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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Started pureed food

    So on that ricotta bake, i think i will make that tonight, do i have to puree it, or can i just eat it like it is? appears as if it might alread be pureed? NO? I thought I had this all together and I guess I was wrong! Thanks guys!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    The Kelly is Sleeved!

    Welcome to the other side and congrats!! Keep us posted on your journey! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Started pureed food

    Yeah, maybe i will do something differnet tonight! I read that chicken was weird too! It is really like baby food consistancy tho. I don't get it! Oh well. I will just do something else. At least it didn't come back up. That makes me happy. I seriously didn't take big bites at all. They were small and I even waited like 3-4 minutes between each bite. It took me 20 minutes to eat less than 1/4 c. Also, I ate at 5:30 and went to bed at 9:00, I thought that would be enough time to settle. Man, I have so much to learn! HO HUM!! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Just got my hospital bill!

    WOW MINI ME!! your stats look great!! good job. Kelly
  5. kellyw74


    Don't beat yourself up too bad. You can't be perfect all of the time, we are human!! At least you recognize what you did and you can move on from it. Besides, we can't go thru the rest of our lives and never have a drink or a potatoe chip! We just can't have them everyday! You know what works for you and how to correct it! Just get back on that horse and carry on. It is O.K.!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Just got my hospital bill!

    OMG!! That is crazy!! I am glad that I only had to pay $25/copay. I guess that they think it is cheaper than paying for our lifelong health issues being overweight tho. Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    Chewable Vitamin taste...

    I have the BA orange multi. It is not too horrible. Kinda chalky more than anything. Not really orangey like you would think. I just chew really fast and take a drink of Water. Kelly
  8. So, I am two weeks out today and wanted to give an update to you all and my Red Velvet Gang members!! I feel AWESOME!! I have been back to work since day 9. I am taking my Iron pills for my anemia and it is helping ALOT with the energy loss that I felt last week. I feel like a brand new girl!! I am still not getting in all my Protein, but I spoke with my nut today and she informed me that while I am on this stage (full liquids), it is o.k. to not get much protein!! And to think, I have been killing myself!! Anyway, she advanced me to the next stage, pureed foods....I am STOKED!! I actaully get to have tuna, chicken, and egg salad tomorrow. I can have Soups and anything put in my magic bullet all smashed up with sauce on it!! Who would have guessed that would make me so happy!! :D :D I weighed myself this morning and have lost 8lbs. That is a double bonus and really makes me happy!! Happy dance for me!! My steri-strips are starting to come off and when they do, I will start to put scar therapy on them. I still feel like someone has kicked me in the ribs a little and I still have some bruising on my left side. I am able to drink more and take bigger bites now. I can sleep normal now and have for about 5 days. I no longer need to nap during the day!! I have normal bp and blood glucose readings. My dr. took me off my bp and diabetic meds last week!!! WOOT! I feel like I am feeling more normal now!! So happy that I made the decision to have this surgery! Have a great day everyone!! Hugs, Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    "Sleeved" 19th May 2011

    Welcome to the "other side" Ellen Ann! I too had an easy time with my surgery and recovery. Other than some anemia and gas pains, I was good!! I went back to work in a week and feel great at 2 weeks out!! Good luck to you in your journey and keep us posted on your progress!! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    I ate some of my chicken salad and I must say the texture is weird being pureed, but it sure did taste good!!! I felt really ok after eating it and not sick. I was worried about that. I didn't eat as much of it as I could have, I took it slow, maybe 5 bites. I am going to eat more at luch time, LOL i ate it for b fast!! I was so happy to have "REAL" protein!! Have a great day gang!! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Surgery Cancelled

    That is weird!! I know all surgeons are different, but I have acid refulx and I was sleeved. Kelly
  12. So, tomorrow my nut will be calling me and I will get to advance my diet to the "SOFT FOOD" stage. Some of you all call it "MUSHIES" or "PUREED" Can you all give me some ideas on what you ate at this stage. My book gives me a few ideas, but I don't want to get stuck eating the same things all of the time like the full-liquid stage. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks, Kelly
  13. i am so very excited that i get to have mushies tomorrow!! i don't know what to have first!!

  14. kellyw74

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    Thanks Susan!! I am soooooo very sick of Soup and yogurt and grits!! Yogurt tasts like dirt to me these days...i think they did something to my tastebuds in surgery!! Grits are no fun when they are so runny!! And soup just sucks! Oh, and Protein drinks make me GAG!! I am so ready to have some real food!! At least something that has some texture to it anyway!! I just hope and pray that they don't make me sick! I have had mashed cauliflower b4 and it is yummy!! Kelly
  15. I had a pre-op diet, but mine was a very well balanced diet. It was 3oz Protein, 1 c. vegetables, 1 c fruit, 1 carb and 1 fat and 1 dairy. It was very easy to stick to and I did it for about 5 months and lost 55 lbs. I could never do all those Protein drinks, so KUDOS to you!! YUCK! Good luck to you!! Kelly
  16. I am not sure which Kaiser you are using (each program is different), but I used the one in N. California and mine went like this: After I met my surgeon, I was told how much weight I was required to lose and sent home to lose it! When I was with in 5 lbs of my goal I called and made an appt to meet the Psych dr. I met her and at that time I was at goal weight. She set me up my appt with the case manager and my lab work to be completed. I did my bloodwork, EKG and upper endoscopy. I had to see my surgeon again (not normal, I had bad GERD and he made me do a upper GI and wanted to talk about it!) I then met the case manager, she set my surgery date and I attended two classes (in one day) and had my surgery a month later! All of this took 5 months. I could have done it a lot faster, but took my sweet time losing the weight my surgeon required me to! Best of luck to you!! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    Thanks Meggie!! You ARE my biggest fan! :D I do not seem to have a problem with the Iron, but i do still have diaharreah from time to time. I think either the yogurt or Protein drinks ( i am not supposed to drink)!! I am super excited to get to actually have some 'real' food even if it is all pureed up!! i think i am going to have chicken salad as my first meal!! come on tomorrow!! LOL Good job on the 10lbs!! That is great!! Keep rockin' that sleeve girl! My pants that I am wearing today at work are really big in the butt!! I feel as if everyone is staring at the saggy butt! LOL People are starting to comment!! I lost 55lbs pre-op and only a few people noticed (or said anything), now people are starting to say stuff! I just smile and say thank you! Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday! I will keep my fingers crossed that you can advance your diet too!! Hugs, Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Day 14

    After my surgery 2 weeks ago, I was so weak and tired. Found out on day 7 I was severly anemic!! Don't know if this is your problem, but might not hurt to see your Dr. if you don't start feeling better daily!! You should feel better everyday, not the same or worse! I was feeling the same and really pale and run down. I am glad that I looked into it. I am taking Iron pills and they really help with my energy level. I am moving to mushie foods tomorrow that will give me more Protein and probably help too. Good luck to you! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    It's Almost Time!

    Sarsar, I felt that exact way. I never was nervous or scared. I was just numb as well. Thought there was something wrong with me. I guess it was a good thing I wasn't, cuz I proably would have talked myself out of it!! You will do great. Best of luck to you and let us know how you are doing when you can!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    I just meant that I would begin working on my scars that are on my belly now. I have stuff to put on them to try to diminsh their appearance. Kelly
  21. That is amazing!! Good job you!! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    First Mistake

    From what I have read and have been told by my surgeon and nut, sleeved paitents don't dump. Don't really know what it could have been, but probably not dumping. Glad you are feeling better!! Kelly
  23. kellyw74


    I really did not have too much incision pain. My pain was GAS!! That was the worst pain ever. I would much rather had incision pain! That gas pain is NO JOKE!! Just do what you can. I promise you that every day does get better. I don't know how far out you are, but about day 4 was much better for me!! Do what you can and try to do a little more each time, it will get easier....I promise!! Hugs, Kelly
  24. WEIRD!! Two days before my surgery, my mom was admitted to the hospital too!! She just had vertigo and was fine, but at first, they thought it was something much scarier. I live in California and she in Indiana! I thought for sure I was going to have to cancel and go home!! Pray and everything will turn out for the best!! Good luck to you and your mom! Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    bikini/two piece

    if you can wear one, i say GO FOR IT!! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
