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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. kellyw74

    Eating solids

    I was on liquids for 2 days, full liquids for 2 weeks, purees for 2 weeks, soft foods for 8 weeks. I will now be entering my 3rd month on MOnday and can have a regular diet!! I am STOKED to have salad!! I ate some raw veggies today and it felt great!! I also had some nuts yesterday and did fine with them! I love my sleeve!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly
  2. People said that I didn't need surgery either!! I am TALL and weighed 225 day of surgery, 280 at my highest. I was heavy, but very well porportioned. I was fat everywhere and not just my legs and stomach. When people learn I have lost 95lbs already, they are like "did you even have that much to loose???" flattering, but i didn't look that big! because i am tall! People do carry weight differntly and I am living proof of that. I definatly look different that someone that is 5ft 2in. tall that weighs the same amount. Hope this helps. kelly
  3. That is so awesome!! Good for you!! Kelly
  4. That is why you should always measure your food. If you do so, you will NEVER overeat. My plan at the stage I am at calls for 1/2 c and that is what I do at every meal. I usually can never finish it, but that is what I give myself. I know I will not eat too much doing this and will not be sick. I will continue to do this forever. Hope this helps you. Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Seeking Success Stories

    There is a Success Stories section and it is below the Post op section. Kelly
  6. kellyw74


    That is wonderful. GREAT NSV!!! And before you know it, you will be able to run up those stairs!! Kelly
  7. kellyw74


    I don't like the strawberry Watermelon, but the berry Pomegrante is tha BOMB!! Kelly
  8. I HATE Protein drinks!! The smell and taste about take me down. There are however 2 that I can handle and are soooo good. You might want to give them a try. GNC has a Wheybolic Extreme 60 chocolate that is AMAZING!! it tastes just like chocolate milk if you mix it with Silk Chocolate LIte. And has a lot of protein to boot!! Also Pure Protein makes a ready to drink strawberry Cream in a can that is awesome!!! You can find it at Vitamin Shoppe. The GNC one is on sale right now for $14.99/bag which is CHEAP. They also have single serve trial packs and the cans of pure protein are like $2 each. Try them!! Good luck! kelly
  9. kellyw74


    I agree with everyone else. I want to lose another 20 lbs, but if I don't lose another pound, I would be fine where I am. I went from a 43.2 bmi to a 28.1 bmi. I am 5ft 8 and really don't need to lose a lot more. If I got down to the crack-head weight those charts say I should be at, I would look horrible!! Kelly
  10. kellyw74


    THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!! Congrats to all of us for our improved health!! I hope it continues to get better and better!! Hugs, Kelly
  11. I don't know about clots and such, but my dr. told me that at 4 weeks your stomach is completely healed and that your risk of a leak is slim to none! Hope this helps! Kelly
  12. That was my BIGGEST fear was being sick. I HATE to throw up and feel sick like that! It didn't stop me from getting sleeved tho!! Luckly, I didn't get sick or nausea. I am 11 weeks out and still have not been!! YAY The worst thing for me was the gas!! OMG!! IT WAS BAD!! I felt horrible and could not even sit up straight. I didn't have pain from the surgery at all. It was all gas in my belly!! It lasted about 3 days and then I got really bad farting! LOL, TMI i know and then diahreah for about a week!! But, it made me feel so much better!! Kelly
  13. Lose as much weight as you can pre-op!! Exercise pre-op and start practicing all of the habits you will have to carry forward after surgery BEFORE surgery. I lost 55lbs pre-op and exercised daily for 6 months before surgery. I believe this is what made me so strong for surgery and allowed me to heal quickly and not have ONE complication. Start taking your Vitamins a month before surgery. That way you get into the habit of taking them and wont forget! I followed the Protein first, 30 chews, and no drinking rule for 4 months pre-op to prepare myself for life with my sleeve. Made it much easier to adjust. Just a little advice to help you with the "other side'. Good luck! Kelly
  14. You can't go wrong with Centrum that is why their slogan is "Complete from A-Zinc" It has everything in it you need. If you can swallow pills (usually after 4 weeks you don't need chewables), get you some of that and you will be fine. That is what I take and I am great! I also take B-12, Citracal, and additional iron& Vitamin c because i am anemic. Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    gurgleing stomach

    It is all of the gas making it's way out. Eventually you will get terrible gas and the screaming me-me's and it will all go away!! My noisy tummy lasted about 3 weeks. I had HORRIBLE gas pains for 3 days HORRIBLE gas for about a week and diahreah about a week. Hang in there for a good time!! LOL Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Strange pain!?!?!?!

    I had it too after I sneezed really hard one day. Dr. said I probably pulled a stitch. It burned really bad under the skin and when I would move it REALLY hurt. It will get better in a couple weeks. Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    The Easy Way Out

    That is EXACTLY why I have told nobody but my husband. People are so IGNORANT and really piss me off!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly
  18. That was me after surgery!! I was so hot and would get like flashes. I would be fine and then just pouring with sweat and then fine and then sweaty again. It lasted for like a week or so. I think it is the anastetic coming out. Kelly
  19. Hello and welcome!! Push that Protein and keep it first!! That is what will keep you feeling satisfied the longest. Don't drink with your meals and wait 30-60 minutes before drinking after a meal!! We are all cheering you on. Keep us posted on your progress!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74


    I am a type 2 diabetic and losing weight is THE ONLY WAY to make this type of diabetes better!! I lost 55lbs pre-op and within one week of having my surgery stopped taking my daily dose of 1,000 mg of Metformin. I am COMPLETLY in remission and my blood sugars remain in the high 80's to low 90's daily! Hope this helps! Kelly :D :D
  21. kellyw74

    On My Way

    LOOKIN' GOOD!!! Keep it up! Kelly
  22. I eat according to my plan. It calls for 1/2 three times a day I don't really finish all of it and it is around 2-3 oz of meat depending on what type of meat it is, I can eat more beef than chicken for some reason. I can NEVER finish a whole scrambled egg either! It is so weird. I mainy eat meat at mealtimes, but when I have Snacks, I have veggies or fruit. I can't seem to do Protein with veggie and or fruit, I get too full. I think at 4 weeks I was doing about 1/4 c at a time. Hope this helps. Oh, I also am 11 weeks out as of MOnday! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Counting protein?

    Every food is required to have the NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION listed on it packaging. Look for it on the back of the pack, can or whatever you take it out of. The serving size, calories, fat, carbs and Protein should be listed. That is where the information comes from. Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Kaiser Nicotine Test

    Yes, that test does take a while to get back. I think it was like 2 weeks. It is crazy long!! Don't worry, it will all work out. Each day is another day closer for you. Hugs, Kelly
  25. uggg apple. I am sorry. I guess that is why we are not suppose to eat that stuff. it swells BIG TIME!!! Sorry!! Feel better. Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
