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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. I agree with the above poster, you should call your dr. someone should be on call no matter what time it is. Better to be safe than sorry if it is something serious! Call now!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Proposed Meeting Place, Hayward, CA

    What time should we meet? Kelly
  3. Good job! You look awesome! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Oh NO! 10 days out! HELP!

    i did the same thing drinking water. it was like i totally forgot for a minute, but as soon as i took that third gulp and swallowed, my chest let me know that i was sleeved. IT HURT!! for about 10 minutes. I am sure you will be ok. just be more consious and try not to do it again. Severe pain, and fever are big with a leak, but i am sure you will be ok. it was a veggie and is all water. it probably hurt cuz you didn't chew it good enough! kelly
  5. I too didn't use any pain meds after I left the hospital. My pain was from the gas. It was horrific. Nothing will make that go away but time, about 3-4 days. You need to keep in mind that your stomach does not have nerves in it like your fingers or nose. You will not feel pain like if your finger were cut off!! It really does not hurt. You will be sore a few days after surgery from them moving your muscles around. I was sore, like I had done 2,000 crunches, for about 2 weeks. That is manageable and no big deal. You will be fine, don't worry & Good luck! Kelly
  6. That is AWESOME!!! Good for you! Kelly
  7. I have Kaiser, mine was 43 and I had 2 cormorbidities. However, I lost 55lbs pre-op and my BMI went down to 37, but they still did my surgery and here are their requirements: To be referred for bariatric surgery, candidates must be at least 18 years old and must have a: BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) >35 WITH SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES As recommended by the appropriate specialist to the Regional Bariatric Medical Director or designee and approved by the Director or designee BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) 40 - 49.9 With one comorbid condition from Category 1 - OR - Any two comorbid conditions from Category 2 - BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) 50 OR GREATER No comorbid conditions required. Hope this helps you!! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    Proposed Meeting Place, Hayward, CA

    FUN!! I have lots of Protein that I don't use too! I have 2 BIG containers of unjury Plain that I have never even used. And lots of samples from Chike and BA. Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Hayward July 9th

    I am! Just let me know where you are all meeting at and I will (or you can) mapquest me directions. Probably a phone number too!! LOL Just in case! Kelly
  10. WOW!! what a transformation. You look GREAT!! I too use myfitnesspal.com. I love it and it really does keep you accountable for what you put in. If you bite it, write it!! LOL. I didn't tell anyone but my husband either. People are so ignorant and negative, I don't need that! I didn't even tell my mother, not because she is negative, she just is a worry wart! I might tell her one day, but for now, I am not! Keep on rockin' that sleeve gurl, you look great! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Red Velveter's

    WOW! you all are doing so great and losing so much weight! I feel like I am not losing much!!! I have lost 29lbs. I am thrilled to have lost that much tho! I did lose 55lbs pre-op, and only have about 30 more til goal, so maybe that is why I haven't lost 50 or 60 like you other's! I am so happy for you other Red Velvet member's and the way you are rockin' your sleeves!! I only wish we all lived closer so we could all meet! I am going to meet Meggie next weekend! How exciting!! Hugs to all of you and keep on keepin' on! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Sacramento meetup

    Oh that is fine! Is the discussion in another place? Or should I just watch here? Thanks, Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Oh, so THAT's what dumping feels like

    I am only 2 months out on Monday and I am AFRAID!! I have read about these "episodes" some get and that keeps me from trying things I know I shouldn't be putting in my body anyway. I made a 4th of July cake for work the other day and did not even have any. People at work were like "aren't you having any?" It had cream cheese icing on it and the cake was red, white, and blue with strawberry's and blueberries on top (like a flag) too cute!! I was too afraid to even have a bite!! I am kinda glad that I am a chicken, but at the same time, I wish I could have a cookie! I might try one when I am a little further out, but for now, I will remain chicken!! LOL Kelly
  14. kellyw74


    Nexium is a MIRACLE PILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are having acid issues, this WILL solve them. I would never be without the purple pill! It is a lifesaver. I have taken it for 7 years and probably always will!! I promise you WILL feel better when you take it. It will take a while to take effect, as it is time released, but take it daily and you will be fine! Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Red Velveter's

    WOW Michelle that is AWESOME!! You are rockin' that sleeve gurl! 75lbs in 2 months. HOLY COW!! You must be a mere shadow of your former self! LOL AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME!! Good for you! I am so very happy for you. Keep on keepin' on! Hugs, Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Sacramento meetup

    I am game anytime, just let me know and I will try not to get lost this time!! LOL Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    What do you think?

    Thanks Meggie! I know it really drives me INSANE!! I wasn't sure if it was still on, haven't seen any posting on the forum in a while!! I just messaged you tho. I look forward to seeing you and the rest next weekend! Kelly
  18. I feel that for the past few days, I have been eating a lot more than I have since being sleeved on 5/9 (7 1/2 weeks ago). Maybe I am just being paranoid because in comparison to what I USED to eat, this is NOTHING!! However, I am afraid that if I eat too much, I will continue to not lose (haven't for about a week) and that is not the plan! I have been tracking my calories on myfitnesspal.com and I am getting between 500-700 daily. My plan DOESN'T call for calorie, carb or Protein counting!! I am just supposed to eat a certain amount 3 times a day. BUT, when I do that, I only get like 300 calories a day because I can only eat so much at a time. I exercise an hour a day and that is more calories burned than I eat! I will never lose starving my body like that!! I had to switch it up to see how things would go!! DONT TELL MY DR!! Here is what I had today and yesterday. Do you think it is too much or am I doing anything wrong? I pretty much eat about the same everyday with the exception of Snacks. Sometimes I have a Protein Drink or bar. Today: B- 2 hard boiled eggs (just the whites) ate almost all but maybe 2 bites of last half S- 1/2 small banana L- 3/4 carmalized chicken & onion burger from costco S- 2 hard boiled eggs (just the whites) D- 2 oz cheeseburger & 3 sweet potatoe fries After work I also had 4 Doritios Toasted Corn chips with a little salsa. Total calories=600 Carbs=22 Protein=64 Yesterday: B-2 1/2 Foster Farms Turkey Meatballs S-1/2 container lite yogurt and 1/2 small banana L-2 oz beef chuck steak & 4 tbsp. mashed potatoes & 3 green Beans S-1 oz beef Jerky D-1.5 oz beef chuck steak & 1 c lite chocolate soy milk Total calories=660 Carbs=59 Protein=66 Any advice on what I could do differently or if you think I am o.k. or whatever. I appreciate it! Thanks, Kelly
  19. kellyw74


    I don't low carb and I have lost 29 lb in 7 1/2 weeks. I don't eat lots of carbs and the majority of mine come from fruit, veggies, my vitamins (yes, i count them) and sometimes I have a few chips. I always eat my protein first tho! I have not had bread or bread products since surgery and don't intend to for a few more months. I usually get around 30-65 carbs a day and I feel it is a good balance. I eat pretty much what I want within reason, but always protein first and NO sweets! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    The incredible edible egg

    When you are able to eat solid Protein, it will stay in your stomach longer, be more satisfying and make you feel full faster than "SOFT CALORIES". That is why soft calories are so discouraged after you are able to eat solid food. They run thru you quickly and don't offer much satisfaction. My fist few eggs sat very heavy in my chest and I did not enjoy them AT ALL!! I now love scrambled and poached eggs!! I also like boiled egg whites with hummus in the middle! YUMM Good luck! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Pill question?

    The rule of thumb from my Dr. was nothing bigger than an M&M to swallow for the first month. I took pills in the hospital the night of my surgery. Your dr. should give you a PPI for the first 6 months. That is the general rule of thumb. Nothing you can take to stop your hair from falling out, it will happen no matter what! My dr. said nothing down the throat for 3 weeks for constipation. Had to take an enema if I needed that. I have been fine and haven't needed anything. Remember, simply not going doesn't mean you are constipated. You will go less. Less in means less out! You can get samples of protein on Chike.com and Unjury.com. Best of luck to you! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    i think im hungry!!

    I will be 2 months out on Monday and I have never lost my hunger. I feel it all the time! PPI doesn't make a difference and eating only calms it for a few minutes. So yes, you can still be hungry! Kelly
  23. Your BIGGEST incision is the one that your stomach came out of. Mine was about an inch above and to the right of my belly button! The incision is about the size of my thumb wide. It hurt the worst and was bruised. It had a BIG dent in it for a couple weeks and now looks fine! Hope that helps! Kelly
  24. My plan says not for 6 months!! That is a LONG time. I have read some have a really hard time with it and it makes them really sick. I am afraid to try it. I have a while as I am only 2 months on Monday! KElly
  25. kellyw74

    Tummy Trouble

    Most Dr's suggest a PPI for 6 months after surgery. Did your Dr say to stop taking the Prilosec?? If not, you should probably still take it! Also, how big of drinks are you taking?? Maybe you should still be taking small sips! I don't know how far out you are, but for several weeks, if I took to big of a drink, I would feel a tighness in my chest and it would kind of hurt and feel like it was going to come up, but never did!! Good luck to you! Kelly

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