!! I was released Tuesday afternoon. Dr. said everything went well and I should be fine. Today was the first time I have actually eaten anything. I had some unjury chicken Soup. 1/4 cup for Breakfast. I have only done my water/ice since surgery. Dr. said to focus on liquids if I could not do anything else to keep from being dehydrated. I did try a popcycle yesterday and it was nasty to me, so i threw it in the trash!! I also took my Vitamins this a.m. and they seem to have gone down well. I have TERRIBLE gas that I have had since I woke up from surgery. It is getting better, but is all up under my ribs and front of belly. I feel like it is hard to breathe. IT HURTS SOOOOO BAD!!! I can't pass it!! I tried Gas X and it is not helping. BOO HOO! Other than that, I feel good. I am a little worried that I am not eating, but I guess it will pass!! LOL that is what i wanted,,,right?? Oh, I did not get a drain, sorry that you have to have one. I hear they are no fun. But, it should come out soon, huh? Best of luck to you! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    I fit my goal pants already...

    WOW DIva!! You look HAWT!! Good job gurul. You are rockin' that sleeve and look so happy. Can't wait to meet you! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    surgery is done May 9 ers

    Hi Red Velvet Gangers!! I am glad to heart that you made it thru!! My surgery was at 4, I was in my room by 7. Dr. said it went perfectly!! I, thankfully, did not have nausea or vomiting. Just ALOT of gas. That gas is no joke and HURTS like hell! I walked a lot, but did not help. I was miserable yesterday. Felt like I could not breathe and was having a heart attack. Today it still hurts, but not as bad, I did some tootin' this morning and it seemed to relieve some pressure. I am not taking my Lortab, as I do not really have pain other than gas! I feel like I am doing well. I just do not have an appetite, which I am sure is normal! I have been drinking fluids, and am having Isopure today. There is 40 grams of Protein in that bottle and I have drank half of it since 7 this am. Dr. just told me to focus on liquids for now. I will be able to handle more in a few days. I hope you all are able to recover quickly and feel well. I really think I am going to love my sleeve!!! Kelly
  16. Well, today is my day!! In about 4 hours, I will be sleeved!! I have waited for this day for several years!! I can not believe that it is finally here! I think I am in denial! I am not nervous or scared or anything. I feel as if it is another Monday. I thought for sure that I would be so frightened, but I am not. It is almost like I don't believe it! HORRAY!!! Just wanted everyone to wish me luck and say a little prayer for me and my other May 9th sleever's. I have done a lot of praying myself, I know I am in good hands, but the extra prayers can't hurt! I will update when I can! Hugs, Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    One week!!

    It will go by fast! One week ago today, I felt the same way! Now, in a couple hours, I will be sleeved! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  18. Thanks everyone!! And Diva THANKS!!!! You are looking MIGHTY SKINNY in your profile pic yourself! Go gurl! Hugs, Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    About to leave

    Good Luck Michele!! I will say a little prayer for us Red Velvet members as they put the mask on me this morning! xoxo Kelly
  20. That is MY BIGGEST FEAR!!! I am being sleeved today! I NEVER get sick and am so afraid of this. I posted a while back that I would rather a rat lick me in the face than to be sick. I sure hope that I can avoid it!!!! Kelly
  21. GOOD LUCK TODAY MEGGIE!! I will be there with you!! Kelly
  22. My dr. says I can drive after I stop the pain meds. The hospital is 1 1/2 hours away and I am to stop and stretch half way home (being sleeved today) . Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Today's the day!!!

    GOOD LUCK TO US!!! I to am being sleeved today at 11:30! YAY However, I do not feel nervous at all! Maybe because I do not have children??? I don't know, but I feel like any other day. I have not felt scared in the least. I think it is because I have prepared myself for every possible scenaio. I have read this forum for 7months and I am TOTALLY confident in my surgeron and the hospital where I am having my surgery is rated #3 in the nation, so I know I am in good hands! I am not happy about being in pain for days, as I am having a hernia repair too, but I know I will be fine! Best of luck to us Red Velvet members!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Just got my call!!

    Thanks everyone! I is now almost 9:00 pm and still not feeling anything!! I hope I stay this way! I also took my Milk of Magnesia about 10:40 this morning and nothing has happened yet!! I guess I am just a freak! God bless us all! Kelly
  25. So, I just got my phone call telling me my surgery time for Monday!! I have to be at the hospital at 11:30!! I was hoping to have an earlier time, but I guess I should be thankful I don't have to wait til 4:00. LOL I don't know if I am weird or something is wrong with me, but I really do not feel anxious or nervous at all. It just kinda doesn't seem real to me. Kinda like I am in denial? I don't know, maybe by Sunday I will feel something, but for now, it is just another Friday night! Pray for me that I will come out o.k. without complications. I wish all of you the best!! Kelly

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