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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. i took my meds the same night in the hospital right after surgery without issue. my dr. said if it was smaller than an m&m, i could swallow it. i had to do chewable vitamins until i was cleared to eat solid food, week 4. however, i can swallow vitamins now. i use centrum and they go down fine. kelly
  2. GOOD JOB!! Keep going! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Make me a grocery list! :)

    Foster farms meatballs are a must have. 18g of Protein in 3 balls!! GOOD STUFF. chicken, Steak and Salmon. YUMMM eggs, cheese, turkey sausage Bananas, watermelon, cantalope-i eat very small amounts of these weekly after my protein is in. I use to eat lots of yogurt and cottage cheese, but was always hungry so my dr. told me to cut the soft calories out and eat more meat and protein that would stay in my sleeve longer. Kelly
  4. I had hoped to lose my hunger with my sleeve. Welp, that hasn't happened!!! I was sleeved 5/9 and still am hungry. I notice that it doesn't seem to be that ravenous hunger like before, but I do still get hungry. I read a lot of you say that you were hungry in the beginning and then it slowly went away. I am wondering how long it was before you lost your hunger issues. I am not talking head hunger because I do not have that issue, I am talking stomach growling "real" hunger! When did you notice that you were not hungry any more. Is there still hope that it will cease??????? Thanks, Kelly
  5. I just donated 15 bags of clothes to a mission by my house last weekend. I donated them rather than give them to someplace that would sell them! I am the smallest I have been in 10 years and do not have any smaller clothes! I wish I had a stash of clothes somewhere! I went thru all my stash already! I have already had to buy new pants twice, not complaining, but clothes are soooo expensive! Kelly
  6. WOW!! CONGRATS CONGRATS!! That is crazy!! that is alot of inches... YOU GO! Kelly
  7. Nope! I told my husband and that is it! I don't like the negative nay-sayers and don't need to hear the bs! I may tell my mom one day, but for now, I keep it on the dl! Kelly
  8. kellyw74


    YAYYY!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!! Kelly
  9. How exciting for you!! And congrats on being able to do this at such a young age! I wish they would have had it when I was 19!!!! I am 36, soon to be 37! You will live such a healthy life! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    What scale do you use???

    i just have a digital one from walmart. seems to work fine. i like the fact that the dr.'s office weights me 4lbs lighter too! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Acid after surgery?

    I have had GERD for about 7-8 years. Have taken Nexium for it and still do. I never had issues with my acid unless I would forget to take my medication pre-sleeve. Now that I am sleeved, I still take my meds and do not notice any difference. I was really concerned about this. I too, was scared that I would have terrible acid issues, but have not. I hope that it stays this way! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Please Help

    I really think that is GREAT weight loss. That is almost 3lbs a week if you do the math!! I know that everyone wants the weight to come off quickly and compare themselves to everyone else. I think you are doing great! AND the slower you lose it, the less skin you will have, so be happy about that at least! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    protein vs liquids

    You really should not focus on anything but staying hydrated at this point! It is hard enough to get liquids in, let alone to try and get proteins in too! SIP SIP SIP and that is it! I didn't even worry about proteins until I was able to eat solid foods at 4 weeks out and I am fine! You will be too. Kelly
  14. My suggestion would be try to do a little each day. Maybe just 10 minuets a day. Work your way up to an hour a day. That seems like a lot in the beginning, but really, once you get into it, it isn't!!! I look forward to my workout everyday now and could not imagine saying that 6 months ago. I HATED EXERCISE!!! Once I put those shoes on and walk out the door, I am so glad that I did!!! The more you do, the more you want to do! It is so amazing when you really see how much you can do! And when you see the benefits you get from it, you WILL want to do more. Start with a 10 minute walk today and tomorrow and try to do more next week! One day at a time! Good luck! Kelly
  15. Any chance you have any Unjury chicken soup?? That is allowed on clears! It has a lot of protein in it. If not, you could go to the unjury website and order some to have on hand for later! You could also get some Isopure drinks from GNC the Alpine Punch is ok. It is not the best tasting stuff, kinda dry, but it does help. It is in a glass jar, ready to drink. The grape frost is ok too. Just know it does get better. Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Pay or Insurance

    I would never get a bypass. That was the biggest reason I did not have WLS years ago because that was the only procedure out there! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    Is this normal?

    Liquids go down much easier than solid foods. I have never had any issues with liquids, but when I went to real foods, some felt stuck becasue of swelling. Cottage cheese is a soft food for me and did give me issues in the beginning and I had the gurgling when I would eat it too. It is like the esophagus has to process it or something! WEIRD. Just eat slower when it gurgles and it will be o..k. I am 7 weeks out tomorrow and I still gurgle when I eat! Use to do it when I would drink too, but that has stopped. Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    How long?

    That should be MORE than enough time if you don't have any complications. I have an office job and went back to work in 7days. I was tired, but fine! Kelly
  19. I am 7 weeks out tomorrow and believe that I really undereat my sleeve! I eat just until I am satisfied, never till full or eat all that I am supposed to. I am supposed to eat 1/2 c. at this point per meal and I never finish it. I have read so many stories of people taking one bite too many and regretting it! I am afraid of that, so I eat just until I am no longer hungry! I have heard people say they get tightness in their chest, some hiccup and some burp. Others even say their nose runs. I seriously have had none of these because I quit before then! Kelly
  20. WOW!!! Good job! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Win or lose

    That is awesome!! Congrats!! Kelly
  22. kellyw74


    Thanks. I don't know. I have heard that some things don't work as well for some as they do for others. I have taken Nexium for 7 years. Maybe I need to take something else although my Dr. swears Nexium is the best. Since I can get Prilosec at Walmart, maybe I will just go get a small pack and try it for a week and see how it goes! I will keep you all posted! Kelly
  23. kellyw74


    Yeah, definatley not CRAVINGS my stomach growles so I know it is hungry!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Greek Yogurt

    I have struggled with trying to find a way to eat greek yogurt. I can not stand the bitter stuff! Finally, today, I had a co-worker tell me to put some Swiss Miss in it. So I grabbed a pack of the sugar-free and dumped some in, stirred and WOW!! What a difference. It is actaually do-able. I am so glad because I wanted to like it. 5 oz has 15g of Protein. Lots of protein for such a little amount of food. YAY!! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
