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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I think you are BEAUTIFUL!! Kelly
  2. YOU LOOK GREAT!! good job. Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    How Easy Is It to Stretch The Sleeve?

    I agree with Renee! That is what my guidelines say to do. ALWAYS MEASURE, NEVER WEIGH!!! I am suppose to eat 1/2 c right now three times a day. That is about 3oz at a time. I can NEVER get that much in at once and I am 5 weeks out yesterday! I do good to do 1/2 of that depending of what it is. I stop when I feel satisfied, NOT full. That way I know I have not eaten too much. Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    So I told a white lie...

    i told my work the same thing!! LOL they all think that is what i had done. isn't anyone's business what you are having done and especially someone you don't even know!! the nerve of some people! dang. Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Protein Bars anyone???

    Pure Protein makes good ones and they have around 200 calories and 20 grams of protein in them. I never liked them before surgery, but these are tasty! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Hernia Posts

    i actually had an upper endoscopy and was diagnosed with a LARGE hernia. made to have an upper gi to see further. then when i had my surgery, i asked if it was repaired and my surgeon said I did not have one! LOL How weird is that??? He said it looked and looked and could not find one! LOL Kelly
  7. i just noticed that you are in sacramento! i am in folsom!

    hi neighbor! good luck with your surgery! hugs.

  8. Aww, honey! I am thinking of you and praying for a good outcome! Please let us know how you are when you can! Hugs, Kelly
  9. Whew! I was starting to think I was the only one! This is my first period, well, I did have one 3 days after surgery, so I guess second one! I have not lost a thing in 2 weeks and I was really starting to wonder what the hell I was doing wrong. I eat according to plan, exercise and drink like a fish! I almost cried this morning when it went up .2 lbs!! I am doubly sad because I go to see my surgeon Thursday for my first check-up since surgery on May 9th and I wanted to weigh less. I am only 3 lbs away from onderland!!! Oh well, it is what it is and I can't make the damn thing move! Kelly
  10. You will do great!! Let us know how you are when you can!! Kelly
  11. My nut told me the gummy's are not any good and don't have enough minerals/vitamins in them. She said that I am far enough out now 5 weeks that I can take Centrum. MUCH MUCH better. Don't make me feel queasy at all! Thank goodness I can swallow big pills now!! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Success by the dozens

    You are soooo BEAUTIFUL!! And such an inspiration to us all! Go Diva! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Boost, Ensure Etc,?

    I like Pure Protein Vanilla! That mix is really tasty. It is the only protein mix that doesn't taste like protein to me! They also have RTD cans and the strawberry Cream is SOOOOOO good!! I have a couple of those every week! They also make Protein Bars that are really tasty! Kelly
  14. Maybe it is a OBGYN thing!! My OBGYN was the same way when I told him I was having WLS done. He was so negative, telling me that I could die and surgery was an easy way out! I was so stunned by his remarks! My primary Dr. was so supportive and referred me with no problems! I am going the first week in July to see my OBGYN and have lost almost 80lbs since his stupid remark! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees that I am still ALIVE and I can tell him in NO WAY is it an easy out! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Boost, Ensure Etc,?

    I tried to drink an Ensure once, but it was WAY nasty!! And had a lot of sugar in it! I did low carb slim fast and low sugar carnation instant breakfast a few times. I could not seem to get many calories in for a couple of weeks so I resorted to them for nutrients. Good luck! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Scale- friend or foe?

    My case mgr said we are suppose to weigh daily! WHAT??? I don't think so! That is totally obsessive in my opinion! She thinks it keeps you on track and honest! I think it makes you CRAZY!! I weigh on Sunday and that is it! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    < 190

    Good Job You!! Kelly
  18. I finished my TOM 2 days before my surgery. Now, I have always been normal, you can set your watch to me kinda girl! 3 days after my surgery, I started again!! WTF??? And it was as if I had never had one a week prior! It was full-blown 7 day period! I was like, are you kidding me??? That was a month ago and I started again yesterday! Just like I should have!!! What the hell? Kelly
  19. kellyw74


    I took my meds in the hospital the same night as my surgery! My Dr. said if it was smaller than a M&M, I could swallow it! I am now 5 weeks out today and have been cleared to swallow all pills. Kelly
  20. I would insist that the Dr. find out what is going on or get a new one that will!! WTF is wrong with people??? It makes me so angry that people just settle for second class Dr.'s that don't do their jobs! I would never go back to a Dr. that let me sit around and puke my brains out and did not offer to fix the problem! WTH!!!! Get a new Dr. ASAP! Kelly
  21. You are totally normal to feel the way you do! But I promise you by day 5, you will feel like a new person and wonder why you ever had buyer's regret! It is like a huge turning point and you will feel so much better I promise!! And every day after that you will get better and better! Just hang in there and sip,sip,sip!! Hugs, Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Surgery Tomorrow 6/14

    Good luck to you!! Poor puppy! Don't you have a neighbor that can let her out? That sucks. I am sure they will put your bag under your bed and then transfer it to your room with you. Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Week 3 Diet

    My very first meal on purees was chicken salad! That was all I could think about for 2 weeks was getting to have chicken salad! I was so excited when my nut told me I could advance to purees! I went home and mixed it up to the consistancy of baby food and one small bite was all it took! WHAMMO!! it was stuck in my throat for 3 hours! NO GOOD! they say that chicken is very hard on us becuase it is dry! i put a lot of lite mayo in mine and it was even canned chicken breast that i used and it still did not work! i felt so defeated and upset! i didn't puke, but it was very scary that it just sat there in my throat like that! i have never tried chicken since and that was 3 weeks ago! I am afraid! I can eat soft food now too! I think we are just too swollen at 2 weeks to eat chicken. My nut says that if you are going to eat it, to make sure that it is in stew or broth and to put gravy on it to make it slide better! i think i will wait a few more months before trying it again! good luck to you! Kelly
  24. For me, I did not have any surgical pain. My pain was GAS PAIN!! That is NO JOKE!! For 3 days, I was miserable. And let me tell you, nothing made it better. Not walking, sitting up straight, GasX, NOTHING!! I couldn't burp or fart. I was miserable! I didn't take any pain meds after leaving the hospital because my pain was gas and the pain meds didn't help that! When that went away, I felt fine. About a week after surgery, I was really sore. Like I had done a really intese ab workout. My obliques and abs were sore for about 2 weeks, but no real pain. I did sneeze one day and pulled a stitch. That kind of hurt about 3 weeks out. But, it went away a few days later. They say this surgery is merely painless because the stomach doesn't have nerves in it like your finger or nose, so it doesn't really hurt! Good luck to you! Kelly
  25. Good for you Meg! What an awesome story! I am happy to hear it! Congrats! Kelly

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