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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I did not have a drain, so can't answer that question. You need to just focus on liquids for now. NOT PROTEIN!! It is not important at this point and TRUST ME when I tell you that you are not going to be able to focus on anything but getting that liquid in!!!!! That will be hard enough when you can not eat! SIP SIP SIP and stay hyrdrated. They say that one popcicle is 1oz of Fluid melted. Try to do 1oz of fluid every 15 minutes for the first week (more if you are able) and you will stay hydrated! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    laprascopic surgery?

    I remember them strapping me to a board like that too and then standing me up too! Then, I then remember seeing a BIG digital clock on the wall and the anasetoligst telling me to take some deep breaths of the mask she put over my face and that was IT!!! LOL Kelly
  3. Wow! I would never stick with someone that made me feel that way! I would ask for someone else if you can! I love my nut. She is great and gives great advice. She is very supportive and even give her email and cell for problems I may have. Don't ever setlle for less than your deserve! Ask for someone else! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Food Porn

    I could not wait to have something...anything really when all I could have was liquids. Then, when I could have pureed foods, it wasn't that much fun! It kinda sucked actually. I still could only have about 3 bites and I was done! It tasted o.k, but not like I thought it would. Then, when I got to go to soft foods the same thing happened! I just am not that excited about food anymore! I don't know if it is because I can not eat much and meal times don't make me happy or that food just doesn't taste the same to me! I use to get so excited to eat and now eating is uneventful to me. I eat because I have to! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    help with protein drinks

    Pure Protein makes a mix and you can get it at Walmart and Target for $18.00 for a 5lb container. It is the best tasting protein mix out there. I have tried them ALL! No nasty protein taste and it has 25 g in one scoop. They have vanilla and chocolate. I have only had the vanilla cream. I mix half and half with soy milk for another 4 g of protein! YUMMY! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    A small victory

    i was the same way! i was so afraid to try new things for fear of getting sick. i wanted more than just liquids and pureed food, but the thought of solids was soooo scary to me. when i was able to go to soft food, i still chew it to the consistancy of pureed food just to be safe! and at first, i still would only eat the same thing everyday that did work! now, i am a little more brave about things. you will be too! good luck! Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    laprascopic surgery?

    I think they are all pretty much done that way unless there is a reason that they can not do it that way. It is safer to do laprascopic surgery than to cut you open and they prefer to do it. I had 4 small incisions and 1 larger one where the camera went in. I didn't have to take any pain meds after leaving the hospital. I did sneeze one day and felt some pain about a week after surgery and think I just pulled a stitch. I am 5 weeks out on Monday and I feel great and my incisions look really good. Good luck to you! Kelly
  8. You might want to go to your Dr. and tell them how you are tired. I was like that right after surgery. I would wash my hair in the shower and have to sleep for 3 hours. It was so crazy. I would walk around the block and sleep for 3 hours all in the same day! NUTS! My Dr. did a simple blood test and I was anemic!!! Gave me some Iron pills and now I am good! In 2 days I felt like a new woman! WEIRD. I also was really dizzy and light headed with mine. As far as the eating, I can not eat the required amount of food I am supposed to be eating either. I am suppose to eat 1/2 c 3 times a day. I don't get that at all. I can get about 1 1/2 oz of real dense Protein and then the gurgling in my chest starts. If I continue to eat, then my chest gets too tight and I can't eat any more for fear I will puke! I go on Thursday to see my Surgeon for my first checkup. I was sleeved 5/9. Hopefully, he will shed some light on my gurgling and eating. People tell me to love the restriction because it wont always be like this!! I hope you find out what is going on. Call your Dr., that is what they are for! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Sleeved June 6th

    Hi Valentia, Welcome to the other side!! They say that this surgery is merely painless! Your stomach doesn't have nerve sensors like your fingers do and that is why it doesn't really hurt so badly! I didn't have any pain either. I was afraid that I would and kept pushing that pain button in the hospital, but after leaving never took pain meds again! I am sorry that you are having to deal with family drama at this time! But, am glad that you have such a great friend to help you at this time! Hope you have a speedy safe recovery! Hugs, Kelly
  10. YAY HORRAY! So glad you are o.k. and everything worked out for you!! Hope you have a great recovery!! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    1st Goal - CHECK

    That is GREAT! Good for you! Kelly
  12. You should be perfectly fine to fly by then. I personally had no complications at all, but everyone is different. I went back to work 7 days after my surgery and other than being tired, was fine. I didn't take any pain meds after leaving the hospital and really felt good. I am 5 weeks out on Monday and would have flown 2 weeks ago if I needed to! I say you will be fine to do it! Go for it! Good luck with your surgery!! Kelly
  13. That is great news!! Congrats!! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    5 Days Post Op Issues

    Don't worry about getting those incisions wet. They have seri-strips on them and you are fine to get them wet. Just don't try to take them off. They will fall off on their own. Mine took 3 1/2 weeks to come off and I took a shower everyday, somtimes twice a day. I am sorry you are feeling so crappy. Rest assured that everyday will get better! Hugs, Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    That time of the month....

    I wonder if that is what my problem is today?? I am due to start in a day or two. I have not had any issues with nausea or vomiting since surgery (5 weeks ago) and today I just feel awful anytime I eat. I ate Breakfast and instantly felt ill!! It lasted about 20 minutes. I just had a snack and the same thing happened. I did not thow up, but it was so sudden and strong, I could have! YUCK! Kelly
  16. I have had a real easy time also. I will be 5 weeks out on Monday and have been really careful with my chewing and things that I choose to eat because I don't want to be sick. I would rather do anything but puke!! I feel kinda gross today too!! Not slimy, but everything that I eat makes me feel queasy for a while today. I have been so blessed to have been able to eat whatever and not feel this way since surgery and now BAM! I hope it is just a fluke and it will go away! It started this morning after I had my egg and took my Vitamins. Lasted about 15 minutes and then stopped. Then, I just had some beef jerkey and some cheese and now I feel gross again! YUCK! I think for lunch I will just do a Protein drink and see if that makes me feel better! I hate this feeling! I hope you feel better soon! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    A first for me

    you can still eat out and eat healthy. find a subway and eat there everyday! subway makes a great spinach salad with turkey! if not, most fast food restaurants have great choices if you look. get a salad and lite dressing with some chicken on it. or a grilled chicken sandwich plain and use only 1/2 the bun ask for fruit instead of fries. kfc has grilled chicken tenders that are really tasty. as far as dine-in's go. they always have a healthy section on their menus. you just have to look for it. if you don't see something lite, ask what they have. they will accomodate you! there are lots of ways to eat healthy if you really want to. good luck to you! Kelly
  18. Man I am FREEZING!!

  19. DO NOT worry about getting protein in at this point. Focus on staying hydrated!!! IT is hard enough to get enough fluids in right now, let alone get enough protein in!! SIP SIP SIP all you can and those lbs will go away!! I gained 12 lbs from my surgery and they left me in a week. Your's will too. Don't worry about it. Do what you are suppose to do and you can not lose, well, you will lose (the weight!!!). Kelly
  20. I think that is FANTASTIC that you are getting that much liquid in at a little over a week out!! WOOW!!! I am a little over a month and still not able to hit 64oz. I drink ALL DAY LONG and still don't hit 50oz. It is is hard when you have to stop before eating and wait after eating and can't guzzle. I am working on drinking more everyday, but it is a struggle!! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    2 Weeks post op

    I became anemic after surgery too! That was the worst feeling, especially not knowing why I felt so shitty! Get you some iron pills and take them everyday. You will start to feel better in about 2 days! I take 325 mg of ferrous gluconate twice a day and a 30mg iron chew. It helps tremendoulsly! I am sure your dr. will give you something! Good luck! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Did I Drink Something Dangerous?

    Are you on Clear liquids for 2 weeks? That may be why. Milk is not a clear liquid, but instead a full-liquid. The heavier the liquid, the more pressure it puts on your staple line and you need to take it easy for a while and let it heal. Just be careful!! You don't want a leak!! I would not worry about it, if you are o.k. Just try to stick to your guidelines and you will be fine! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Feeling dizzy and weak

    Could you tell us what you are having on your pre-op diet? Is it liquid or do you get to eat real food? Kelly
  24. YAY HORRAY!!! I will save a spot next to me on the loser's bench! Kelly

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