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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Pain VS.Nausea

    Maybe so, but I didn't really need pain meds, so I didn't use it after the first few hours. It also made me HIGH AS HELL!! I could not see or stand up to walk. They had to put me back in bed twice because my legs kept buckeling!! LOL I stopped pushing the button once I realized my pain was gas and then I was able to walk! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Pain VS.Nausea

    Yeah, I didn't get good drugs either!! I got Diluad and didn't even use it. The pain I had was gas pain and the Diludad wasn't helping that, so I didn't even push the button! About 12 hours later they gave me liquid Vicoden and that didn't help either. I came home with a HUGE bottle of it and have only taken about 5 TBS of it. I am a week out today and now that my gas is gone, I feel much better. I just feel like I have done too many crunches. That is my type of soreness. Northing more! You will be fine! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Savory High Protein Soups???

    I forgot to say that the unjury chicken is SOOO much better if you use chicken broth to mix it in rather than Water. It makes it taste sooo much better. I think it evens out that Protein taste. I make broth from boulion cubes and then mix it that way. I find it is so much easier to swallow. I still taste the protein, but it is not as strong. Good luck! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Isopure, anyone? :)

    I am a week post-op today and have had the Orange Pineapple Banana and Alpine Punch. I agree that they are dry and not that good, but are much better if really cold. I like to put in a lot of ice and sip. That seems to make it taste a little better! I am going to go and try a few other flavors, but not sure which ones to get. Any suggestions? Thanks, Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    6 Month Update

    Congrats on your success!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    vomiting blood

    OMG!! it's probably a bleeding ulcer or something, but don't guess..............GO!!! Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Good Job!! Congrats! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    Painful GAS pain!!

    And that is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!! OMG!! The gas is SO FRIGGEN HORRIBLE!!! At least it was for me! I was miseralbe from the time I woke up (MONDAY EVENING 5/9) until yesterday!! Nothing really helps!! They say walking does, but it didn't. Gas-X doesn't, bean-o doesn't. NOTHING!! Only time. I seriously hurt so bad that I could not take a deep breath. I felt as if it was under my ribs and I kept getting hiccups and was about to cry. It was the worst ever!! THat was really the only side effect I had tho, so I can't complain too much! I didn't get the nausea and vomiting that other's do. I couldn't even stand up straight because it hurt so bad. I did get diahreah last night which I think helped break it up. I tooted loud and hard this morning (TMI I KNOW) and felt like I lost 20 lbs!! It was such a relief!! I still have some sharp pains in the front, but nothing like I did. I feel 300 times better! It does only last about 3 days tho, if that makes you feel better!! I begged my Dr. for something and he told me to walk and there wasn't anything to help me! So, Best of luck to you. It does suck and nothing to prevent it! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    San Fran bay area sleevers

    I can't answer your question about going to Mexico, but can tell you that I had my surgery with a San Francisco Bay area Dr.!! Dr. David Fisher from Kaiser. He was awesome! From begining to end no problems what so ever! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    Savory High Protein Soups???

    i found out that UNFLAVORED does not mean TASTELESS!! Unflavored tastes gross to me and I can not stand it. unjury is the brand I use. I tried it in pudding and yogurt so far and it makes me gag!! I am going to try it in a smoothie. There has to be ways to make it taste better, but I just am not having luck! The Unjury chicken Soup is really yummy tho!! I can drink that all day long! Best luck to you! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    LOL!! Meggie I had to laugh at your post. I too, washed my hair on Monday and not agiain until, I think like Wednesday night???? I got so exhausted washing and rinsing I thought I would pass out, right there! Never thought taking a shower would make me soooo friggen tired!! WHEW!! I also have a hard time getting my Protein in. I just do not know what to eat. I have Isopure and drink some, unjury chicken soup and usually do one of those a day. I have plain Unjury, but IT SUCKS!! I just can't seem to find anything to put it in right now that it tastes descent. I also do RTD drinks. I got about 50 grams yesterday which isnt too bad. Today, I have got about 40, and about to have dinner, probably another 10-20. So, I think I am doing just OK, but could be better. I know when I can eat more than full liquids, I can get more, but I just worry right now! Hugs Kelly
  12. kellyw74


    I am VERY VERY PALE!! I am wondering if anyone else is white as a ghost??? Is this normal?? When I went to Walmart today, I took my bp and it was like 110/54 which is very low for me. I felt very light headed and had to go sit in the car. I have been pale since Wednesday (sleeved Monday). I am taking my vitamins and drinking my fluids. Moved to full liquids yesterday and mainly having decaf tea, isopure, grits, yogurt, sugar free pudding and unjury chicken broth. I don't have a problem keeping anything down and am doing well with walking. I did start my period as well on Wednesday and wonder if this is why I am so pale?? As I had just finished having one a week before my surgery and am doing it again! Also, isn't our stomach located on the left?? My main incision is on the right! Just above my belly button to the right! That is the biggest one and the one that hurts the most. I think that is where my stomach was taken from. Does that seem weird??? Just wondering if anyone else's was that way. It burns really bad inside when i walk and when I roll over in bed. Thanks for listening! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Final Food Funeral

    i didn't have a last meal. i did a pre-op diet for 6 months and lost 56lbs. my dr. didn't make me do a liquid diet because i did so well on the pre-op. he said my liver had probably shrunk ALOT and as long as I didn't eat bad stuff before my surgery, i would still have a small liver! I WAS AFRAID TO EAT BADLY!! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    Finallyformyself, I too, got my period 3 days after surgery. I had just finished a week before surgery and I have always been normal. That freaked me out, but dr. said it was fine! I too, have always been a fast, high volume eater and this is a huge change for me!! I am still on full liquids right now, but know it is going to be weird for me to only eat 1/2 an egg and feel full! I always have been a big drinker with meals too. I have worked on that for 6 months prior to surgery, so I hope that wont be so challenging for me. Best of luck to you! Kelly
  15. kellyw74


    thanks everyone!! I do intend on speaking to my gp dr. i have an appt on friday and I am sure i will come off my bp meds and have my diabetic meds reduced! YAY!! feedyoureye, i am 36, so no menopause here! LOL But, good to know! Thanks!! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Pain VS.Nausea

    I was SOOO VERY LUCKY!! No nausea or vomiting at all!! I had SEVER gas pain from the moment I woke up from surgery until 4 days out!! That was the worst pain ever! Up under my ribs hurt so bad, it was hard to breathe and I felt horrible. I could not get rid of it! Nothing helped!! I feel so much better today tho. I passed a lot of it last night and got diaharreha yesterday which helped. Today, I feel as if I have been kicked in the ribs and have a lot of brusing! Other than that, I feel great! When sitting still, I feel fine, it is only when I move, I feel pain. Like I have done a million crunches is the best way to describe it. My abs and obliques are SOOOO SORE!!! It is not enough pain to regreat my decision and I would do it again tomorrow! I also have not taken any pain meds in 2 days and was sleeved on Monday the 9th. So it is not that bad!! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  17. I am on full liquids for 14 days...10 more to go and am wondering what you all ate when on this stage. There has to be more than what I am eating. I am getting bored already!! I am eating: Yogurt Creamed Soup w/o chunks Grits and Cream of wheat (thin) Unsweetened Applesauce sugar free pudding Protein drinks Foods from liquid I stage as well Any ideas of other things I could have? Or is this really it?? Thanks Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Full Liquids

    Thanks Bilka! Broth and jello are part of the Stage I Liquids, so I do incorporate them as well. Having Unjury Chicken Soup as we speak! I only had to do that stage for 3 days, so it wasn't so bad, as the first 2, I had no appetite anyway! LOL Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    My Progress so far

    Hi Michelle!! I am doing good today too!! Thanks for asking! I am sitting here eating my yogurt. I don't appear to be as pale or light headed today which makes me feel better! My left side is REALLY BRUISED today!! Looks as if someone has beat me with a bat and feels like I have been kicked in the ribs!! But, my gas is finally diminishing and that makes me feel so much better! I am feeling more hunger today. I haven't been hungry so far, which I guess is good, but I hear that when I can progress to mushies, I will feel more restriction. I still have 10 days of full liquids to go. Hope you are doing well also! Go Red Velvet Gang!! HUGS!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    AWWW! I am so glad to hear that you and your sister did well!! Walk, sip, rest...repeat! That is the real key to healing! Keep us posted on your recovery! Hugs! Kelly
  21. kellyw74


    Thanks everyone for your comments. Lucky you Meggie!! The period did stop!! So YAY!! I do look a little better today, so I think that was the cause. I am not going to take my bp meds today and see if that helps with the light headedness! My general dr. will get my email in the a.m. and will probably call me. I know what I am feeling is normal and shouldn't be so impatient, it just makes me feel better to talk to people who have been there! I am so blessed to have all of you great people to listen and guide me! Thanks!! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    Today is ALOT better for me too! Although, every day has gotten better and better! I have upped my walking and fluids everyday. I still am not getting in all my protein that I should. The shit gags me now!! I am trying my best, but YUCK! I drank an Atkins Strawberry RTD shake this a.m. and it was o.k. I tried to do Bariatric Advantage Meal Replacement Banana this afternoon, but ended up pouring it down the drain after about 3 drinks. NASTY!! I had 1/2 c. really runny grits for breakfast and ate almost all of them. About 1c. of chicken broth. 20oz of decaf tea. 15oz Isopure Zero Carb water. and now I am having a RTD 100 cal/no sugar added Muscle Milk Lite Chocolate. It is nasty too, but I can choke it down. It is about 1/2 gone. The gas still hurts, but now I have diaharreha YAY!!! I am kinda happy, because at least something is coming out!! LOL It is the first time since last Saturday anything has moved down there! LOL! I am going to go for a walk with hubby and dog here in a few. Hugs! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    My Progress so far

    Good Job Michelle! I, too, went to the store with my husband and had to go sit in the car!! But, because my bp was 110/52. I was really pale and felt faint!! I was really hot and sweaty and once I got outside felt better! It was damn hot in that Walmart! We then went to the grocery and I was much much better there because I was much cooler in there!! I think I need to stop taking my bp medication now. YAY, but need to email my dr. about it first. For the past 2 days I have felt light headed like that! I am glad that I will soon be off my meds, but I hate that feeling! Keep rockin' your sleeve gurl! You are doing great! Hugs! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    I Had a Blow Pop

    I think with all of the other things you could have splurged on, you made the "BETTER" choice considering! Good job!! Kelly
  25. The smell of protein is really bothering me. I didn't have a problem with it b4 surgery, but it is really making me GAG now. I am trying my best to hold my breath and still drink it, but YUCK! Kelly

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