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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Good Luck! I pray that you have a speedy and quick recovery just as I did with no complications!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Milk after surgery??

    i am 11 days post op and have been drinking almond milk since day 5. i do not have any issues with it, but Atkins protein drinks give me the poopies!! Kelly
  3. Congrats on your new tummy!! You will be able to drink in no time!! Hours after my surgery, they brought me ice chips and I could only do a few and felt such restriction. I am now 11 days out and drink with no problems. Liquids go down very smoothly for me and feel fine in my tummy! You will do great! Best of luck to you!! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Do I have Sleeve-opause?

    oh my goodness!!! i am sweating and then freezing. it is crazy!! my poor husband sits with sweatshirts on cuz i have the ceiling fans twirling as fast as they will go!! LOL then, the next minute, i have the heat on! he can't keep up. i wake up at night dripping wet like i have just stepped out of the shower! it is NASTY!! i am sure it will get better with time, but for now, it is really on my nerves!! kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Favorite Beverage for now

    sounds delish! thanks for sharing!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Major Complications

    Prayers going out for both of you! Best wishes, Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    First Months Loss

    That is GREAT!! Congrats! Kelly
  8. So, I decided to go back to work today. I was going to go on Monday, but took a couple extra days...so very tired still. I am doing o.k., just wish I could take a nap and that someone would turn on the heat!! I am freezing in here! Feeling really weak, but I have a desk job and think I will be o.k. About 40 minutes ago, I got really embarrased. Had to go to the bathroom, stomach was rumbeling. We have a shared 3 stall restroom. I was letting it go....have had diahrreaha since last Thurday. I had the most extreme gas and as you know commercial bathrooms ECHO BIG TIME!! I was mortified. Although nobody was in there, I am sure the people that sit around the corner from the door could hear me!! TMI, I know, but I just wanted to die. RIGHT THERE!! Today is day 9 for me. I went to see my primary dr. yesterday because on Saturday, I got really dizzy in Walmart and had to go sit in the car. My bp was 111/49. I quit taking my bp meds that day and have felt better. I told him about it and he said.................I DON"T HAVE TO TAKE THEM ANYMORE!!!!! YAY HORRAY!!!! I also was taken off my Metfomin as my blood sugars are in the normal range now!!! YAY HORRAY!!!! I weighed myself this morning and have lost 7 lbs since surgery. That is fantastic. I just wish I could eat more. I am not eating as much as I should be. I am trying to get my fluids in and doing pretty well with that part! My dr. drew my blood yesterday to check my anemia and the test results today show that the anemia is not looking too good. Probably why I am so pale!! I am not sure what he will do, but probably gonna do something. Keep rockin' your sleeves!! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Back to work today!!

    Thanks! I feel great, other than the anemia making me a little tired. I could have gone back on Monday, but took a couple extra days because I was soooo pale. Yesterday, I got some strong Iron pills and have been eating more today and I feel much better. I think by Monday I will be dancing around! LOL , Kelly
  10. Hi Lisa, I live in Folsom and went thru the N. Cal process with Kaiser. I was just sleeved 5/9 in Richmond, Ca. Great group of folks there and I wish you the best of luck. Dr. Fisher was my surgeon and he is tha BOMB. If you have a choice, pick him! If I can answer any questions for you, please don't hesitate to inbox me!! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  11. I was sleeved 5/9 and have been on full liquids since last Friday. I am having a VERY HARD time getting my Protein in. I barely eat any calories and wanted to see if you all could help me. I am doing good with my Water, so no worries there!! I do drink some Isopure which helps, but I HATE the taste. I also have powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury plain and have tried to put it on my food, but it makes me GAG!!! A typical day for me is the following: B-1/2 c yogurt or 1/2 30 g Protein shake L- 1/2 c creamy Soup or 8 oz unjury chicken broth or 1/2 c yogurt or 1/2 30 g protein shake D- 1 c. Boulion Broth or 1/2 c applesauce or 1/2 thin grits i could eat any of these items at any meal, but this is pretty much all i am consuming at this point. i am lost on what to eat. i posted a topic last week and nobody really responded to it and i was told to just focus on my fluids for now. I am really weak and anemic and feel like if i could consume more food with protein, i might have more energy! I don't have a problem eating and could eat more, I just am lost on what to eat! Please help!! Kelly
  12. That is great!! I was sleeved 5/9 and have already come off my bp and diabetic meds!! Keep rockin' that sleeve!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74


    AWWW!! Thanks Meggie. You are so great! Hugs. After my crying jag last night and wondering what I had done to myself, I knew that I just had to keep pressing on. I knew that I only had about a week left of this stage and because I have had no other issues besides my anemia, there is no reason my nut will not advance me when she calls! I can not afford to become dehydrated, I have done so well so far. I did not have any complications at all and really should pat myself on the back! So, I got up this morning and first thing made a 20 oz glass of ice Water. Drinking it on the toilet I did! Put it in the shower with me even! Drink, Drink, Drink. Drank it all before I even dried my hair! Took that same glass and filled it up with V-8 and drank that on the way to work!! Got to work and had a Premier Protein drink 30gm protein....and Meggie.....drank the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TA DA!!! About lunch time now and I am going to have Bariatric Advantage chocolate Meal Replacement i think it has 25gm of protein?? I also had 8 oz of chicken broth and some more water! I think I just needed to kick my own ass and realize that I have to just do it. Do I like the taste, Hell NO!! But I can do it! I also have some greek yogurt to eat for later if I need it, if not I will have it for dinner. That is so much better than where I have been! Oh, and my energy today is so much better to! I am at work and I don't feel as tired as yesterday. I think I might make it till 4! YAY Thanks Meggie so much for helping! Hugs, Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Lowest weight in 5 years

    Good Job Apple!! I bet you will surpas that birthday goal!! Best wishes, Kelly
  15. kellyw74


    Thanks iegal. Yes, I have Kaiser and they educate you to the hilt. I have been told everything I could ever want to know about my sleeve and more. I have my binder, which is my bible and has all my nutrition and diet iformation in it. That is why I thought I had it all down. I guess you never know untill you actually have to do it!! I just need to find something that I like. I can usually only get thru 1/2 of anything before I have to dump it out. My Dr. told me just to make sure I don't get dehydrated at this point. With my anemia that is the worst thing I could do right now. I know I only have a few more days till I know I can and will be able to find things to have that I like, it just seems like a lot can happen in that short period of time and it worries me. I do drink my tea, Water, yogurt and broth, I just am not getting many calories/protein that way. My friend brought me an Ensure Nutrition shake last night and I am thinking about drinking it this morning. It has lots of nutrition in one little bottle, but lots of carbs and sugar which are not so good. I thought maybe one might help boost my energy a little! Hugs, Kelly
  16. kellyw74


    Thanks guys! And RSR, Meggie is right, I am on full liquids, so can not do any "real food" at this time. I will get to do that in about a week. I am trying to make it thru until then! I do have the Muscle Milk light chocolate and think it tastes awful too! Mine is sugar free, is that why? I am just having an awful time and feel so defeated.!! I did so much research, like 15 months worth before having this surgery and just knew I was going to do so well! I bought everything I needed and was so "ready" Now I feel like everything I try doesn't work. And as i sit here typing this and crying, I and thinking WTF have I done! Kelly
  17. kellyw74


    Thanks Meggie! I agree that there has to be stuff out there that I can drink. I only have about a week to go, but I am afraid of becoming malnourished as well. I already look horrible....pale and just blah!! I don't really feel to bad, but really don't want that. That is why i am sure to drink my fluids. I don't have a problem with broth, Water or decaf tea, so i drink the crap out of them. At least i am getting something! When my dr. did my blood tests yesterday my sodium and electrolytes were great! so, i am not dehydrated. that is a good thing! he told me to make sure that i don't get that way tho. I just need to suck it up and drink the nasty things even tho i hate them. i can advance my diet in about a week and i will have so many more options then. i can do it for a week.....i guess. love you guys! kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Meatloaf considered mushy food?

    Not unless you put it in the blender with some gravy and mixed it up a bit. Kelly
  19. Good job! You look fab! Kelly
  20. kellyw74


    Thanks everyone!! I have the Premier Protein RTD vanilla from costco, I really liked it b4 surgery and now can barely drink 1/2 before I am gaggin on the flavor. I also have Atkins strawberry, chocolate and Vanilla. It seems when I drink these, b4 1/2 is gone, I get exteme gas and am running to the bathroom!! YUCK! I do have Bariatric Advantage Meal Replacement ones and Chike ones. I just hate them all! I know I need to just suck it up and drink them. It would be so much easier if I could just chug it and get it over with! And Meggie, I was slightly anemic b4 surgery and my surgeon was concerned that this would happen. He had me taking a lot of Iron everyday to prevent this, but it still did. He said it is hard to spring back from. I look so pale and unnatural. I hope to get this under control soon! Hugs, Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Back to work today!!

    I was given Iron pills to take twice a day and told to take 2 iron chewables, instead of one. go back in 2 months for more blood work to see how i am doing. i told them we could solve this right now if i could just eat a steak! LOL i am home now, my boss was concerned that i looked so pale and asked me if i needed to go home! I told him i was just tired. he asked if it was o.k. that i was there. i said the dr. didn't say i couldn't, he said "did he say you could????" i said "well, he didn't say I couldn't!" LOL. So, he told me to come home and rest. He said I should find out if I should be there or not!! LOL. I am going to email and see if I am supposed to stay home, but I really feel like I can sit at a desk and push papers around! Get up and go poop once in a while and get Water. LOL how cool that we have all lost the same amount of weight? that is funny!! WE ROCK! HUGS, Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Back to work today!!

    I really do not feel to bad! I am a little sore, but other than that, I feel good. I do tire easly, but I think it is the anemia thing. My primary dr. just called and said the anemia is really bad. Has called me out an additional prescription to take and wants me to up the chewable iron supplements to 2 daily. If only I could have a big fat ass steak, that would cure the iron problem tonight!! LOL Hugs, Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Just weighed myself.....

    Good Job Michelle!! I am sooooo very happy for you!! Keep rockin' that sleeve gurl!! Hugs, Kelly
  24. I didn't have any issues with my surgery, it went smoothly, but I did gain like 10 lbs. In 3 days it was gone. Don't worry about it too much, it is just from all of the IV fluids they give you, it has a lot of sodium in it. You will get rid of it. Just drink your water and it will flush itself out. I lost mine in like 3 days plus another 3 lbs. You will too! Good luck!! Kelly
  25. You are so beautiful and such an inspiration to us all!! Thanks for sharing! Kelly

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