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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I just had my copay and it was $50.00 that I had to pay upfront. Most insurance companies make you pay at the time of service now a days. Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Nexium or Acid

    My dr. told me that reflux could get worse and if you don't have it you could develop it. I took nexium for years before surgery and this was a BIG issue for him with me. I have had no real issues with my reflux since surgery. I do still take my nexium and will continue to take it, but I am glad becuase I was fearful that I was going to be really sick with acid issues. Kelly
  3. kellyw74


    CONGRATS!!! Isn't is grand to write a number with a one instead of a two??? I made it there yesterday also!! Good job!! Kelly
  4. kellyw74


    It is soooo funny that you say that! I watch that show and literally CAN NOT breathe! I watched one last night that I dvr'd and this lady had lots of dolls and the other lady was old and would poop in diapers and thow them in the floor. She had bottles with urine in them and no running Water or heat!!!! Are you kidding me??? There was trash 4 feet high on her floor!!! I was so sick watching that!! I feel bad for some, but just don't understand how people live like that! SICK! Kelly
  5. I have 5 and they are all pretty small with the exception of one. The biggest one is to the right of my belly button and is about a little bit bigger than my thumbnail in length. That is where they took my stomach out. The rest of them are about the size of my pinky nail....so, pretty small. One is all the way to the left almost below my ribs, one right above my biggest incision, one to the left of my belly button and down a little and one right in the middle of my belly. Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    new to site.

    Welcome and congrats to you and your wife! How wonderful. Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    Returning to work

    I had surgery on Monday and went back the following Monday! I was tired, but that was all. I was fine otherwise! It can be done if you want to do it and don't have any complications! I was sore, but that was the only issue other than anemia that I had. You can do it if you want to! Good luck! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    what about scars???

    Vitamin E oil is the best for scars if you can start on them while they are fresh and pink! I have been putting it on my 5 since the steri-strips fell off on week three. They are smaller and smoother. I seen my surgeon last week and he said they look great! I learned this from when I was a kid and split my forehead open. The ER dr. that stitched my forehead told my mom to put the oil on my head twice a day and keep me out of the sun. You can barely see my scar today and I was 7 then! Kelly
  9. WALK, WALK, WALK!!! That will help too!! I think also that they just want to freak you out to make you do well on the pre-op diet! My A1C's were really high and my surgeon, not my PCP told me that if my levels didn't come down, he would cancel my surgery! I worked hard on my pre-op diet and lost 55lbs because my surgeon is a no nonsense kinda guy and I figured he meant business!! He never even checked my levels again!! Maybe because I had lost so much weight, he knew they were better, but I was kinda p-o'd that he didn't!! LOL Seriously tho, walk. That is the best thing you can do besides your diet right now! Good luck to you and keep us posted!! Kelly
  10. kellyw74


    I am hoping that one day I will, but probably will not! For now, I just ignore it. It is so hard to do, but that is what I have always had to do, so I guess I should be use to it! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    6 Months out and done losing!

    woowww!! GOOD JOB Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Holy Cow!! 1-derland!

    GOOD JOB!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    No longer obese!

    Congrats on being overweight!! LOL Kelly
  14. That is strange!! Mine were high and I had surgery! I would only think that they would improve with surgery! What the heck? I mean my diabetes is in remission and I no longer have high blood pressure, so why wouldn't that? Some dr.'s just don't think right!!! I am sorry. Can't you try and talk to him/her and see why they are thinking this way? Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Fast track through Kaiser

    The pre-op diet DOES WORK!! I lost 55 lbs on it in about 5 1/2 months. I was only required to lose 20lbs by my surgeon, he about fell over when he seen me! Kelly
  16. kellyw74


    Yes, I do take Nexium twice a day. I spoke with my Dr. about this issue. He said that there isn't any scientific evidence to support this theory. Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    11 wks post op- 60lbs down!

    That is AWESOME!! Kelly
  18. Made it to ONDERLAND today!! WOOP WOOP!

  19. hello! hope you are doing well!!

  20. kellyw74

    One Year Anniversary

    GOOD JOB!! You look like a totally different person! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Nexium or Acid

    I took my pills the night I was in the hospital without issue. Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Fast track through Kaiser

    Kaiser N. Cal doesn't require the 12 weeks of Options classes. Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Fast track through Kaiser

    Congrats! I was sleeved 5/9 at Kaiser Richmond. They are AWESOME!! The Heparin shot is really no big deal! Good luck to you and let us know when your date is! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Oh my goodness!

    Thanks! LOL!! I was so excited that I forgot to update my ticker! How on earth could I forget to do that??? I just did it, so now it reflects my true weight! YAY! It is so fun to type 199 instead of 200 something!! Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    I need a vitamin - and size matters......

    I just measured one of the pills and it is a little over 1/2 inch long. They are really easy to swallow as they are coated and they have a line in them for splitting if you needed to cut them in half. Hope this helps! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
