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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MCCLB

  1. Hey I'm around your age (26 tomorrow) and I went through the same tough decision on which surgery to have. I was emailing back and forth with a woman I met who is having RNY but in the same program as me at my hospital. This is a copy and paste of one of the emails I sent her. (I know some of it may not make sense, but you get the idea). I hope this helps! Copy and pasted email... I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a few days. The cord on my laptop was frayed and sparking a little, so now I'm using my cousin's computer while I wait for a new cord. Anyway, it was so nice to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear about the gallstones they found-- but I think it's good that they can take it out during surgery. Gallstones can develop more easily in people who lose rapid amounts of weight, so you won't have to deal with that . I'm actually planning on getting the lap band, not RNY. I went back and forth on my decision so much. There are definitley pros and cons to both. I liked the idea in RNY that you can lose a lot of weight pretty quickly and since I'm so impatient, I was thinking that that might be nice. I also kind of liked the idea of dumping syndrome because it would keep me in check, but then I thought about that say in the future if I want to have a cupcake at a birthday party on a rare occasion or something like that, I don't want to be sick from it. Another thing I considered is you have to be very careful about consuming alcohol after RNY and the chance is higher of developing alcoholism. Not that I think I would become an alcoholic or anything, but I don't know if I really want to be smashed if I have one drink. Now the malabsorptive thing was back and forth for me, too. I think it's cool that you can eat things and not absorb all the calories, but then again it scares me a little not to be getting all the nutrients I need. I know in both surgeries you have to take Vitamins, but in RNY there are more, and it's a little more vital to be on top of it. Plus, like you, I want to have kids some day. I'm only 25 (26 next month) and I'm single but it's something I need to be thinking about, too. I googled 'gastric bypass and pregnancy' and was trying to read up a little bit on it and sometimes it can be hard to get all the nutrients to the baby. I'm not trying to sway your decision at all-- I just want to share what my thought process was coming to my decision. I also liked that in RNY, that your hunger hormones are changed a bit and you may not even feel hungry a lot of the time. But then again, a lot of what I eat is not because I'm actually hungry-- it's because I'm bored and it looks good and tastes good. So I think that that's more of a behavior I need to change rather than the whole hunger hormone thing. It's funny that you mentioned about the social worker suggesting therapy, because she said the same thing to me. But she also said she's supposed to basically say it to everyone, so I'm not too worried about it, lol. Ultimately after going back and forth I decided on the lap band. A lot of people say they like it because it's reversible, but that actually doesn't play into it for me. I hopefully will never have to have it reversed. I do like the fact that it's very adjustable, though. If you feel hungry and not satisfied a lot, then you can go get a fill and have more restriction. With RNY, you don't have that adjustability. Part of that lack of adjustability and control with RNY scared me because you hear about people who have lost a certain amount of weight and then gain some back and they can't adjust what they're taking in. I know everyone is different, but I like the fact that I can just get a fill if I need to to get me back on track. And I know that with lap band it takes longer to lose weight, but I've been overweight my entire life and I can wait a little longer. Also, since everyone is different, I'm hoping if I exercise most days and eat right that I can really do it faster than the statistics. Twice in my life I've lost close to 90 lbs (which I gained back both times), so I know what it takes to actually take the weight off. And I think with a lap band it will give me the extra push i need to lose even more weight and keep it off. Another small factor for me is the recovery time. I say "small factor" because it the long run, what does the recovery time really matter in exchange for your health back? But I do like that lap band has a quicker recovery time and is a safer surgery with less risk of death and complications. Another factor, like you mentioned, is the hair as well-- people with RNY are more prone to lose their hair than from lap band. My hair is very fine too, so I was kind of scared of that. But either way, they say it's only temporary, so you can wear head scarves or hats or something until it passes, if it even happens (everyone is different). Also what helped me in coming to my decision was seeing what other people say about lap band and looking at success stories and all that. I don't know if you know about it, but there is a site called lapbandtalk.com which is pretty cool and lots of topics. Another thing I looked at was youtube. There are some people on there who update once a week or more about their surgeries. I've really only watched the lap band ones, but there are people who do the same after RNY if you're interested. Some of the lap band people I like if you want to check them out are Newtoy4kt-- she started at 308 lbs and it's been like 66 weeks so far post-op for her and she's down to around 180 I think. Also there is BandedWendy who's been at her goal weight for a while now, and there's Thebandinme who gives some good info as well. It's kind of cool to see their first few video posts and then see their recent ones to really see how much they've changed and how far they've come. But like I said, if you want to watch RNY patients they have them on there too, just gotta search a little. It's funny what you said about Dr. H trying to sell you on the band. I didn't get that feeling so much, but I do remember leaving there and knowing for sure that I wanted lap band, after being undecided. Part of it too, if you have lap band-- you can always have RNY afterward if the band isn't working for you. But you can't have the band after having RNY (I don't think). Ultimately, I think you just need to go with what you're most comfortable with. And I'm really not trying to sway your decision at all-- just wanted to give you my thought process on the whole thing.
  2. MCCLB

    I gained 9 pounds!

    My surgeon's office said not to weigh yourself until about a week after surgery, specifially because you gain weight with iv fluids and whatnot. Stay off the scale for a few days and you may be pleasantly surprised when you go back on. Good luck! I'm being banded on Monday, myself. It's going to be hard staying away from that scale. I may have my sis hide it for me, lol.
  3. MCCLB


    My surgery costs around $30,000 and it's just straight up lap band with overnight hopsital stay. It is a lot of money but I am having it done at an AWESOME and prestigious hospital in Boston where Harvard med students learn. And it is being done by a surgeon who is very respected and is the head of the department of minimally invasive surgery. That all probably plays into the cost. Hopefully your insurance will cover it all like mine does. Good luck! I'll be banded on Monday. Getting excited.
  4. Oh also, if you're looking for something other than choc. shakes, I've been drinking Syntrax Nectar protein. It's made out of whey protein isolate (my nutritionist said that's the best kind) and it's 100 cal., 0 carb, and 23 g. protein per scoop. I like the Roadside Lemonade and the Pink Grapefruit flavors. I bought them at Vitamin Shoppe and you can return them there if you don't like the taste. I tried the Vanilla Torte which was nasty, and the Fuzzy Navel which was too peachy for me. Good Luck!
  5. Hi I'm on day 12 of basically the same diet as you-- one small meal like chicken and veggies/salad and Protein shakes. I haven't been sticking to it completely just out of hunger, but the when I did stray, I kept it low carb. Except on Sunday-- where I just went haywire. For my meal I've been having baked chicken and then I sautee peppers and onions and pour that on top. I've been using a little olive oil to sautee (even though I'm not supposed to, but it has 0 carbs). But you could use Water to stick to the diet. Also on a list of "free" foods is dark green kinds of lettuce. There is a balsamic vinaigrette dressing with 0 calories and 1 carb that Maple Farms makes and it's really not bad. So you could try to fill up on lettuce and use that kind of dressing. Also sugar free Jello is on my list of free foods. It's tough, but as you get closer to your surgery date it gets easier. Try to focus on getting all your water and protein in and occupy your mind. Good luck!
  6. MCCLB


    Thank you all for the responses. It makes me glad to know that I should be able to have at least a little. I'll probably start with just one and give it a little while to work and see how I feel. I definitely won't drink so much that I'll throw up, because that is the last thing I want to do while I'm still healing. My sister will be there with me too, so I can ask her to keep an eye on me, lol. It was just no fun at all at the last wedding watching everyone drinking and dancing and me being stone-cold sober, lol. And I know they're just empty calories which is why I'm definitely not going to make it a habit, but I think I can make an exception for the wedding. Thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone! I'm scheduled to be banded May 16th and I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding on May 29th. Well, I just went to my cousin's wedding this past weekend, while on the pre-op diet, and I didn't have anything to drink. Everyone was up dancing and having a good time and drinking and I was wishing I could join the party. I kept thinking the whole time-- I am SO drinking at my brother's wedding. I know I'll only be 13 days post-op, but do you think it will be unsafe to have one or two glasses of wine or non-fizzy mixed drinks? I know I should really ask my doc, but I'm afraid he'll say no, LOL. Anyway, I would love to hear from people about how long you waited or what your surgeons said. It's not that I NEED alcohol to have a good time or anything, but I think I would enjoy myself a little more if I could have one or two. Thanks! Mary
  8. MCCLB

    Too Funny!

    I would've told the bitch-- that would've shut her up, lol.
  9. I am just so excited I am finally approved. My papers were sent 4/26 and I've been calling every day checking on it. This morning they told me I am approved!!! My surgery date had already been set, so on May 16th I will officially be banded! SOOOOO EXCITED!
  10. I am getting banded May 16th, pending insurance approval (still waiting) and the only other surgery I had was to get my wisdom teeth out. I was put under general anesthesia for that, but I remember waking up during surgery. When I woke up, I felt like I couldn't breathe and I tried to tell someone, but there was all that stuff in my mouth. And I thought (since I was so drugged up) that I had to write them a note to tell them I couldn't breathe, so I tried to lift up my hand to make a motion that I needed to write something, but I could feel someone grab my wrist and hold it down. Then I was out again. I know I was fine and everything, but it was scary at the time. I'm afraid of waking up during lap band, and was wondering if anyone had? Thanks.
  11. Well in my surgery I was put under with general anesthesia and I know this for sure. It wasn't sedation-- it was general anesthesia. I had four impacted wisdom teeth and the surgeon decided on general anesthesia and I know this for certain.
  12. I was definitely under general anesthesia for the oral surgery, not just sedated. But I will definitely talk to the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Thanks.
  13. I'm on day 3 today and yesterday I had a headache as well. It's probably the blood sugar being thrown for a loop and just a lack of calories in general. I'm feeling much better today as I think my body is adjusting. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
  14. I'm on day 3 of the pre-op diet. I have to do it for 14 days, though. Try chewing some sugar-free gum and have sugar free Jello. I'm not a big veggie fan, but if you're allowed them and you like them, go for it. I do like peppers and onions so I sauteed some in Water (not oil) yesterday and added some spices and munched on those for a bit. It is definitely hard, but just remember that your surgery will be safer and easier for you and the surgeon if your liver is smaller. Also, look at it as a jump-start to your weight loss and preparation for the liquid diet you'll face post-op. It's worth it in the long run-- that's what I keep telling myself. Good luck and stay strong!
  15. Hi guys, I know how important the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver and make it a safer surgery, but did you actually complete the whole two weeks without slipping up once? I start my diet on Monday and I'm hoping I can do it without cheating. If I do cheat, maybe I'll just have a piece of grilled chicken or something. But hoping I can make it!
  16. I have not tried Unjury, but I am actually sipping on a Syntrax Nectar right now. I like the Roadside Lemonade and the Pink Grapefruit flavors. I have also tried Fuzzy Navel (which is more peach than orange, so if you like peach, you may like this) and Vanilla Torte, which I thought was nasty. I think if you order Nectar online it's around $25 but if you get it at Vitamin Shoppe you can return it if you don't like it. It's around $35 at Vitamin Shoppe, but for me it was worth it because I returned both the Fuzzy Navel (too peachy for me) and the Vanilla and got the Pink Grapefruit and Lemonade. Good Luck!
  17. MCCLB

    Fastest Lap Band Weight Loss?

    OMG 50 lbs in THREE WEEKS?!?! wow
  18. Thank you all for the advice. And you're right-- it's not worth it to cheat. I don't WANT to cheat, but we'll see if my head can overpower my stomach, lol. I am actually allowed one small meal a day-- a protein like lean chicken or fish and salad or veggies. I can substitute that for a Lean Cuisine/ Smart Ones/ Healthy Choice as long as it's not pasta-based and is meat and veggies based. But that is seriously like no food for me, as I'm guessing it's the same for you guys. I'm hoping the hunger pangs will subside though and I'll be able to get through it.
  19. Hi Guys! My name is Mary and my surgery date is set for May 16th, two days after my birthday, at the BIDMC in Boston. I'm in the waiting game for insurance approval right now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a phone call soon. They just faxed the info yesterday, so I'm reeeeally trying to be patient, but it's SO hard! I'll be starting my two-week liquid diet on Monday. I already bought some Nectar protein from Vitamin Shoppe. I had tried a sample packet of the pink grapefruit flavored Nectar protein and it wasn't bad at all! Plus it's only 100 cal, 23 g of protein, and 0 carbs! I bought the Fuzzy Navel and Vanilla flavors at Vitamin Shoppe and they told me I could return them within 30 days if I didn't like the flavors, awesome! Has everyone else tried their protein yet? Any favorites? Mary
  20. MCCLB

    After Seminar?

    My pcp referred me March 16th 2011. Surgeon's office called me to fill out a screening form. I emailed it to them to save time. They called me a few days later to schedule my first appointment on March 25th. On the day before March 24th I went to the seminar and also watched and online "webinar" that week. March 25th first appointment met with nurse and had EKG. March 28th had my social work appointment (just like the psych eval) and my ultrasound appointment. March 30th had my nutritionist visit and Medical Director visit. April 12th got a call saying I was approved for surgery (by their medical team, not by insurance yet) and scheduled surgeon visit for April 22nd. April 22nd met with surgeon and sheduled my surgery date for May 16th 2011 pending insurance approval. They had dates available as early as May 2nd and 3rd. I was lucky and got my ultrasound appointment early because of a cancellation, but it didn't take too long for me. Depends on doctors office availability, your own availability, and how many tests you need.

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