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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74


    If you eat too much you will either be in serious pain or you WILL puke! You will not be able to hold more than what your sleeve will hold. Didn't your dr. or nut give you guidelines on how much to eat? Like 1/4 c on what stage??? I am 9 weeks out today and can only eat about 1/2 MAX and usually only eat 1/4c. if it is really dense protein. I can eat a 1/2 of cottage cheese, but only 3/4 of a scrambled egg, 1/2 of that egg if it has cheese on it. I really undereat my sleeve at this point because I DO NOT want to be sick or feel awful!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Cooking for Post op

    I didn't really cook anything for the first two weeks. My husband just ate whatever. He CAN cook, but chooses not to!! After two weeks, I cooked for him, but ate what I was supposed to eat. It was killer when I would grill him a steak and I could not have it!!! Now, that I am 9 weeks out, I pretty much can have anything, but salad and raw veggies. I cook just about everyday and eat what he does meat wise. That is about all I can fit in maybe a bite of fruit OR veggie, but not much more than my 2.5 oz of meat! Kelly
  3. kellyw74


    I use Pam when cooking eggs, but I do have I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray and the Lite butter in the tub for cooking when it is called for. Kelly
  4. I don't do net carbs, I do total carbs. That way, I know I am not going overboard on carbs for the day. I also count all carbs including the ones in my Vitamins. Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Friends told me to slow down :(

    I agree with COOPS!! Do what you can!! If you feel like you can do more then do more, if you feel like you need to take it easy, then do that too!! Only you know how YOU feel! Good job!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    I'm "normal"

    WOOO HOOOO!! that is AWESOME!! CONGRATS!! Kelly
  7. lost 4lbs last week and this week?? .6 i guess my body is rebelling after the big loss last week?? :( oh well, a loss is a loss!! it is going in the right direction i suppose!! i did everything right so, i can't complain!! :)

  8. kellyw74

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome Lily! You will find answers to all of your questions here and if you don't just ask! Everyone is so nice and helpful and NEVER judgemental!! How lucky are you to be doing this at such a young age??? I wish I could have done this at 20!! Good for you!! Keep us posted on your journey! And good luck! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Told my Mom

    My mom lives in a completly different state than me. I did not tell her and still haven't. I will when I see her in a few months. I did not want the comments either. I knew that she would be concerned and worried as well, but she will be thrilled I am sure when she finds out I no longer have to takeb/p and diabetic meds and stick my finger 5 times a day!! AND that I have lost 88 lbs too boot!! Kelly
  10. So it has been a little over 6 weeks for us Red Velvet member's. How the heck are you all doing? I have not seen any posts from Michelle or Meggie for a while. Have you all fallen off the face of the earth?? I am doing well, I am still on modified regular foods until August. I pretty much eat anything that doesn't have skin or seeds and isn't dry. Nothing raw and no Beans or bread products. I had my first post-op visit last Thursday and my Dr. was blown away by my progress. I have lost 70% of my excess weight. YAY ME!! Mind you 55lbs was pre-op! However, he was so happy and just kept telling me how great I looked. I am having a much better time with my foods now and can pretty much tolerate anything I eat and am not having that "stuck" feeling any longer. Dr. said it was swelling and now that is gone, I am good. He wants me to not chew to liquid consistancy any longer, that way the food stays in tummy longer. So far, so good. I thought it would make me sick, but it hasn't! I have to go in August and have my blood checked to see how everything is going, but I feel great, hit Onderland yesterday, and bought size 12 pants this past weekend. Are you kidding me??? I have not worn that size in like 10 years! I hope the rest of you Red Velveter's are rockin' it too! Hugs, Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Red Velveter's

    Well, if you are happy with your progress that is all that matters!! I am happy for you! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Proposed Meeting Place, Hayward, CA

    July 30th works for me for Sac meet up! And yes, let's do Vacaville for the other. Everyone else seems to be on board for that so, LET'S DO IT!!! YAY!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    is this head hunger?

    Wendy's chili is so satisfying and was the ONLY thing that tasted like I was actually eating during the first 4 weeks after my surgery! I got it after 3 days on purees and I think I ate it like 3-4 times a week for 2 weeks! A large chili was like 5 meals for me!! LOL I think it is because not only was it fast food and made me feel "normal", but it was sooooo spicy and soothing! Get some, it will make you feel better! Kelly
  14. I had surgery 5/9/11 and have bought new work pants 4 times. About every few weeks I need new ones! I usually shop at places like Goodwill, Ross, Marshalls, TJ MAX and Kohls. They have great selections of clearance clothing for cheap. That way when I can only wear pants for 2-3 weeks, I don't feel so bad when I pay $10 for them! I have went from a 22/24 to a loose 12. I just bought some new pants yesterday. I tend to buy them a little tight because in about a week or so, they will fit perfectly! LOL Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Red Velveter's

    He meggie!! I wanted to say that have you tried snacking?? I know most dr.'s discourage this because they say that is how we got fat to begin with. However, I have to snack or I can not get in enough calories either. My plan calls for 1/2 c 3 times a day and that is it! If I do this, I can not eat but about 3-400 calories a day! If I add in 3 Snacks a day, I can get up to 650-850 easy!! Maybe if you are getting that with food alone and add a snack or two, you could get in more calories and lose more. When I added in more calories, I started losing more. Just a thought!! You could try it for a week and see how it goes anyway! Hugs, Kelly
  16. I take my lunch to work everyday and I eat before I leave if I am going out to do errands on weekends. That way I don't get myself in a perdicament to have to eat fast food. I also carry nuts and beef jerky in my purse for a snack if I should need one. I am 9 weeks out on Monday and I can not see myself eating that food for a LONG time! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    I did it too!!

    That is sooo awesome!! Good for you! And welcome to ONDERLAND!! It is nice here!! Kelly
  18. kellyw74


    5 days out and it is probably the gas trying to break loose. i had terrible rumbling for about a week and then all hell broke loose and i had terrible squirts for 3 weeks!! sorry, just a heads up for what might be getting ready to happen. i didn't feel bad or sick, but my stomach was really noisy and rumbling!! i had horrible gas pains and then when it broke loose it got all noisy and that is what happened. kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Red Velveter's

    Oh my goodness Michelle!! That is so AWESOME!!! You are ROCKIN" that sleeve for sure!! You are going to be a mere shadow of your former self in no time!! Keep up the good work girl!! I am so very happy for you. :) Hugs, Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    First Meal !

    I don't burp, but I gurgle like a kitchen drain!! It is almost like I am going to burp, but I don't!! I use to do it when I would drink anything and eat. Now at 8 1/2 weeks out I only do it when I eat. My dr. told me that it WILL stop! That is encouraging because it is sooooo annoying!! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Non Scale Victory-7 months

    That is so great!! I am so very happy for you!! Keep up the good work and soon, you will no longer have a "2" for a weight either!! CONGRATS!! Kelly
  22. Have you tried the Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium?? They are chewy like candy and I look forward to them everyday. Each one is 250 mg, so I eat 4 a day. I love them and they are NOT NASTY!! The lemon ones taste like a starburst and the caramel ones are like Werther's caramels and soooo yummy too! They also have chocolate and raspberry, but i have not tried them. bariatricadvatage.com is the website. Try some!! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    How soon to start seeing results?

    I agree with Kelly, must be a Kelly thing!! LOL Anyway, I also lost pre-op 55lbs before I even went in to be operated on. So, I already noticed change. However, I have lost 33lbs post-op and I can really see the difference now and I am only 9 weeks on Monday. It will happen, but want to tell you that you should do your part too! Exercise and it will make a BIG difference!! Your body will reap the rewards!! Good luck to you! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    I'm in the teens..........

    That is AWESOME!! It is so funny how our bodies work. No loss, no loss, no loss. Then like 5-9 lbs overnight!! How weird! CONGRATS!! Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    Need new Breakfast Ideas

    You don't have to eat breakfast food. Eat leftover dinner or have lunch stuff. I often eat Foster Farms Turkey meatballs for bfast. 3 of them have 16g of protein in them and they are so moist and good. I had a leftover hamburger today for bfast and yesterday I had leftover pot roast. Protein drink Chicken salad Turkey Lunchmeat w cheese Porkchop Eggsalad Salmon burgers Crabcakes Fish Tuna I eat what is easy and conveinent. I usually don't eat until I get to work and don't cook when I am there, so whatever I can heat in the microwave is what I have. Or I take a boiled egg. I like turkey sausage too that is fast and easy. Hope this gives you some other ideas!! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
