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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Having second thoughts?

    I totally agree with everyone else, but have to throw my 2 cents in anyway. The decision is ultimatley up to you and only you. Nobody can make that choice for you! I have lost and re-gained 100lbs 3 times in the past 10 years. I KNOW I can lose weight. I just can NOT keep it off. The minute I eat something I am not suppose to, I gain 5lbs from it!! I am not a person that can just eat 1 of anything. I have TOO BIG of an appetite for that and because I could eat 5 pieces of pizza I did! That is what got me into trouble. Now that I am sleeved, I will not be able to do that anymore and that is what will work for me! The last time I lost 112lbs, I gained it back in less than a year and I became a type 2 diabetic and my bp went thru the roof! That was a HUGE eye opener for me and before that moment, I have NEVER considered wls. I talked to my dr. about it and he sent me to see the man that on 5/9/11 saved my life. I truely believe that I was a ticking time bomb and that the yo-yo dieting I was doing for years would have killed me and I am only 36! In 2 short weeks, I have come off my bp and diabetic meds and have already lost 8 lbs! I researched the heck out of the sleeve procedure and knew it was the right thing for me. I never had second thoughts and was never scared about it. I know I have made the right decision and it is the best present I could have ever given myself! Best of luck to you in what ever you choose! Kelly
  2. kellyw74


    That is how I am confused!! So many of you call the stage after "FULL LIQUIDS" so many different things. My stage is called "PUREED". I know it is stuff you put in the blender and puree. But, that is what I am asking, what do you all eat???? I just don't want to get stuck eating chicken, egg and tuna salad all of the time!! My next stage after puree is "SOFT FOODS". It IS weird how everyone has a differnt plan. I am just looking for ideas. Is that Ricotta bake considered pureed? I am confused. Thanks, Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    I'm Sleeved!!!!

    Welcome to the "other" side!!! Walk, sip, rest and repeat!! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  4. You look great!! Keep up the good work! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Is 40g of protein a day enough?

    Yep, no Protein drinks EVER is the rule from my nut and surgeon. They don't want you drinking your protein, they want you eating it! During your liquid stage they say not to worry about the protein so much. I am only on liquids for 2 weeks then can work on getting protein in. I did drink a few of them anyway, but I hate them and they are nasty, so I am good with eating my protein! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Tastes Change?

    OMG!! I thought it was just me!! I am only 2 weeks out (tomorrow) and still on full-liquids, but have noticed that some of my favorite yogurts are disgusting now. I had to throw a few of them in the trash this week. NASTY!! Did they operate on our taste buds? Kelly
  7. A few of us on here have put together a support group just for VSG. We were having trouble finding groups that weren't lumping sleever's with bypass and wanted just a sleeve group, so we made our own!! Our next meeting is this Saturday at 2:00 if anyone is in the area or knows someone in the area that would like to join us!! Everyone is welcome to come. If you have any questions, please feel free to inbox me.!! Saturday 5/28 Location: Market Square food court @Arden Fair Mall. Street: 1689 Arden Way City/State/Zip: Sacramento, CA 95815 If you have any Protein drinks, please bring them! It's a protein flavor try-out. Also, if you have a pile of clothes ready for donation, bring those too.
  8. I think what is going to save you is that with this surgery, YOU PHYSICALLY CAN NOT EAT LIKE THAT!! There will be NO WAY you could eat an 18lb turkey after surgery. You will not even be able to eat 1/4 lb of turkey!! I am 2 weeks out and can barely eat 1/2 cup of Soup in 20 minutes. I use to be a BIG eater too. Never to this type of capacity, but I could put away some food. I knew that this was going to be the answer to my prayers. If I could not eat it, then I wouldn't. If I ate too much it is just going to come back up and who wants to do that all of the time? You will never be able to eat like that again. Sure, you will be able to have some turkey or a hot dog again one day, but never to that capacity. If you are that big of an eater, this WILL work for you because you WILL NOT be able to do that anymore. I would encourge you to get in counceling to work on why you eat that way because you will probably have issues with not being able to eat, but there are people out there trained to help you deal with that! Best of luck to you and keep us posted on your journey! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    I am new here

    WELCOME!! Good luck to you and your journey in whatever path you choose. It is great that you have chosen a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your children. KUDOS!! Keep us posted on your decision! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    Itchy incisions-Help

    I have steril strips on mine and was told to leave them alone and not to put anything on them or try to take them off. i am to let them come off on their own, not to pull or try to rip them off. tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my surgery and a couple of them look like they are starting to come loose on the edges, but they do not itch any. i wish they would come off tho, so i can start putting scar treatment on them. kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Telling your boss

    I agree with the above posters!! There are so many HIPPA laws that you do not have to tell them nothing. I didn't! I said I was having surgery and that was it! He didn't ask anything else because he knew he couldn't. I love my boss and felt bad, but I didn't want anyone to know! It is my right not to tell! Good luck to you! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Buh-bye to 100!!!

    CONGRATS!! That is a great milestone!! You should be proud of yourself!! Keep up the good work! Kelly
  13. The first time I felt my restriction was with grits. I was on full-liquids and thought if I made them not so runny, I would feel a little more satisfied. I took about two bites and it was like they were stuck in my chest. I did get panicky and didn't know what to do. I was scared and thought I screwed myself up! I could breathe, but it was so weird, like it was stuck, I was only a week or so out and just knew i was gonna hurl!! I didn't, but it was sure learning lesson! You have to find what works for you. I can drink a lot faster and more than most people can that are 2 weeks out from surgery as I am, but there are those that can eat more than me. Everyone is different! Good luck to you! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Support Group

    Does anyone know if there is a support group in the Sacramento area? I have Kaiser for my insurance, but I guess it doesn't have to be thru them. I just do not want to have to drive all the way to Richmond (2 hrs) to go to their class. Thanks! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Support Group

    Good job Feedyoureye!! :) :) :) See you gal's next weekend!! I am excited! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Just weighed myself.....

    meggie, i gained 1.4lbs a couple days ago and it is gone now. don't know what is up with that? i guess you body can only do the restricted calories for so long and then rebels!! i really am not getting my Protein in as we have discussed before, but did eat more yesterday calorie wise. my dr. said just to do what i can for now! I get to progress to pureed food next week when my nut calls, so i will have more options and will be able to do a better job! I am excited. don't worry about the gain, it will go away. WE WILL WIN!! Hugs, Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    Is it just me or is this not as easy as it seems?

    Let me tell you. IT WILL GET BETTER EVERYDAY!! I was sleeved 11 days ago 5/9. I really didn't have any problems from the surgery other that the gas. It was AWFUL!! I felt like I could not breathe it hurt so bad. For 3 days I was in miserable pain, so I understand and NOTHING makes it better, but time! Walking really doesn't even help, but you should walk to keep from getting stiff! Second, The poopies will subside too. They are good to help get that gas out. I actually welcomed them because that is what made me feel so much better and get that pressure from under my ribs gone! I was so miserable!! Focus on getting your liquids in. SIP SIP SIP!! Don't worry about anything else right now. I was so worried about Protein and Vitamins and was making myself crazy. Any liquid you put in your body is going to benefit you at this point. broth, Water, TEA, juice, POPCYCLES!! It doesn't matter, so get to sippin. In 3-5 days you will be able to drink and eat so much better! You probably don't see that right now, I didn't either, but trust me when I say, YOU WILL!! Everyday gets better. I am only 11 days out and already back to work for 3 days and feeling great. I am drinking 64oz of liquid a day. I am not getting all of my protein in, but each day, I get better and better at reaching my goal of 80grams. I know you will too! Just take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you can't do it all today. You have the rest of your life to get there! Focus on your fluids for now. That is the most important thing!! My own dr. told me the same thing, "just do liquids if you can't do anything else, I don't want you to get dehydrated!" Best of luck to you! Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Greek Yogurt

    I am still on full liquids at this point, but I will keep that in mind next week when I can have some soft foods! YAY!! Thanks, Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Almost there

    that is great!! good job!! Kelly
  20. I am only 11 days post op and really at this point undereat so don't really know what it feels like to be full and I am still on full-liquids. However, there have been a couple times I have drank too fast or eaten too fast and I get a real tight feeling in my chest. It feels like pressure and I have to get up and walk around a bit and it subsides! It is uncomfortable and really lets me know that I need to slow down and take my time! I try to watch the clock when I am eating and take a bite every 2-3 minutes. That way I know I am good to go, I guess sometimes, I just forget that I was just sleeved. Good luck to you! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    WOW! I'm wearing a size 6

    That is SO FRIGGEN AWESOME!!! Congrats! Kelly
  22. I did so much research and read on this board until I was cross-eyed!! I knew it was the right thing for me! I was never once scared or had a second thought. I never got nervous or anxious either. I posted several times how I thought something was wrong with me because I didn't feel weird about it. I prayed and prayed that everything would turn out fine and it did! I was sleeved on 5/9 and had not one complication. I did not have any pain (except gas), nausea or vomiting. I was truely blessed. Pray about it and you too will be fine! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    My Fav Compliment so far

    ES GOOD!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    3rd day post op

    Everyday does get easier. At first I was only doing a few ice chips every 5 minutes. Then 1 oz every 15 minutes. Now, I am 11 days out and can take BIG drinks. I have no restrictions with liquids at all! They go down very well and that makes me !! Good luck! Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    Losing weight

    It is always best to lose as much as you can. It makes your recovery much easier on you. Also, makes the surgery so much smoother for the surgeon. It shrinks your liver making it easier for the surgeon to work around. Any weight you can lose will only benefit you!! I lost almost 60lbs before my surgery and mine was successful and I have had no complications or troubles. I was able to go back to work in only 7 days and I feel great! My dr. said that he wished all of his paitents would follow his advice as I did! I also don't have very far to get to goal!! DOUBLE BONUS!! Do what you can to get some weight off before surgery. It will make your life easier afterwards Best of luck to you! Kelly

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