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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I think maybe I did pull something because I remember it started hurting after I sneezed really hard. I first felt the pain later that night. I hope that I just pulled a stitch or something. I guess if it isn't feeling better by Tuesday, I will get a hold of my Dr. Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    The girls are gettin smaller!!!

    WOO HOO Michelle!! That is funny that you would say that! My husband said to me tonigh "you are losing your boobies!!" I just looked at him and grinned!! :D I mean of all things for him to notice shrinking!! MEN! Hugs, Kelly
  3. I totally felt like I had been hit by a bus!! My abs and obliques were so damn sore. I also looked like someone beat my stomach and left side with a ball bat!! I was so bruised! I had to leave Walmart while shopping with my husband also! I was so lightheaded and sweaty! It was horrible. I thought I was going to faint. It is hard to remember that we just had major surgery when we are feeling o.k. My case manager told me that this surgery ranks up there with open heart surgery. It is that serious and most people forget that they just had surgery because they don't feel so bad. So please take your time to heal! I am entering my 3rd week and feeling much, much better! You will get there too! Everyday does get better, just be patient. I know it is hard to imagine feeling anything other than the way you do, but you will get better, I promise!! Kelly
  4. I can not stomach RTD shakes!! I have tried many powders and the protein taste just gags me. I have found one that I really can not taste the protein at all. I am sooo happy! It is called Pure Protein. They have it in chocolate and vanilla, but I have only tried the vanilla.!! I bought it at Walmart for $18. Target has it too! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    2 years post op and need advice

    I agree with the above poster that said to go back to "BASICS". This is what was told to me in my pre-op nutrition class. They said that if 2-3 years from now you find yourself gaining or not losing like you wish, get out your manual and start from the beginning. It will restart your losing process. Please don't drink your caloires. That is niether healthy nor good! I found the best way to drink my water was to get a water bottle. I fill it up with water and some ice and go for it. I do not allow myself anything different to drink until all of that water is gone. I do this faithfully daily. Then, I can have tea or juice or whatever, but nothing until it is gone! As far as exercise, go for a walk. Walking is great for exercise. Start there and build some stamina. You will then want to do more when you get stronger. Best of luck to you! Kelly
  6. The BA vitamins don't make me vomit, but make me feel queasy for about 10-15 minutes after I take it. I hate to take it everyday. They are NASTY!! I didn't mind them so much before surgery, I don't know why they are so bad now. I know there are other's out there, but finding gummies with minerals in them is hard. That is what is important in the vitamins. Kelly
  7. I don't blame you for not telling! I am very close with my mom and she doesn't know I was sleeved 3 weeks ago. It was so hard for me not to say anything!! I also had a hernia reapair, so she knows I had surgery,but just not VSG. I told nobody except my husband! People are so negative and ignorant about the surgery and have nothing kind to say. I did not want anyone to change my mind. I think that I will tell my mom one day, but probably nobody else. I lost 55lbs pre-op, my mom lives in another state and everyone else just thinks I am losing because of my dieting! Good luck to you! Kelly
  8. I was on liquids for 2 weeks too! I was so over it and ready for somthing else. I was tired of the sweet stuff as well. I was advanced to pureed food last Monday. The first thing I tried was chicken salad in my magic bullet! It was not as eventful as I suspected. It felt so stuck and I was so disapointed! I then tried refried Beans with cheese. Those got stuck as well! People told me I was still too swollen and to try the ricotta cheese bake from egg face. That worked well and I ate that for 4 days for all meals!! I ate cottage cheese and some Protein drinks. Today, I tried beans again and that worked. So, my swelling must be going down! I also pureed some chicken noodle Soup. That was o.k. I was so happy about being in this stage and have felt so defeated! I hope it gets better! I hope it works well for you! Kelly
  9. I am freshly sleeved (20 days today) and was a foodie too! I could eat all day long before my surgery. I was always hungry!! I love the fact that I can not do that now. I love that I can only eat small amounts of things and I am done! I know that one day, I will be able to eat more, but I absolutly love the fact that in less than 3 weeks, I have lost 16 lbs!! I thought that I would have huge issues with not being able to eat, but I have not! I take a few bites of stuff and I am truely satisfied. I do still feel hunger, but not like before. I use to get ravenous hunger and now it is just a twinge of hunger to let me know that I need to eat. I go for hours too before I feel that feeling. Before surgery, I was hungry an hour after a meal. I hope that one day, I will lose my hunger all together, but if it stays like it is now, I can live with it! This surgery is a true blessing to me and I am sure you will feel the same! Good luck to you! Kelly
  10. :D Oh Meggie and Michelle!! Wanted to let you both know that I tried refried Beans again this morning for Breakfast. I put a little Water in them again to thin them and a little cheese. They went down and did not feel stuck!! YAY HORRAY!!! Maybe when I tried them last Wednesday, I was still too swollen??? I am happy , as I was starting to think somehting was wrong with me! Everyone else is able to eat things I can not and I was sad! Hugs, Kelly
  11. Go to unjury.COM They have lots of Protein powders to choose from. Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Our new Forum!!

    Anytime is fine really. Just let me know and I will be there. HOPEFULLY!! LOL!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74


    they brought me pills in the hospital to take. i swallowed them with no problem. each dr. has their own rules, so check with yours first. Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    3 month 3 week update

    That is awesome news!! Good for you! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    A GOOD protein Powder

    You all know how much I love protein drinks!! BLAH! Anyway, this girl I work with is a part-time fitness trainer. She brought me some protein powders to try that she loves. The one that I really liked is called Pure Protein Vanilla. It doesn't have that protein gag me taste to it. I mixed it with 8 oz of Silk Light Vanilla and it gave me like 34 grams of protein. A lot of protein for such a small amount of liquid. They sell it at Target, Walmart and GNC. It's like 5lbs and $18.00 at Walmart. I am going to drink one later. It actually doesn't make me sick. Maybe it is just the RTD ones that have something in them that doesn't agree with me. Hugs, Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Our new Forum!!

    Yeah, there was a jazz band playing in front of the eye center place. I probably was lost. I live in Folsom and have since I moved here 8 years ago. I don't frequent that part of town and therefore was pretty lost. I was looking for 1689 on the windows of the door, but did not see it so assumed it was where all of the food places were. Right or Wrong, I still could not have brought my car in with me!! LOL I am glad you all had fun. I am still sad tho! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    Day 18 Post Op

    I am not sure, but maybe things might be getting better!!! I pureed some chicken noodle soup from Progresso this afternoon. Seems weird that the chicken in it has the same texture that the chicken salad I made did and it didn't bother me at all! I don't know if it was because it was liquidy and went down with the Fluid or what, but I felt fine after eating almost 1/2 cup!!! I have not had 1/2 cup of anything in almost 3 weeks!! I think I will finish the can and then maybe try the chicken salad again. That was 5 days ago and maybe, just maybe the swelling has gone down a little!! I made some salmon salad, but have not tried it yet. I think I might try it for dinner. Wish me luck!! Hugs, Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Our new Forum!!

    Welp, I didn't get lost...at least I don't think!! I was there at 1:30 and seen the jazz band playing outside. I think that was the right area!! I drove around for 20-25 minutes looking for a parking spot and finally gave up! Maybe the next meeting will be in a less crowded spot??? Sorry I missed ya'll. I am sad! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    Yeah, my dr. told me not to weigh for a week because I would freak out! I did anyway because I just wanted to see. I gained 12 lbs! Seriously??? I lost it in 3 days of course, but DAMN!! Don't get too discouraged about losing. I didn't lose too much my first week. It wasn't until I was able to get more fluids and stuff in that I started losing. You will get there! GOOD LUCK!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Finally Made The Decision

    Good luck to you and your journey. You will find great advice and great people here on this fourm. If you are ever in need of anything, just ask. You are sure to find someone that has "been there". WLS is a very brave decision. I too did it to re-gain my life and health back. I had hbp and diabetes at the age of 35 and did not want to live that way for the rest of my life. Yo-Yo dieting was my lifestyle and I believe this surgery is a lifesaver for me. I have already come off my bp and diabetic meds!! I was only sleeved on 5/9, but know this is the best gift I could have ever given myself! You will too! Keep us posted on your journey!! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    should i be scared?

    I feel that pressure when I drink/eat too much. That is my restriction. But, if you were just sleeved and have not drank or eaten anything yet, I would definatley ask someone while I am still at the hospital! Did you take any liquid meds? That could do it too. Keep us posted. Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Day 18 Post Op

    Hi Michelle, I am soo happy that you are feeling better. Also glad that you got to eat something! How did the Beans feel? Mine didn't go so well. I even put a little Water in them and they still felt stuck! The ricotta bake is THA BOMB!! I have ate that the most over the past week, had it again last night. I really need to find other things to eat tho! It is really cool and breezy here today too! Just came in from walking the dog and I am burrrrr! Keep me posted on new things that you try and how they go down! Hugs, Kelly
  23. i have been with my husband for 20 years and am 36 years old. my husband loves me unconditionally and has seen me 170 lbs and 280 lbs. he loves me for me and it really doesn't matter to him if i am fat or thin! yes, i am very lucky! i think the man cause of relationship trouble is insecurity. one partner becomes insecure that the other (weather it is true or not) is looking somewhere else because they have more confidence and look so much better. I have several friends that have ended their relationships because of wls and this was the main reason. another friend of mine had been severly overweight her whole life and once she lost 200lbs from bypass, became unfaithful to her husband when she suddenly was getting attention she had never received from men before. some handle it well and other's don't. i believe if you are secure in your relationship and have open communication with your partner, you will be fine. don't be shady and do things you are not supposed to do and you will be fine. these are just a couple of the situations that i personally have seen. there are probably more. good luck to you in your journey! Kelly
  24. GOOD JOB GURL!!! That is awesome!! You are definatley rockin' that sleeve Kelly

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