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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Kinda sounds like panic attacks. Might want to tell your dr. Kelly
  2. Thanks Meggie for the advice. This is my instructions too. However, the food stage that I am on and have been on do not have anything to chew. I was on liquids and now on pureed. There are no chunks! I do swish it around a bit before swallowing, but still nothing really to chew! I did eat cottage cheese (not supposed to) and I did have to chew this. I did chew each (small) bite 20 times as instructed to do. I also swished a few times b4 swallowing. I do not have issues with the cottage cheese. Today, I got off work at 11, only a 1/2 day since Monday is a holiday! YAY! I came home and pureed a can of split pea soup from progresso. It was SOOOO YUMM!! 1/2 c was what I set out to have and about 4 tsp into it I got the worst gas pains!! had to stop! I feel so defeated!!! i ended up having some v-8, i am drinking that everyday because at least i feel i get some kind of nutrients, even if it is loaded with salt (i do have the low sodium kind!!). i also was told by my nut to get carnation instant breakfast-no sugar added and have that as a Meal Replacement. i had that a few minutes ago, with my silk light vanilla milk, there was 15g of Protein. that was a lot for 8oz of liquid. and it actually tasted good. it has lots of nutrients in it too. i know it will get better eventually, i just wish i could eat! i am going to make chicken meatballs tonight for my husband and am going to try one pureed with some chicken gravy. I will let you know how it goes! wish me luck! Hugs, Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    My new Dew

    Aww Michelle, Your hair looks GREAT!! Also, your face looks a lot thinner!! GOD JOB!! Keep rockin' that sleeve!! Hugs, Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    What was your turning point?

    I have been overweight since I was about 9. I didn't really become unhappy with myself until in my early 20's. I was always really popular and outgoing. I did my first diet at 22 and lost 112 lbs. I am now 36 and have lost and regained that 112 lbs 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last time I lost it was a year and a half ago. I gained it all back in a year! I can never keep the weight off (that is why I had this surgery). But, this time when I re-gained it, I became a type II diabetic and got high blood pressure to go along with it. I had thought about wls in the past, but never wanted to do it because I did not want to have my guts re-routed. I heard about the sleeve and wanted to explore my options! I went to my primary dr. and asked if wls was an option for me as I did not want to live the rest of my life taking pills and checking my blood and getting more complications. I went on the pre-op diet, lost 55lbs and I was sleeved 5 months later! One week after my surgery, my diabeties was in remission and I no longer have high blood pressure!! The sleeve is the best gift I could have ever given myself!! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    A little about myself

    Welcome Linda! Congrats on taking the leap to a healthier and happier you! Keep us posted on your journey. Kelly
  6. GOOD JOB!!! I have 13 lbs to go till I get there!! How exciting! Keep rocking that sleeve! Kelly
  7. So, I am not sure if this is normal or not, but I knew that all you smart people who have "been there" would know!! I started pureed food today....well, kinda last night!! LOL I made some chicken salad. Just canned chicken and lite mayo and put it in the magic bullet. It is real creamy and smooth. Tastes like chicken salad and makes me happy!! Last night, I ate about less than a 1/4 of a cup and felt good. 3 hours later, I went to bed and felt like a ball was stuck in my throat. At first, I thought it was my acid refulx starting to flare up, but it wasn't acid, it was like that food was stuck in my thoat. Now, just let me say, I ate less than 1/4 of a cup of chicken salad in 20 minutes, so it was NOT fat eating at all!! I was NOT nauseated or anything, just a big lump in my thoat. When I sat up, I was fine. I had to go sleep in the recliner for a few hours, then woke up about 3 hours later and went to bed and was o.k.!! Now, this morning, I am eating the same thing again, just took about 3 bites and feel the same thing. Is this NORMAL?? Is it just because it is thicker than I am use to? After a few minutes, it goes away when I am sitting up, but I don't want to keep putting it in there if the lump is something serious!!! I wonder if this is what my restriction feels like? I thought it was the tightness I feel in my chest! Help! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    Day 18 Post Op

    Oh Michelle, I am so happy you are feeling so good!! It will make you feel even better when you get your makeover!! I am happy that you get to go to mushies!! I hope you have better luck that I do. Hugs, Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Recovery Time....

    I felt fine after about 5 days. Other than being anemic, I was good! I got some Iron pills from my dr. and went back to work in 7 days. I have a desk job and really did fine! Good luck to you. Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    Started pureed food

    theworldaccordingtoeggface.com She has all kinds of receips for us on her site that you will find useful! I think someone also posted it on the receipe thread. Kelly
  11. I can not do the Protein drinks. They make my tummy so upset and give me the squirts with in like 30 minutes of drinking them! I don't know what it is about them, maybe the sugar?? I don't know. I don't think it is milk, cause I can drink milk without a problem. I HATE THEM!! Kelly
  12. kellyw74


    Congrats on your sleeve!! Day 5 was a turning point for me. I was able to drink a lot more on that day. Hopefully you will too!! I also was able to walk more and not nap so much!! Good luck to you! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Started pureed food

    Hi Meggie, I have serious gurgling in my thoat when I eat or drink anything. It is almost like I need to burp, but I can't. It sounds like a kitchen sink that is draining. SO FRIGGEN ANNOYING!! I don't get lower gas too much now that the surgery gas is gone! THAT WAS HORRIBLE!! I have read that lots of people do though. My biggest complaint is the throat thing. It is crazy loud! Hugs, Kelly
  14. Hi Meggie, Yep, I drank the unjury chicken soup on my liquid and full liquid stage. I mixed it with chicken broth...much better that way!! I have it sometimes still, but I really need something that is more satisfying. I am getting so bummed trying to find things that work!! I was not supposed to have cottage cheese until my next stage of food (soft foods), but i ate it last night anyway and it went down fine. i am going to add this to the list of 2 that i can eat! i guess (from reading) it is just because i am still really swollen in there. some people's swelling goes down really fast and other's takes a while!! i feel so good and keep forgetting that it has only been 18 days. i feel like it has been so much longer than that and I am a very impatient person! i want to eat steak NOW!! LOL you are too funny with your scale obsession!! i guess everyone has something! Hugs, Kelly
  15. kellyw74


    Welcome to the forum and good job on the weight loss so far!! Kelly
  16. kellyw74


    That is AWESOME news!! Congrats! Kelly
  17. it is soooo weird how you can drink liquids and be fine, but try to drink a protein shake or eat some pureed soup and whammo! i tried to eat watered down refried beans and it was a no-go for me a while a go. they felt stuck in my chest. i am having such a hard time trying to find things that will go down easy that are not liquid. it is getting to be exhausting! UGH! Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass

    I never considered wls when bypass was the only option. I did not like the idea of having my guts re-routed and malabsobortion issues, not to mention dumping syndrome. I was so glad to see this surgery that could give me the same (if not better) results without those side effects. The sleeve is so much safer all the way around. I would never have done anything else! Kelly
  19. I know how you feel about wanting to eat real food. I was so sick of sweet stuff and just wanted to eat something that didn't taste like sugar! That has not been so much fun for me! I am scared to death of overeating, so I make sure to undereat. My nut told me to start at 1/4c and work up to 1/2 c. I probably eat less than 1/4 c, just because I am afraid to get too full and be sick. I feel satisfied when I eat, never full or hungry afterwards, but I am also afraid that I am not getting enough food. I guess that is the reason for the vitamins??? I also have found the only thing that really makes me happy is that ricotta bake. I had tuna salad today and it was just nasty! So, I ended up making a protein drink and having that about an hour after a couple bites of tuna! I am going to try refried beans and cheese tonight for dinner and see how that goes. I always want to try new things at home frist to see how it makes me feel before having them at work! LOL I guess as time goes on, I will get better and it will get easier, but for now, I am not liking this eating game at all! SIGH!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    3 Month Follow Up

    WOW!! You don't even look like the same person!! Congrats! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Day 3 in Mexico

    CONGRATS!! Sounds like you are doing well!! I did have that horrible gas and man it was awful!! For about 3 days, I was miserable! Then, I had the bad ab workout pain. I am now 17 days post-op and that is just now going away!! I don't know what on earth they did to me, but man, I am glad that is over! Good luck on your journey! Kelly
  22. Welcome!! You have come to the right place for support and knowledge. Everyone on here is very supportive and caring. I would just take some time and research. I did for 15 months before I had my surgery. I knew the in's and out's and had a plan. I was not scared because I was very well educated on this procedure. Don't be afraid to ask questions on here. You will find people from every stage of the process. Pre-op to years out. There isn't a question you could ask that someone can't answer and chances are, you will get multiple answers! Just take some time and puruse the forum. Then jump in and make yourself know! You will find that we don't bite and are very friendly! Best of luck to you in your journey!! Kelly
  23. kellyw74


    How exciting!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    I feel fat today

    I agree with you. Diva is a HUGE inspiration to me as well!! I am so thankful for this site and all of the wonderful people here! I am also thankful that on Saturday I get to me the remarkable MISSDIVA!! I am excited!! :) Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    My Sleeve works!

    That doesn't seem like much, did you eat too fast maybe? And isn't it weird that only part of what you ate came up? Thankfully, I have not had that happen, but have heard others say that when they do that, it is not like a full on vomit and only get rid of some of the stuff they eat! WEIRD!! Sorry you got sick, but glad you are happy to know your sleeve works!! LOL Kelly

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