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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. B- 3 of Shelly's Ham Fiesta Egg Bites (eggface.com) YUMMY 2 med strawberries w/ tsp of vanilla yogurt L- 2 Foster Farms Homestyle Meatballs D- 2 oz. Honeysuckle White Turkey Thigh 2 cubes cantalope S- Will have something during the day to bring protein/calorie up to my needs. Kelly
  2. Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, eggsalad, tunasalad, salmon, chickensalad, scrambled eggs, refried Beans, lunchmeats, soft cheese, meatballs, cottage cheese, Soup, Protein drinks. These are some things that will def get you through. Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Low carb versus low calorie

    I don't really count my carbs, I do track them, but don't freak out if i hit 60 in a day! BECAUSE I don't eat junk. My carbs are ALL from fruit and veggies. I don't worry about it. Oh and my vitamins! If I eat a banana, that could have 30g of carbs in it, but I don't care, it's a banana and not a donut! Hardly think I will get fat from it! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    From 300+ to Onederland!

    My goodness, you look amazing!!! Give yourself a BIG pat on the back!! Kelly
  5. I would say ask your dr., but mine recommend birth control for 2 years. Kelly
  6. Don't get upset over nothing until you know for sure. I was told the same thing kinda by my surgeon. He was kinda hesitant in the begining to do the sleeve on my because of my history with GERD. I have had it for 8 years and sometimes it was BAD!! I did not want bypass and he wouldn't do it anyway because I have to take Ibuprofen. He refused to do the band also because he hate it. Anyway, he made me do 2 upper GI's and upper endoscopy with bioposy also! I was so scared thinking they found things wrong with me. There was nothing at all wrong with me, just H PYLORI bacteria, that was all they found! Simple nasty antibotics took care of it. I actually feel alot better with my reflux after surgery than I did before. I think it helped with it. He was so afraid that it would get worse, but it really hasn't.....knock on wood!! Kelly
  7. kellyw74

    My 11th Month Sleeversary Update

    You are so friggen awesome!! Kelly
  8. kellyw74

    Pureed Meats

    You can puree meat. The best way to do it is to add a little gravy to it to make it moist. Chicken with chicken gravy is good. Meatloaf with the same-yummy. Pot roast with brown gravy-super yumm. You can buy the heinz gravy in the jar or campbells makes some in the can that is good. Good luck! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Six month stall...

    I am in the same boat too!! I was sleeved May 9th and have lost 44lbs since surgery, but 99lbs overall. I am very close to my goal and find it very hard to lose now. I have lost 1lb in 3 weeks!!! I use myfitnesspal.com faitfully daily and I exercise!! I am just a little over 3 months out and feel like I will never get there at this rate. I don't know if it is because I have such a small amount to go that it is harder, but I can tell you that is sucks! I don't eat bad carbs at all and the only carbs that I do eat are from fruits and veggies. I have not eaten bread, rice, pasta, etc. since before surgery, so I know it is not that. I also have not had any sweets. They scare me with others saying they get sick!! I follow my rules of protein, protein, protein. I just don't get it! UGHHH!!! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    What SIZE are you???

    My largest Sizes: 2-3xTops, 22W Pants, 9 Panties, 42D Bra, 8.5 Ring, 10WShoe... Me today: M Tops, 8-10 Pants, 6 Panties, 36D Bra, 7 Ring (Getting too big now), 9M Shoe. Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Spicy Food

    I too eat spicy stuff. It has only once bothered me and it was taco meat. Not really even sure if it was that, but I blame that! Woke up choking on acid. All the other times, I have been fine. I ate spicy about 4 weeks out. Kelly
  12. kellyw74


    AWESOME!! so happy for you! Kelly
  13. going to my 12 week group meeting at Kaiser today. i am actually 14 1/2 weeks out. Don't know what it is about, but wish me luck!

  14. Foster Farms meatballs are really yummy and have like 16 g protein in 3. I can only eat 2-2.5, but still that is alot. Amylu carmalized onion chicken burgers from Costco are good and juicy. I eat those alot, they have 22g of protein in 1, but are big and I can only eat 1/2. Chicken salad and tuna salad Wendy's Chili Greek yogurt-i don't like it, but lots of people do Cottage cheese Foster Farms oven roasted turkey breast lunch meat with laughing cow cheese wedge spread on it-YUMMM Oscar Meyer roast beef with the same as above Baked salmon Precious cheese stick These are just some of the things I like to eat. Hope it helps you. Kelly
  15. kellyw74

    Feeling discouraged

    I don't have that much further to goal and am finding it is really getting HARD!!! I have not lost a thing in 2 weeks and I track and exercise daily. I will not get discouraged tho, I know what I am doing is right and I will keep on keepin' on!! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Lab results

    That is SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! Kelly
  17. kellyw74

    Belly fat

    I think I can fit into an 8 because I am tall. I am 5' 8" and so alot of my 180lbs is my height? maybe more spread out?? lol Kelly
  18. For those of you that have lost large amounts of weight and are at goal or close to goal, I was wondering how on earth do you get your stomachs so flat?? I have seen people post pics in their bikin's and I wonder how they get their belly's to look so nice?? I am about 15lbs away from goal and my stomach doesn't look nearly that good!! I dobut that another 15lbs is going to make me look like that either. I don't have hanging skin or anything, but I do have abdomial fat and wonder how ya'll got rid of it?? Does it just take time to go away or do I need to crunch more? Kelly
  19. after you get sick a few times, you WILL slow down!! It's best to measure and wait a minute in between bites. that will train you. hope this helps!! Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    Hey you guys...

    good job!! YOU look great! Kelly
  21. i don't know about anyone else, but for me, I CAN and do lose weight all day long. I just have a very hard time keeping it off. That is why I had my sleeve! Kelly
  22. I had mine checked mid July, just a little over 2 months after my surgery and mine went from 224 to 178. I thought that was pretty good. Kelly
  23. UGGGH!! THe gas pains for me were the worst too!! I had gas so bad under my ribs, I could not take a deep breath. AND, I am sorry to tell you but nothing helps but time. I think it was like day 4 when mine broke loose. I started tootin' and tootin' and then I got the squirts. I was so happy to have them. But, be careful tootin, cuz you might just poop your pants. I did....3 times!! LOL, TMI!! Hope you feel better soon, cuz that gas is NO JOKE!! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    I met my first goal today

    WOW!! You look great. Congrats! KElly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
