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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Mine is a lot smaller.....not much going in, so not much coming out!! LOL Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    I need a vitamin - and size matters......

    The bariatric Vitamins made me sick about 4 weeks out. They never bothered me before that and one day, I just felt awful and did every day after. I told my nut when she called to advance my food stage and she said since I was cleared for solid foods, I could now swallow pills bigger than an M&M. She recommended Centrum. Said it is the best multi out there and it has everything you need. I have been taking it ever since. Walmart brand is just fine and compares label to label and is $10 cheaper! And the best part is, it doesn't make me sick!! Kelly
  3. So, I have been told by many and read that acid produces feelings of false hunger. I am relieved becasue I always thought that I was just a hungry hungry person. I eat and 20-40 minutes later, I am starving again!! I had prayed that the sleeve would cure this problem, but I am still this way. It seems the more Water I drink, the worse I get! I feel so defeated! I am going to see my surgeon tomorrow for my checkup and am going to ask him to either change my PPI, I take 40mg of Nexium twice a day, to something else or give me something in addition to it. So, my question is this. Have any of you had this hunger issue and has it been resolved with a PPI? Nexium works great for controlling that acid issue in my throat, but obviously not in my stomach. I have taken it for about 6 years tho, maybe I just need to switch to something else! I definatly am not hungry, but I sure do feel like I am starving all of the time and it DRIVES ME INSANE!! Kelly
  4. LOL!! That is what my husband said. So, he said he just did it till he needed glasses!! LMAO! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Frustrated and Venting

    I agree with Diva, every pound you lose pre-op is one less you have to lose post-op and closer to goal. So, get started now!! I lost 55lbs pre-op which left me with a very short goal to meet post-op. I am glad that I did it. Made my recovery smoother and I am just that much closer! Good luck to you! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    False hunger from acid

    Well, because of my acid I feel hungry all of the time and feel as if I could eat all the damn time!!! That is kinda defeating the purpose of the surgery in a BIG way! I can not take Prlosec, makes me feel very sick! I tried that years ago before Nexium. I may give the Zegrid a shot if the Dr. says I can. I see him tomorrow in the a.m., I will let you all know what he says! Thanks Kelly
  7. Glad to hear you are doing well. Happy thoughts your way! Hugs, Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    3 DAYS POST-OP GAS!!!!

    Oh my goodness. I feel your pain!! I had that same gas problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the hospital, when I woke up, I was MISERABLE!!! I complained and they told me nothing would help and to push my pain button!! I pushed and pushed to the point I was sooooo stoned, I could not stand up to walk!! LOL It wasn't helping and so I stopped pushing it! I couldn't take a deep breath and I couldn't sit up straight. I wanted to cry. I had no surgery pain, it was gas!! I had an hour and a half car ride home and I was just miserable! I could not fart or burp and I just wanted to die! For 3 days, I was like that! Finally on day 4, I tooted....LOUD!! and felt a little better. All day, little ones and big one and bigger. Then, I trusted one that I shouldn't and all hell broke loose and I crapped my pants!! LOL My point is.......All that rumbeling is it getting ready to break loose on you. So be careful if you feel like you need to toot! I did that 3 times (crappin' my pants)!! NOT FUN!! Especially when you just have taken a shower and are anemic and have no damn energy to take another anyway! LOL Seriously tho, nothing helps!! I took Gas-X, warm tea, walking, heating pad, put my knees up like a baby and rocked side to side, layed on my side, rubbed my belly (as much as I could). NOTHING WORKS, but time. If you are rumbeling, you are breaking loose. I bet by tomorrow you will start feeling better! Good luck! Kelly
  9. I just posted a topic earlier about false hunger. It sucks. I don't know if it is hunger or not either. I had it really bad before surgery and prayed that it would go away afterwards. Well, I still have it and think it might just be worse!! I do take Nexium 40mg twice a day and it doesn't seem to help! I see my dr. tomorrow and you can bet I will be bringing this up! I am so sick of feeling hungry all of the time. Even if it is not "real" hunger, it drives me crazy and makes me think I am hungry and that I need to eat. If I did not have that going on, I would be fine. Mine starts as soon as I drink after eating! It is like the water does something to my stomach or something! The more I drink, the worse it gets too! WEIRD! Kelly
  10. Everyone feels that way at some point during their journey!! You will be fine and do great. Look at all of the people on here, including me, that have had it done and are fine! You will be fine too! Hugs, Kelly
  11. You appear to be freshly sleeved. Probably gas or could be reflux too. When my reflux acts up, I get mild chest pain. Not real uncomfortable, but enough to know it is there, just annoying. I am sure it is one or the other! If you are super concerned, call your Dr. Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Water/sippy cup

    i am 5 weeks out (on Monday) and still can not seem to get the required 64 oz in most days! it is really hard to do. i was a huge drinker pre-op and would have no probelms drinking that much. i don't have issues with liquids at all, but it seems like it takes me forever to get a 20oz bottle of Water in. i drink and drink and it just doesn't go away!!!! it is 11 am and i am just now finishing my first one since 7:30 this am. i seriously think something is wrong with me. i drink and drink it and it is still there!!! UGH! i usually can only get 3-16.9 oz bottles in a day. no matter how hard i try! it is just awful! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Deevah's Diatribe

    Hi Deevah! I just wanted to let you know that I started my journey with WLS last September 2010. I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure in the spring of 2010 and that just was not going to work for me! I have several family member with type 2 diabetes, including my mother and I see the effects first hand this disease can do. I WAS NOT going to let that happen to me. I know waiting is frustrating, but just know that this is truely a gift from GOD and that it took me 6 months to go thru the program with Kaiser here in California. Yes, it seemed like a lifetime, but it WAS SO WORTH IT!! You are worth it and you will get there, just be paitent and it will all work out! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Life changing moments

    LOL!! Congrats! Kelly
  15. kellyw74


    I was taking 1000 mg of metformin daily before my surgery and had blood sugar levels in the high 180's-200 with medication at my highest weight of 280lbs. I lost 55lbs pre-op with the help of my diet and exercise. One week after surgery, my levels were in the 90's to low 100's and my dr. took me off the metformin. YAY!! I now monitor my levels once a day, usually in the evening and my sugar runs 90-95 without meds. This surgery totally put me in remission! It also cured my high blood pressure, as I no longer need those meds either! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    post op day4

    Don't worry about that gas!! All that rumbeling will break loose and it will turn into the screamin' me-me's!! I had HORRIBLE gas from surgery. For 3 days I was in so much pain I could not sit up straight or take a deep breath! Then it all went south and rumble rumble in lower stomach. I passes some LOUD gas!! Then, I trusted one fart too many and paid for it BIG TIME!! So, if you get to tootin' do it over the toilet! I know TMI, but trust me, you don't want to be sorry later! LOL Kelly
  17. I don't burp, but i gurgle in my chest to my throat like I am going to burp, but never do. It is SOOOO ANNOYING!! Sounds kinda like a kitchen sink draining!! LOL It happens when I drink and when I have had enough to eat! WEIRD!!! Kelly
  18. i AGREE 100% with Meggie! You will feel no restriction with liquids as they will run right thru you! I was starving all of the time on liquids and had no problem getting them down. I could and still can drink anything without fail, but give me an egg or chicken and I can not eat 1/4 c. It is weird! I can not eat nearly what I should be eating at 5 weeks out. But, I do eat what I can and know it will get better! You are doing fine and as long as it doesn't hurt, keep doing what you are doing and follow your rules! You will do great! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    acid reflux

    Did your Dr. put you on a PPI like Nexium, Aciphex or Prilosec ? If not, you should definatly be on one for the first 6 months and then see how you are doing. Some stay on them forever. When we have most of our stomachs removed, we still produce large amounts of acid and it takes a while for our system to realize we don't need to produce all that acid. Call your Dr. if you are not taking a PPI. Kelly
  20. That is so awesome!! GOOD FOR YOU! Kelly
  21. I sure hope you are right!! I was sooo friggen disappointed this morning! I got up and was pumped cuz I drank 115 oz of Water yesterday, walked 4.5 miles and what did the scale do????? I gained ANOTHER .6lbs!!! Are you friggen kidding me???????????????????????????????????? I am just so upset because I have not lost anything in 2 weeks AND I have to go for my first check up tomorrow and I so wanted to have lost more than I have! What a friggen bummer! SIGH! Kelly
  22. I was thinking that I possible avoided that dreaded 3 weeks stall! But, I think you are right, except mine just came a little later and brought a friend too boot! I seriously thought I was the only person in existance that the sleeve was not going to work for! I am glad this was posted today! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    question concerning liquid diet

    You can have the broth, just don't eat the noodles. Strain them out or just make some chicken broth or buy the kind in the can. You just don't want to eat anything right now. Broth is fine tho, it is a clear liquid. Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Day 15 post op

    You are still really swollen in there and thicker things will not go down as well as water. I am 5 weeks out and still have issues with stuff sitting heavily in my chest or throat! It is not fun. If it is thicker than a protein drink, thin it with some water to make it runny. That way, you will not have that issue. I too get the burps after stuff gets stuck. It is weird. Kinda like it is rebelling in there! It will get better with time!! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
