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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Potty Talk

    Oh I feel ya! I was the same way until about week 4 when I was allowed solid food. SOmething about those liquids and purees went straight thru me!! And I totally agree about work! My bathroom is right by a row of cubicals!! I had the worst gas with mine and went back to work in 7 days after my surgery, so you can just imagine!! ECHO ECHO!!! NOT COOL!!! Kelly
  2. kellyw74

    Feeling Sorry for Myself

    I am sure that you probably know this, but make sure you are eating enough. I was not losing for about 2 1/2 weeks and figured out that I was not getting enough calories. I upped my calories by about 200 and started losing again!! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Spouse or Sig other

    My husband is not HEAVY, but bigger. He is 6 ft 1 and weighs about 230. I like bigger built guys and not scrauny men. When I met my husband 20 years ago, I was 17 and was about 180lbs. Not fat, but def not skinny!! Pretty much just on the little bit of chunky side. Over the years, I soared all the way up to 280!! WOW!! My husband always loved me for me, not my weight and never said a word about how fat I was, I was always the one unhappy with my weight. He always told me and still does how beautiful I am everyday! Now that I have lost about 90lbs, he hates it!! He tells me everyday when he hugs me how skinny I am and that if he wanted a skinny girl, he would have married a telephone pole!! Kidding of course, but he likes bigger women! Our marrige is fine and we are not having problems, but he would rather me be be heavy!! He knows I am much healthier and that makes him happy, but really prefers me heftier!! Neither one of us is going anywhere. We love each other and how much I weigh will not change that. I have lost and regained 100's of lbs over the years and we still keep on being married!! LOL Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    6 Month Comparison

    How awesome!! You look wonderful!! Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    calories & carbs in vitamins?

    I count them, but agree with rootman. Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    Post Op Exercise

    I walked until i went to my first check up with my surgeon and was cleared to do more. He said I was healed and could do whatever I wanted. So, I started running and lifting weights at 6 weeks out. Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    Officially down 83lbs...

    WOOP WOOP!! Good for you!! Kelly
  8. At this stage in the game, you really should only be focusing on staying hydrated. NOT ON PROTEIN!!! IT is hard enough to drink all your liquids, let alone worry about protein. So, focus on that for now and don't worry about protein until you move to solid foods! When you get to that point, use myfitnesspal.com. That is a great website to track all your food, exercise and water! Best of luck to you! Kelly
  9. I got the vanilla ones before surgery and i really liked them. After surgery, they made me GAG!! I think it is because they are soooo thick! I hate them now and my husband had to drink the rest of the box. LOL Kelly
  10. kellyw74


    i have a seizure disorder and i stil had the surgery. i have them when i sleep sometimes and nobody can tell me why!! strange, but true! had my first one about 14 years ago and had about 4 in 10 years. Haven't had any in about 6 years, but take really good meds now. Topamax works wonders for mine!! it should not postpone anything. it has nothing to do with your stomach!! Don't worry!! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    I too have been STARVING since having my sleeve. I prayed and prayed that this would be resolved after my surgery, but hasn't!! I have been taking Nexium for about 8 years and asked my surgeon to switch me to something else. He said Nexium was the best out there. Well, I took it upon myself to go and get some Prilosec OTC and have been taking it for 18 days now. I can honestly say that my hunger HAS calmed down!! I am so happy about it. I do still get hungry, but my stomach is NOT constantly growling like it was before. I think that Prilosec is MUCH better than Nexium and I am so happy that I started taking it. I emailed my PCP and asked him for a prescription because it is cheaper than buying it over the counter and he gave it to me!! LOL I hope that the longer I take it, the better my hunger will be!! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Today's the big day!

    YAY for you!! Got a spot next to me on the loser's bench!! Update when you can!! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    Should this still hurt this much?

    I did not have a drain. I did, however look like I had been beat with a ball bat on my left side. Seriously. I was black and blue for 2 weeks and felt like I had done 2,000 crunches for about 15 days!! The soreness takes a while to go away, but remember, you just had MAJOR SURGERY!! They moved and removed stuff!! You will get better!! Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Itching has started

    Mine had steri-strips over them and came off about 2-3 weeks out. My incisions NEVER itched. I am glad. I have been putting Vitamin E oil on them twice a day since the strips came off and my scars are barely noticable. Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Those that don't do shakes...

    I HATE protein drinks because of the protein taste. GAGS the hell outta me!! If that is your problem with them, then try Pure Protein ready to drink in the can. It is SOOOO GOOOD!!! I promise you there is NO protein taste in the Strawberry Creme or Cookies & Cream. They both have 35g of protein in one can!! You can get them at AMAZON.com or The VItaman Shoppe. Buy one can and see how you like it before you get a whole case! SOOOO GOOD!! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Feeling Cold

    For about the first 1-2 weeks I was hot, cold, hot, cold. It was horrible. Then, for about a month I was FREEZING all of the time!! Now, my hands get cold a lot, but mainly when I am at work. My office is sooo cold. When I am at home, I seem to be fine. I get cold at night time sometimes and it is weird!!! I just cover up in bed and get toasty!! My dr. said it WILL stop. It doesn't seem to be as bad now and I am 10 weeks out on Monday!! Kelly
  17. Sounds like you are on the mend!! YAY!! Everyday will get better and better!!! HUGS!! Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Post-op weakness & lifting

    I was one of the lucky ones and had a really good recovery!! I was in the hospital, had my surgery and was home the next afternoon. I did not take pain meds after leaving the hospital. I felt really weak for a few days and went to my Primary Dr. I was anemic and had to start strong Iron pills and be taken off my blood pressure meds. For about a week, I was REALLY weak!! I went back to work on day 7 after my surgery. I felt good other than being a little tired, but everyday was better!! When I was able to eat more, that was when I was really feeling good. About week 2-3. I was not allowed to lift over 10 lbs for the first 2 weeks. Then not over 20lbs from week 2-4. After 4 weeks I could lift whatever I wanted. It takes 4 weeks for you to heal internally and you should not lift over 20lbs. I didn't lift anything really but a few small grocery bags! You will know how you feel and what you can do. Just don't over do it or pick up your children!!! Walking makes you stronger and the more you can do of it the better you will feel!! Best of luck to you!! Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Hunger--the time game

    Maybe she weighs more than you do!! People that weigh more can burn a lot more calories than others by weighing less. I weigh 190 lbs (wow, did I just type that )!! And would not burn nearly as many calories in a mile walk as someone that weighs 250lbs. It sucks that I have to work twice as hard to burn as many calories, but it is true. Hope this helps.!! Kelly
  20. I started losing my hair about 3 weeks out. Like 10-20 hairs when I would brush my hair. Now at 10 weeks out, I get about 20-30 hairs when I brush after washing. It is GROSS!! And very disturbing. But I knew it was going to happen and I had long hair, so I just got it bobbed off. It doesn't seem to be as bad now! I mean it still is happening, but I don't seem to have as much now that it is shorter. I am sure that it will only get worse as time goes on, but I have really thick hair and as long as I don't go bald, which I know I won't, I will be o.k. with it. My dr. says I should think of it as my TROPHY!! LOL As far as being sick, I have NOT had one minute of nausea and have NOT thrown up once! YAY!! I am very careful to not overeat, I actually undereat my sleeve for fear of this. I also have not eaten anything I am not supposed to. I have not eaten sweets, bread, rice, pasta, etc. I stick to protein and a few fruits and well cooked veggies. That is about it! I follow my surgeons guidelines to the letter!! I never was nauseous after surgery or up till now. I am very thankful that I have not had slimes or anything. I do stop when I don't feel hungry anymore, but have NEVER felt full since I was sleeved 5/9/11!! This works for me and I will keep doing it!! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    What to say to....

    That is exactly why I chose not to say a word to anyone!! People piss me off!! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Solids.. help

    The Foster Farms Meatballs are sold in the frozen food section of the store. Like maybe witht the other meatballs or bags of frozen meat. Probably frozen meatballs. They have italian and homestyle. The homestyle is better I think. YUMMY!! 3 of them have like 16g of Protein and 2 1/2 is all I can hold at once.You will love them. Get some!! kelly
  23. kellyw74


    I ate watermelon at 4 weeks. Seedless still has seeds, so just DONT eat the seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Solids.. help

    I think you are WAY overthinking it!! I don't worry about fat in my Protein at all!! My plan does not require me to count carbs, calories, fat or anything. I do count calories, but that is about it! Here is a little list of what I eat mostly: Tuna-canned Salmon-grilled and broiled Tri-Tip -grilled Chicken-grilled and canned Hamburger/Turkeyburgers Foster Farms Meatballs Salmon Burgers Crab Cakes Eggs-boiled, scrambled Cheese-all varietys Lunchmeat sliced thin w/ laughing cow cheese spread on it Almonds Beef/Turkey Jerky Pure Protein Bars Peanut Butter-Simply Jif I am sure there is more, but this should give you a good idea of some things to try! You can also make tuna/chicken salad. YUMMM! You need to have fat in your diet. Fat burns fat. You can't do low cal, low carb, low fat. That is not possible. Just focus on your protein for now! Kelly
  25. I am 10 weeks out on Monday and can eat a whole BOILED egg, but not scrambled. It depends on the food! I can eat 2.5oz of tri-tip but ony 2oz of grilled chicken and about 3oz of salmon. There is NO WAY I could eat a whole hot pocket or lean cuisine. my nut told a story of a man that ate a whole pizza and died. wtf is wrong with these people?? i have not even tried bread, rice or a cookie. let alone a whole friggen pizza!! and candy 2 days out! WOW!! Kelly

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