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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. AWWW! Let me be the first to say Happy BIrthday and congrats!! How wonderful!! Kelly
  2. At 8 weeks, I could eat anything too. Some things sat a little heavy and didn't feel so good, but I could eat it without being sick. I am 4 months out today and have not been sick or had food issues at all. If the dr. says you can do it and you can, You are fine!! Kelly
  3. I am sorry that you are having such a hard time, but really, don't be so hard on yourself. You are human and the sad thing is that we have to eat!! That is what makes this so dang hard!! The good thing is a nibble or two will not make you heavy!! That is what is so great about the sleeve. YOu can have a cookie if you want one and will not get fat! Before, I would eat 10 cookies!! Can't do that now!! I am scared of getting sick from sugar, therefore, I don't go near it!! I do have sugar-free Russel Stover candy in case I should need it. I have only eaten one p.butter cup since my surgery May 9th and that was just this weekend. It was really good and could not tell it was sugar free. I suggest getting some and keeping them around for the times you NEED somthing. That way, you can have one and not feel bad about it. Hugs, Kelly
  4. 4 months out today!!

  5. Yeah, I was gonna say "ANEMIC!!" The exact same thing happened to me after surgery. I was soooo tired, pale, dizzy and just could not stay awake!! My dr. took some blood and that was the problem He gave me ferrous gluconate pills 325mg twice a day and within 2 days, I felt like a new woman!! I also take BA Iron chews a couple times a week. Now that I can eat, it has helped alot also. I had my levels rechecked 2 months later and they GREATLY improved. I am still anemic, but they are lots better!! I have very heavy periods and always have, I am sure that is what caused it. I had a period before surgery, then 4 days after surgery, I started again. That is probably what made it so bad for me. I hope you feel better soon.!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    First post op check up

    18 lbs in 11 days is AWESOME!! Keep up the good work! Kelly
  7. I think IMHO, that they just don't want you to drink soda because it really isn't good for you, period. I quit drinking the stuff 10 years before my surgery, so not a problem for me, but before that, I use to drink 6 diet pepsi's a day! So I get it!! Kelly
  8. Aww, that is so AWESOME!! we would never "judge" you. It is the little things that add up and make us so happy!! Keep up the good work! Kelly
  9. For me, I really undereat my sleeve for fear of puking. I don't really know what full really feels like! However, lately, I have been eating a little more and I have, on a few occasions felt a sensation in my throat. Just like it was sitting there. Like if I took another bite it would be bad. I also gurgle alot. That has ALWAYS been my cue to stop. I don't know if it really means anything, but that has always been when I would quit. One bite or ten. I measure my food, but never eat it all. Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    "Only" overweight--yay!!

    So happy for you!! Kelly
  11. kellyw74

    Citracal Calcium Gummies

    calcium citrate is the only form of calcium that is asborbed after sleeve surgery IF you are taking a PPI such as prilosec, zantec, pepcid, aciphex, protonix, nexium, etx. Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Citracal Calcium Gummies

    I have seen them, but have not tried them. I use the pills sometimes, I am 4 months out. I also want you to know that Bariatric Advantage has AWESOME calcium citrate chews. The lemon, chocolate and caramel ones are SOOOO YUMMY. Those are the only ones I have tried. I also use Calcet chocolate fudge and lemon. They are like little petit fours. SOOO GOOD! I mix it up with the citrate and use all of the above. Try some of the chewable ones. They are sooo good! Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    After Surgery Shock

    I never was an emoitional eater, I was a volume eater. I do get hungry and I do still want to eat, but it is different now. It is weird to explain, but eating is just not fun any more!! I can not eat much and really don't look forward to it like I used to. I do it to live now and not for entertainment. I am 4 months out on Monday and you really learn to adjust to the small portions and it really is o.k.! I make much better food choices now and don't eat crap. If I want something tho, I have it because I eat so little of anything, it really doesn't hurt my weight loss. Good luck to you! Kelly
  14. You WILL NOT be able to eat large quanties of food! That is what will make it better for you. I can not eat more than 2 oz of anything at a time! I was like that too, not so much with food food, but candy and Cookies. I would eat 10-12 oreos, 1/2 gallon of ice cream and 1/2 large bag of M&M's at one time. Just one of those items at once, not all of them!! But, now that I have my new tool, I am afraid to try anything sweet and at 4 months out have not ate anything sweet at all. I don't even miss it. I did not have this surgery to look better, I did it to improve my health as I was SICK!!!!!!!!!!!. I was SERIOUSLY killing myself slowly and had diabetes and high blood pressure. Looking better is just a bonus! Kelly
  15. I started out 280lbs and 22/24 pants and tops. It seems like the first 60-70lbs I was still wearing 20's. It was crazy for me!! I didn't understand how! Now, I am 177lbs and wear an 8!! It is like these last 35lbs or so I have gone down ALOT of inches. Hang in there and keep up the good work, those inches will start melting before your eyes! Kelly
  16. kellyw74

    Cooking for your Family

    It will be fine. You can only eat what you can eat and you will learn that very quickly! I was cooking steak for my husband when I was 2 weeks out, I couldn't eat it and I knew that if I did, I would be in the hospital! I was fine with it. Now that I will be 4 months out on Monday, I pretty much eat anything, just smaller portions of it. You will do just fine. Kelly
  17. Good for you!! Keep up the good work!! Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    Counting Sugar grams instead of Carbs?

    I don't really count carbs or sugar. I do use myfitnesspal and it does calculate this for me tho. I usually get less than 24 g of sugar a day. Kelly
  19. kellyw74


    I was soooo very scared that this procedure would not work for me because I had failed at keeping my weight off so many other times. I really don't think the sleeve will fail you if you do what you are supposed to do. you will fail it by not working it properly. if you make poor choices and feed it garbage, sure you will gain weight. keep Protein first and you will do great. I personally can not eat much more than protein if I eat the way I am supposed to. I could snack all day and eat junk, I could see how I could cheat my sleeve and re-gain my 100lbs if I wanted to, but I can't see myself doing that! Kelly
  20. I don't see myself at 280lbs, but I sure don't see myself "skinny" either. I know in my mind that I am super duper thinner than I was, I mean, 102lbs off my frame has to look a hell of a lot better! BUT, when I look at myself, I still see flaws. I still see fat, not HUGE, but fat. I probably always will. I think as women, we are just dispositioned to feel like something has to be wrong with us and being former heavy women makes it worse. I thought for sure losing a large amount of weight would make me feel great about myself. I mean, I do feel alot better and have more confidence, but I just don't think I will ever be satisfied. It is a horrible feeling! Kelly
  21. I just have days where I feel like I can eat more than other days. On Monday I ate ALOT and for the past couple, I have not been able to eat much. Kelly
  22. kellyw74

    "Starving" to death

    I am sure the only people that really starve to death are the ones in poor countries that really have nothing to eat. Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    Excersize and stalls

    You probably are NOT eating enough to compensate for the calorie burn. I know it doesn't make sense, but I went through the same thing. I was burning crazy calories 5-6 days a week and only eating like 500-700 day and losing NOTHING!! I was saddened!! I up my caloric intake to over 1,000 when I exercise. Yes, I have to snack ALOT to get those calories in and sometimes eat Protein bars, but it works! I also only exercise 2-3 days a week now instead of 6!! Try upping your calories/carbs on the days you workout. I bet you will lose! Kelly
  24. kellyw74

    Kaiser Nor Cal Patients

    I used the Richmond facility!! They ROCK!! I had my orientation in October 2010, met my surgeon, Dr. Fisher, in November 2010 and had my surgery May 9, 2011. You really can set your own pace, if you are told to lose 20 lbs and you can do that in 2 months, then you can have the surgery in 2-3 months. I just took my time and made sure it was done properly and it was what I really wanted. That is why my process took so long. Kaiser will let you pick your surgeon if you want and if you get a choice, pick him! He is AWESOME!! I really can not say enough nice things about Dr. Fisher, he is a no-nonsense type of guy and the Chief Surgeon. If you are someone that wants to just skate by to get the surgery, then he is probably not the guy for you, but if you want a REAL Dr. that will tell it to you straight and care for you the way you should be cared for, then request him!! Good luck to you! Kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
