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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Yes, losing your hair will happen and there isn't ANYTHING you can do to stop it. Sorry!! Taking Biotin and using fancy shampoo's are a waste of time and money! It is going to happen,but it is not noticable. You will be the only one that knows your hair is coming out. I lose about 20 hairs every morning when I wash/brush. It is gross, but I am not bald! I have a lot of hair and it is fine. I know it will stop and I am fine with it! Kelly
  2. I was really tired for about a month after surgery. I did become anemic, so not sure if that was why or not! I went back to work after a week, but I had to go to bed by 7 every night!! LOL. It will get better, your body went thru a lot and is just trying to recover! kelly
  3. kellyw74

    losing too much too fast…

    I agree with the others, you need to get some calories in!!!! I had problems getting my calories in, in the begining and my nut suggested that I get the sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast and mix it with milk. It is super yummy and has a LOT of Protein in it with the milk. I also did the LOW CARB Slim Fast shakes in the can. I will also tell you that Pure Protein makes ready to drink shakes in the can that are SUPURB!!! I hate Protein drinks because of the protein taste and these have none of that!! The strawberry and the Cookies and cream are the bomb!! Vitamin Shoppe has them by the case and also by the can. Go get one to try. unjury makes a chicken Soup that is yummy and has alot of protein in it. You can order some at unjury.com. They also have drinkable yogurt that is pretty good that would be good for you at this point. It is in the section by the yogurt. Hang in there, it DOES get better!! Good luck to you! Kelly
  4. What is a duh mean? That I am dumb?
  5. You look beautiful!! Kelly
  6. Holly, I too am a slave to the hunger. I prayed and prayed that my hunger issues would go away postop, but they did not!! I have found that switching my PPI from Nexium to Prilosec has helped TREMENDOULSLY!!!! I am not sure if it is this or time after surgery or combination of both. I am only 3 months out, so I think it is more the PPI. I still get hungy, but not like I did the frist 2 months agfter surgery. I am starting to notice that everyday is alot better and better!! Give it some time and if it doesn't improve, see if you can try other PPI's. Differnt ones work for differnt people! Good luck! Kelly
  7. Surgery Date: 5/9/11 Weight: 225 One Month Out: 6/9/11 Weight: 207 (loss 18lbs.) Two Months Out: 7/9/11 Weight:193 (loss 14lbs.) Three Months Out: 8/5/11 Weight:184 (loss 9lbs.) Total Loss=41lbs. Kelly
  8. I had my surgery 5/9/11, just a little over 3 months ago and have lost 41 lbs since surgery day. I lost 55lbs pre-op and have lost 96lbs overall. I have 19lbs till goal! :D :D Kelly
  9. not much at all! someone, i think tiffikins posted a picture that showed pens or markers of those sizes to give a demonstration of what the size difference was and it is not a big deal! do a seach and look for it! Kelly
  10. i am only 4 lbs away from my labor day goal!

  11. kellyw74

    Breakfast Meatballs

    yummmm! Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Finally a good loss!

    i think our bodies need more calories than we are putting in most of the time. when i up my calories a couple hundred a day for a few days and don't exercise for a couple days, I will drop a couple lbs. I think we overdo the calorie deficit and exercise and our bodies hold on to everything! mix it up once in a while and your body will thank you for it! Kelly
  13. That is why I LOVE Kaiser!!! I don't have to deal with the staff, I just email my dr. and he responds within 24 hours, but usually by the end of the business day! I hate snotty office biotches!! Good for you! Kelly
  14. I would first of all want to know are you taking a PPI? Also, are you eating too much at one time?? If you are eating too much then it is going to come back up. I know it is hard to wrap your head around, but some people can not do the required amount in the begining. They can only do a bite or two and it really takes some time to learn our full signals!! Sometimes we learn too late and then we vomit!! Eat SLOWLY!! Take a small bite of whatever and wait 2-3 minutes and then another wait and another...etc. You will know i between those 2-3 minutes if you have had enough. Don't eat and drink at the same time, even on liquids!!! That will make you too full and you will vomit!! Early out, I could not eat a lot of foods. They felt so tight in my chest and throat. It was from the swelling and some have lots of it, some have very little. Maybe you are just really swollen and sensitive. Are you drinking milk or milk products?? If so, lay off them for a couple days, maybe you have beome intolerant. Lots do and milk will make you vomit if you are! Your dr. is NUTS to just say BYPASS w/o trying to find out what is making you sick!! If he insists on doing that, I would find another dr.!! ASAP Keep us posted on how you are doing! Kelly
  15. Well, like I said, I never have had that happen before and I have had GERD sine 2004. I use to always take Nexium, but after surgery I switched to Prilosec because I found that it helped with the hunger issues I was having. I was starving all of the time and now when I take Prilosec, I am not! I don't ever get heartburn or anything and I feel fine, but that one incident has me thinking that maybe it was just the 3 nights of eating taco meat with mild salsa??? Too much for my 3 month of sleeve maybe?? I think if it happens again, I will either ask my dr. for Protonix or go back to the Nexium. For those that take Protonix, does it help with the hunger/stomach growling thing?? That is HUGE for me and I really do not feel so hungry on the Prilosec. Thanks so much! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Did any of you ever wonder...

    I had huge dobuts pre-op and my dr. assured me that I would be successful because I had been so successful in the past at losing (just couldn't keep off). I thought, "Am I going to fail at this too???" But like other's have stated, it can not, not work if you are feeding your sleeve Protein, veggies, then fruit if you have room!! I totally follow my dr.'s plan and I am here to tell you IT DOES WORK!! It is crazy how you might not see the lbs on the scale, but your pants will fall off of you that did fit last week! I am amazed at how many inches have come off of me in 3 months!! Granted, I have lost 40lbs since my surgery, but my inches lost are much more visable!! So, don't always go by what that scale says to measure yourself. Make sure to take measurements so you know where you started!! I didn't and wish now that I had! You WILL be amazed at how fast your waist shrinks!! Good luck to you!! KElly
  17. I did not have any "real" pain from the surgery itself, but did have ALOT of gas for about 3-4 days post-op. I didn't take any pain meds after leaving the hospital at all. I was very tired for about 3 weeks. I became severly anemic and once I got that under control and started taking lots of iron and was able to really "eat" it helped! The surgery itself is not painful. It is the moving your muscles around in your belly that hurts. It almost felt as if I had done 3,000 crunches, but trust me, it is all worth it! Kelly
  18. Good job!! I always love to hear success stories from people that are further out!! Kelly
  19. I had my surgery 5/9/11 and have lost 40lbs since then. I lost 55lbs pre-op making my total 95lbs lost! I have lost 83% of my excess weight and have gone from a size 22 to a loose 12. Don't base yourself on what other's do. You will do fine if you follow your dr.'s guidelines and exercise. Kelly
  20. I don't know how far out you are, but I am just over 3 months and I rarely get 64oz a day!! It is so hard to do when you cant drink after a meal or before or this or that! I drink all damn day and still don't get it in. I don't think you REALLY HAVE to get that much in, that is just the GOLD STANDARD for anybody. You should drink that much daily regardless of surgery or not! I think if you are drinking Water and urinating and it is not orange, you are fine! I have not had issues and my dr. told me to do my best! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Shoe Size....

    Funny you should ask!! I went and bought some new shoes last weekend and I have ALWAYS worn a 10 in a dress shoe. ALWAYS!!! Depending of my weight, I sometimes need a WIDE!! I wear a 9,5 in a tennis shoe. So, I get these really cute dress sandals for work and try on the 10W and it is HUGE on me. so I get the 9.5W, same thing! I ended up getting the 9M. My foot went down a whole size!! THAT IS CRAZY!! I have lost weight before, but never had my foot go down a whole size!! Just the width! Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    Chili on full liquid

    full liquids are: milk, Protein drinks, pudding, creamed soups w/o chunks (have to strain out), applesauce, and yogurt. NOT MUCH I KNOW! I would not do chili because of the chunks. I was allowed chili on pureed foods, but it still could not have the chunks. Kelly
  23. I ate dinner at 6 and went to bed at 8:30. That is how I usually eat. I take my PPI in the a.m. I am just going to stay clear of the spicy for a while and see if that helps. Thanks all!! Kelly
  24. also....why when we post stuff, do these ads display in our posts??? so annoying!! Kelly

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