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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Nausea three months out

    I have not had this happen to me, thank goodness, and sorry you feel gross! I hate that feeling!! I have read a lot that people feel this way and when they do, they go to a day of liquids and it seems to help calm their tummy's down. Try that and see if you feel better. Can't hurt! Kelly
  2. maybe it was too dry after sitting in the fridge for a couple days????. or did you eat too fast? i am 6 weeks out and still can not do chicken. i tried my first meal was chicken salad and that was a BIG mistake!!!i can not do canned or grilled!! the only type i can do is chicken luchmeat! it feels stuck in my throat. i don't get sick, but there is a lump in there for hours! i have only tried twice and do not intend to try again for a LONG time! sorry that happened to you, maybe wait a while before trying it agian. kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Pre-op shakes question

    Liquids don't stay in your stomach and run right thru you. That is why my plan says NO PROTEIN SHAKES EVER!! They want us to focus on real food and not liquid nutrients. That way we are not eating all of the time because we are hungry. I was starving on my liquid and full liquid phases. Now that I can have food, I feel so much more satisfied because the protein I get from meat stays in my stomach longer than liquid that just runs right thu. Make sense? Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Notice for Work!

    i told my work months in advance that i would be taking time off. i only took a week, but my boss knew about it long before i even had a date! make sure they are informed. Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    A silly nsv

    i noticed that about my chair at work the other day! i actually have room on both sides of me in the seat now! YAY FOR US!! :D Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Recipe book for WLS ??

    i have not, but eggface rocks. go check out her website. she has lots of good ideas for all food stages! theworldaccordingtoeggface.com Kelly
  7. awww. your hubby sounds like mine. he calls me skinny minny! LOL Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    Hospital stay

    I checked in at 11 am. My surgery was at 3pm and I spent the night. I was released at 11:45 the next morning. Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Recovery question

    The first 3 days I had the worst gas!! It was AWFUL!! I did not have any pain other than gas pain tho. After the gas broke, I had diahreah for a couple days. Then, I was really sore! Kinda like I did 20,000 crunches. LOL I slept a lot for about 3 days and then, I felt fine. I walked everyday a little more and more each day. That helps you to feel better and not get stiff! I did everything myself and didn't have my husband do it for me. I went back to work on day 7 and felt tired, but I became anemic after surgery and that was a problem for about 3 weeks. Now, I am 6 weeks out and feel great! You will do great. This surgery really doesn't produce too much pain as our stomachs do not have nerve receptors like our fingers do. Just remember that you did have MAJOR surgery and just because you feel fine, you do need to rest! That is what was said to me over and over. LOL Good luck to you! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    Now I did it

    Sorry you are going thru this. How awful! Kelly
  11. I took lots of things, magazine (didn't read), gas x (didn't work), clothes (didn't wear), house slippers (didn't wear they gave me sock slippers). the only useful thing I took and used was my ipod. listening to music was so much nicer than people puking! Kelly
  12. Good job Apple!! You can really see the difference already!! Hope your kidney infection is getting better! Hugs, Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Six Days To Surgery

    welcome and good luck on your upcomming surgery. i will save a spot for you on the loser's bench!! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Employer Help.

    OH MAN!! I did not realize that you had not worked for your employer for less than a year. Yeah, you have to work for at least 12 months! SUCK! Well, still, the sleeve is worth it and if they fire you over having surgery, they are assholes and you can always get another job! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Employer Help.

    FMLA is Family Medical Leave Act Google it and get the information about it. And I agree with the other's...start keeping notes about what was said and when. If they fire you. Sue them! They can not do that! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    When can we stop sipping?

    i sipped for like the first 10-12 days then i was taking normal drinks. i can now take 2-3 sips thru a straw and swallow at a time without issue. if you take too big of a drink, it will hurt in your chest....at least it did for me! you will not have to sip forever! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    scared and dizzy day 8

    Could be a number of things. COuld be dehydrated, not enough food. DO you take bp meds? I was severly dizzy about day 6-10, finally went to my pcp and he took me off my bp meds. YAY. also did blood work and i was severly anemic as well and my electrolytes were really low! you should go see your dr. or at least call them!! NOW. Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Employer Help.

    How much time are you taking off? There is such a thing called FMLA if you are thinking of taking a lot of time off! Then they can't fire you! What an awful thing to say to someone that is having a medical procedure done. How lame! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Celebrate Multivitamin Capsules

    My nut told me to take good old trusty Centrum when I was able to eat regular food. The chewable vitamins from BA were making me feel awful. It was weird because just all of the sudden they started when they didn't pre-op or 4 weeks post-op. She advised that Centrum has everything you need including iron. I buy the Walmart brand it is comparable to Centrum and ALOT cheaper. I have no trouble swallowing them and they DO NOT make me sick! Kelly
  20. I also wanted to add that I also stopped losing when I went to the soft food stage. I was so discouraged. My surgeon advised that almost all of his patients stop losing when transitioning to this stage. It is because of the "soft caloires". He said that once we are able to eat more solid foods we will start losing agiain. Welp, he was correct. I was on that stage for 2 weeks and did not lose a single pound!! When I went to the next stage of food and was able to eat meat! BAM!! Lost 4 lbs in 5 days. So, don't fret, it is just the food and all the carbs and calories in them. It is ok tho, we have to do it. You will get there too. Kelly
  21. I also ate most of the above and the following: Turkey Meatloaf pureed with chicken gravy...yummy Dinty Moore beef stew pureed Wendy's chili pureed Any type of food can be pureed if you put a little mayo or gravy on it for moisture. It is better to add gravy than Water for added flavor. Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    WHAT THE ...

    That is so weird because you would think that it would swell and take up room. I am only a little over 6 weeks out and have not tried bread yet and it will be a long time before I do, but that is scary, good to know, but scary! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Oh my goodness!

    Thanks everyone!! Kelly
  24. you look AWESOME!! Good job! Kelly

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