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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Indianapolis, Indiana

    I too am from Tha Haute!! I moved away in 2003 and live in California! Good luck to you! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    I found this amusing

    Yay Horray COOPS!! I did that the other day with a pair of jeans. Thought no way in hell are those going on my fat butt! Put them on and they were almost too big!! That is a great NSV!! Keep rocking that sleeve!! kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Do you still get hungry?

    I am a month out today and YES I do still get hungry. I am hungry almost all of the time! NOT HEAD HUNGER, I never had that!! My stomach growls all the time! And yes, I do take a PPI, twice a day. I am hoping that once I am able to eat more solid food, it will subside. This was the biggest hope for me pre-op that the hunger issue would go away and so far it has not! I hope it does for you! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    post op difficulty and discouraged

    Hydrating yourself is the most important thing at this point. You are NOT going to be able to hit those Protein goals this early in the game! So, don't even worry about it. Focus on water! You don't want to be dehydrated. I am a month out today and am still not getting all the protein in I should and I am fine! The more you are able to consume later, the more protein you will be able to get in. Don't rush yourself. Take your time. You will get there! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    What I had for Lunch

    Hey Michelle and Meggie, Wanted to let you both (and everyone else) know that what I ate for dinner! I cooked some cross-rib roast in the slow cooker all day with some sliced onion with garlic, salt and pepper. It was super moist and tender. I made some mashed potatoes and brown gravy. I took a little less than 1/3 c of the roast and smashed it real fine with my fork and put some gravy on it and about 3 TBSP of mashed potatoes with gravy. I only ate about half of what was on my plate, but BOY OH BOY did I ever think I was in HEAVEN!! It was so nummy and I really think I am starting to feel more "NORMAL" everyday!! I am taking the rest of what was on my plate for my lunch tomorrow!! I am really starting to love my sleeve!! Hugs, Kelly
  6. So for the past 6 days I have been making myself eat a little more throughout the day. I complained last weekend about being dizzy and only eating about 300 calories a day. I figured out that I should eat even if I don't feel like it! I must say that I feel so much better. I even think that I have been handeling my food much better. I was having issues with cottage cheese and other things feeling stuck and now that has seemed to have subsided. I made my first scrambled egg today and it was HEAVENLEY!! I ate almost the whole thing! I also went to the VItamin Shoppe last night to get me some Pure Protein Strawberry Cream shakes (SOOO GOOD 35g protein) if you haven't had them, try it, doesn't taste like protein AT ALL!! On the way home, I got some Wendy's chili! Only took a couple bites and put it in the fridge! For the first time in a month, I feel somewhat NORMAL!! I ate almost 1/2 cup of it today for lunch and am thrilled that I was able to eat that much! I have been eating less than 1/4 cup of anything and was getting worried! My protein levels have really increased lately, here is what I have had today: Pure Protein Shake 35 g 1 slice swiss cheese 5 g 1 slice oven roasted chicken luchmeat 10g 1/2 c Wendy's Chili 5g ? I have not had dinner or my evening snack Thanks eveyone for your help! Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    What I had for Lunch

    That sounds delish!! I am not allowed bread products for another 2 months, but will keep this in mind for then! YUMMMMO!! I use to use Flatouts all the time pre-op. They are soooo good! I am glad that you are progressing so well!! Kelly
  8. kellyw74


    I know!!! Isn't is GRAND!!! I haven't seen that in 10 years! I think I will Celebrate and have cheese on my egg!! LOL Hugs, Kelly
  9. kellyw74


    Right now, I am still on purees. Eventhough I have been testing the waters with some soft food because I will progress to them tomorrow!! YAY My plan calls for 1/4-1/2c 3 times a day right now of purees. I have only been able to do 1/2 c in the past 2 days and still can only do that depending on what I am eating!! I think the reason I could eat so much of that chili was because it is so soupy. On soft foods stage, I am supposed to do 1/4-1/3c of Protein and then add some fruit/vegetable if I have room. I have to do this stage for 2 months and then can go to regular foods! I will then only be able to eat 1/3c protein and 1 fruit and 1 veggie at each meal FOREVER! That is how my plan goes. Kelly
  10. kellyw74


    I too use to smoke. I was a 20 year smoker myself and just quit! I think you really have to want it to do it. I made up my mind that I was going to do it and I did. I went to Walmart and bought some of those Nicoderm CQ Patches and threw my smokes in the trash. That was 4/9/10. I have never smoked again! You can do it! Just believe in yourself enough to do it! I had my surgery one year and one month to the day I quit. I am glad that I quit before hand. Being told I had to quit would have been hard for me too! I don't do well with being told what to do! LOL Those patches really help with the cravings and having them on, I knew I couldn't smoke. They can make you have a heart attack. That kept me honest. I did have cravings for about a week, but then I was good! It was really ALOT easier than I thought it would be. Give it a shot! Best of luck! Kelly
  11. Welcome and good luck on your journey! I don't know what Mid-Atlantic means with Kaiser, but I have Kaiser and live in Northern California. I did not have to do the options classes, but Southern California does. Those classes are 12 weeks long and you have to attend every single one of them and they are strict about it! My experience with them was mainly testings, classes and evaluations. I had to do a pre-op diet and lose 25lbs. That was pretty much it! Easy peasy! I could have done it a lot faster, but from start to finish it took me 6 months! Keep us posted on your progress! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Hunger with VSG

    I just use a little Water and stir them til they are a little runny. When I try to eat them thick, they feel stuck and don't go down well at all! I also like to put a little cheese and some salsa on them. Other's say they put some greek yogurt on them, but I hate that stuff!! LOL Good luck! Kelly
  13. kellyw74


    I hate it when people screw stuff up while we are off! I say just leave it alone and I will do it when I get back, that way, I know it will be right!! I have noticed that in the past few days, I too am able to eat more also! I ate a whole 1/2 c of Wendy's chili today and yesterday! I was excited to be able to do that. Last week, I was not able to do 1/4 c of anything. I guess the swelling is really starting to go down! Yay for us! Hugs, Kelly
  14. kellyw74


    Good luck! I will save a spot on the loser's bench for you!! Kelly
  15. Hello! We have recently set up a support group of just sleever's here in the Sacramento area and would love for you to join us! Please go here to join our forum http://www.verticals...-support-group/ I also just private messaged you! Kelly
  16. kellyw74


    Awww, Michelle honey, don't cry! It is o.k., you are not failing. Look at it this way, it is half of a low carb burrito. 300 calories. How many calories could you have eatin' before this surgery???? I am sure, like, 4 times that at one sitting! You are doing fantastic! Some can just eat more than other's sooner! You know how I have struggled to eat some things, I was just saying, I wish I could have that right now! Not that it was a bad thing! If you are worried, call your nut or dr.! I am sure you are doing great! You should be proud of how far you have come in such a short time! I am also sure you would not be eating something if you were not supposed to be! Keep doing what you are doing and you will get where you want to be! I promise! Hugs, Kelly
  17. kellyw74


    i was just thinking the same thing meggie! that is more than half of my calories for the day. how on earth do you eat all of that at one time? i ate 2 slices of really thin luchmeat with some laughing cow cheese on it this morning and was STUFFED. i am jealous that you can eat that much! kelly
  18. kellyw74

    First Dinner out

    That is great to hear! I am happy that you were able to fit in the chair too!! Good NSV! Good idea on ordering the box with your meal, that way, you don't eat too much! SMART! I look forward to the day when I can go out to eat again too! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Nausea all day

    They do have anti-nausea medication they sell over the counter at most pharmacies. It is liquid form and is safe to take with the sleeve. You may want to check with your dr. first tho. Sorry you feel so poorly. Feel better! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Water weight

    you should ask your dr. kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Sick feeling today

    i don't know how your plan progresses, but 9 days seems awful early to be eating oatmeal. also, i don't know if you made your own or used instant, but the instant kind has ALOT of sugar in it and that may be what is making you not feel well. i am a month out and have to be careful with the sugar content in things as it makes me feel woosy! i try to stay under 5g per serving and i am fine. sorry you are feeling poorly. i hope you feel better soon! kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Whats the worst

    Hello! The worst for me was the gas pains! OMG, it was awful. I did not have nausea or vomiting or pain. I was pushing that pain pump button so much that I was higher than a kite and could not stand up, let alone walk when they wanted me to!! LOL Learning to eat agian was a little rough for me. Sometimes, things would work for me, sometimes they wouldn't! Small bites and chew chew chew! I will have to agree with Meggie about the dog. She doesn't understand that she doesn't get picked up or bites of food anymore. It is sad! Don't worry. Nothing has not been able to be overcome! I will be a month out on Monday and feel great. I have lost 23 lbs and would do it all again tomorrow!! You will be fine! Kelly
  23. i will be a month out on monday and my nut will call me then to advance me to soft foods. i have been eating cottage cheese for about a week and did eat some salmon on thursday to try it. i have done well with the salmon so have eaten it for all meals since thursday at lunch! cottage cheese was rough at first, but ok now. i also got some wendy's chili tonight and it was sooooooo good! still can only do about 1/4 c at a time, that container will last me a week!! LOL i know what you mean about the sugary foods! i was so sick of the full liquids! i am on pureed now and feel so hungry because everything is liquid still. i have been on this liquid thing for a month! i know i will feel so much more satifaction when i can have an egg or some tuna that is not pureed! i already feel that just eating the small amount of salmon i ate. good luck to you! kelly
  24. kellyw74

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I just realized that I only have one more pound to go for my 4th of July goal!!! WOOP WOOP!!!! Should I change it to something else since I have a whole entire month to go?? Kelly
  25. kellyw74


    That is great news!! Good for you! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
